< URuthe 2 >

1 Njalo uNawomi wayelesihlobo somkakhe, umuntu oliqhawe onothileyo owosendo lukaElimeleki, lebizo lakhe lalinguBhowazi.
And [belonged] to Naomi (a relative *Q(K)*) of husband her a man mighty of wealth from [the] clan of Elimelech and name his [was] Boaz.
2 URuthe umMowabikazi wasesithi kuNawomi: Ake ngiye emasimini, ngiyekhothoza okwezikhwebu ngemva kwalowo engizathola umusa emehlweni akhe. Wasesithi kuye: Hamba, ndodakazi yami.
And she said Ruth the Moabite [woman] to Naomi let me go please the field (so I may glean *L(ah+b)*) (among the ears of grain *L(abh)*) behind [the one] whom I will find favor in view his and she said to her go O daughter my.
3 Wasehamba wafika wakhothoza ensimini ngemva kwabavuni. Waqabuka efika kungxenye yensimu kaBhowazi owayengowosendo lukaElimeleki.
And she went and she came and she gleaned in the field behind the harvesters and it chanced on chance her [the] portion of the field of Boaz who [was] from [the] clan of Elimelech.
4 Khangela-ke, uBhowazi wafika evela eBhethelehema, wasesithi kubavuni: INkosi ibe lani. Basebesithi kuye: INkosi ikubusise.
And there! Boaz [was] coming from Beth-lehem and he said to the harvesters Yahweh [be] with you and they said to him may he bless you Yahweh.
5 UBhowazi wasesithi encekwini yakhe eyayibekwe phezu kwabavuni: Le yintombi kabani?
And he said Boaz to servant his who was appointed over the harvesters [belongs] to whom? the young woman this.
6 Inceku eyayibekwe phezu kwabavuni yasiphendula yathi: Yintombi umMowabikazi eyabuya loNawomi evela elizweni lakoMowabi.
And he answered the servant who was appointed over the harvesters and he said [is] a young woman Moabite she who returned with Naomi from [the] region of Moab.
7 Yasisithi: Ake ngikhothoze ngibuthe phakathi kwezithungo ngemva kwabavuni. Ngakho ifikile, iqhubekile kusukela ekuseni kuze kube khathesi; lokuhlala kwayo endlini kuncinyane.
And she said let me glean please and I will gather among the sheaves behind the harvesters and she came and she has stayed from then this morning and until now this sitting she the house little.
8 UBhowazi wasesithi kuRuthe: Kawuzwa yini, ndodakazi yami? Ungayikhothoza kwenye insimu, futhi ungedluli usuke lapha, kodwa unamathele lapha emantombazaneni ami.
And he said Boaz to Ruth ¿ not have you heard O daughter my may not you go to glean in a field another and also not you must pass on from this [field] and thus you will stay! with female servants my.
9 Amehlo akho kawabe sensimini ayivunayo, uwalandele. Angithi ngiwalayile amajaha ukuthi angakuthinti. Nxa usuwomile uye ezimbizeni, unathe kulokhu amajaha akukhileyo.
Eyes your [be] on the field which they are harvesting! (and you will go *L(abh)*) behind them ¿ not have I commanded the young men to not to touch you and you will be thirsty and you will go to the vessels and you will drink some of [that] which they will draw! the young men.
10 Khona wathi mbo ngobuso bakhe wakhothamela emhlabathini, wathi kuye: Ngitholelani umusa emehlweni akho ukuthi unginanze lokhu ngingowezizweni?
And she fell on face her and she bowed down [the] ground towards and she said to him why? have I found favor in view your to pay regard to me (and I *L(abh)*) [am] a foreigner.
11 UBhowazi wasephendula wathi kuye: Kutshengisiwe lokutshengiswa kimi konke owakwenzela unyokozala emva kokufa kwendoda yakho, ukuthi utshiye uyihlo lonyoko lelizwe lokuzalwa kwakho, weza ebantwini owawungabazi ngaphambili.
And he answered Boaz and he said to her certainly it has been told to me all that you have done with mother-in-law your after [the] death of husband your and you left (father your *L(abh)*) and mother your and [the] land of kindred your and you came to a people which not you knew yesterday three days ago.
12 INkosi kayiwuvuze umsebenzi wakho, sengathi umvuzo wakho opheleleyo kawuvele eNkosini uNkulunkulu kaIsrayeli, oze ngaphansi kwempiko zayo ukuphephela.
