< Isambulo 16 >

1 Ngasengisizwa ilizwi elikhulu livela ethempelini, lisithi kulezo ingilosi eziyisikhombisa: Hambani, lithululele emhlabeni imiganu yolaka lukaNkulunkulu.
AND I heard a great voice saying to the seven angels, Go, and pour forth the seven vials of the wrath of Aloha upon the earth.
2 Eyokuqala yasihamba, yathululela umganu wayo emhlabeni; kwasekuvela isilonda esibi esibuhlungu ebantwini abalophawu lwesilo, labakhonza umfanekiso waso.
And the first went, and poured his vial upon the earth: and there became an ulcer, evil and painful, upon the men who had the mark of the beast of prey, and who worshipped the image of him.
3 Ingilosi yesibili yasithululela umganu wayo olwandle; lwaselusiba ligazi njengelofileyo, lawo wonke umphefumulo ophilayo wafa olwandle.
And the second angel poured his vial upon the sea; and it became blood as of the dead, and every living soul died which was in the sea.
4 Ingilosi yesithathu yasithululela umganu wayo emifuleni lemithonjeni yamanzi; yasisiba ligazi.
And the third angel poured his vial upon the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters, and they became blood.
5 Ngasengisizwa ingilosi yamanzi isithi: Ulungile, Nkosi, okhona lowayekhona lozakuba khona, ngoba wagweba lezizinto;
And I heard the angel of the waters saying, Righteous art Thou, who art, And who wast, and just; Because thou hast judged these.
6 ngoba bachitha igazi labangcwele lelabaprofethi, ubanike labo igazi ukulinatha; ngoba bafanele.
For the blood of saints and of prophets have they shed, And blood to them hast thou given to drink For they are worthy.
7 Ngasengisizwa enye elathini isithi: Yebo, Nkosi Nkulunkulu Somandla, ziqotho zilungile izigwebo zakho.
And I heard from the altar saying, Yes, Lord God Almighty! True and just is thy judgment.
8 Ingilosi yesine yasithululela umganu wayo elangeni; kwasekunikelwa kulo ukuchochombisa abantu ngomlilo.
And the fourth poured out his vial upon the sun, and it was given to him to scorch men with fire;
9 Abantu basebetshiswa yikutshisa okukhulu, basebehlambaza ibizo likaNkulunkulu olamandla phezu kwalezo izinhlupheko, njalo kabaphendukanga ukumnika udumo.
and men were scorched with great heat; and men blasphemed the name of Aloha who hath power over these plagues; and they repented not to give him glory.
10 Ingilosi yesihlanu yasithululela umganu wayo phezu kwesihlalo sobukhosi sesilo; lombuso waso wafiphazwa; basebexhanxatha