May he reward Yahweh deed[s] your and may it be wage[s] your complete from with Yahweh [the] God of Israel whom you have come to take refuge under wings his.
13 Wasesithi: Ake ngithole umusa emehlweni akho, nkosi yami, ngoba ungiduduzile, njalo ngoba ukhulume enhliziyweni yencekukazi yakho, lanxa mina ngingenjengenye yencekukazi zakho.
And she said I am finding favor in view your O lord my for you have comforted me and for you have spoken to [the] heart of maidservant your and I not I am like one of maidservants your.
14 UBhowazi wathi kuye: Ngesikhathi sokudla sondela lapha, udle okwesinkwa, utshebe ucezu lwakho kuviniga. Ngakho wahlala eceleni kwabavuni, wasemkhangeza amabele akhanzingiweyo; wadla wasutha watshiya.
And he said to her Boaz to [the] time of the meal approach here and you will eat some of the food and you will dip portion your in the vinegar and she sat down from [the] side of the harvesters and he held out to her roasted grain and she ate and she was satisfied and she had excess.
15 Kwathi esukuma ukukhothoza, uBhowazi walaya amajaha akhe esithi: Myekeleni ukuthi akhothoze laphakathi kwezithungo, lingamyangisi,
And she arose to glean and he commanded Boaz servants his saying also between the sheaves she will glean and not you must humiliate her.
16 laye limhwatshele-ke ngabomu okunye ezinyandeni, likutshiye ukuze akukhothoze, lingamkhuzi.
And also indeed you will pull out for her some of the bundles of grain and you will leave [them] and she will glean and not you must rebuke her.
17 Wakhothoza-ke ensimini kwaze kwahlwa. Wabhula lokho ayekukhothozile, kwaba phose yi-efa yebhali.
And she gleaned in the field until the evening and she beat out [that] which she had gleaned and it was about an ephah barley.
18 Wakuthwala wangena emzini, loninazala wabona akukhothozileyo; wakhupha wamnika akutshiya esesuthi.
And she lifted [it] up and she went the city and she saw mother-in-law her [that] which she had gleaned and she took [it] out and she gave to her [that] which she had left over from abundance her.
19 Uninazala wasesithi kuye: Ubukhothoza ngaphi lamuhla? Usebenze ngaphi? Kabusiswe lowo okunanzeleleyo. Wasemtshela uninazala ukuthi usebenze kobani, wathi: Ibizo lalowomuntu engisebenze kuye lamuhla nguBhowazi.
And she said to her mother-in-law her where? did you glean this day and where? did you work may he be [the one who] paid regard to you blessed and she told to mother-in-law her whom she had worked with him and she said [the] name of the man whom I worked with him this day [is] Boaz.
20 UNawomi wasesithi kumalokazana wakhe: Kabusiswe yiNkosi engayekelanga umusa wayo kwabaphilayo lakwabafileyo. UNawomi wathi kuye: Lowomuntu uyisihlobo sethu esiseduze kithi, ongomunye wabahlengi bethu.
And she said Naomi to daughter-in-law her [be] blessed he by Yahweh who not he has forsaken covenant loyalty his with the living and with the dead and she said to her Naomi [is] near to us the man [is] one of kinsman-redeemer[s] our he.
21 URuthe umMowabikazi wasesithi: Ngoba laye uthe kimi: Uzanamathela emajaheni engilawo aze aqede sonke isivuno engilaso.
And she said Ruth the Moabite [woman] also - that he said to me with the servants who [belong] to me you will stay! until they have completed all the harvest which [belongs] to me.
22 UNawomi wasesithi kuRuthe umalokazana wakhe: Kuhle, ndodakazi yami, ukuthi uphume lamantombazana akhe, hlezi bakuhlangabeze kwenye insimu.
And she said Naomi to Ruth daughter-in-law her [is] good O daughter my that you will go out with female servants his and not people will molest you in a field another.
23 Wasenamathela emantombazaneni kaBhowazi, ekhothoza kwaze kwaphela isivuno sebhali lesivuno sengqoloyi. Wasehlala loninazala.
And she stayed with [the] female servants of Boaz to glean until was complete [the] harvest of the barley and [the] harvest of the wheat and she dwelt with mother-in-law her.

< URuthe 2 >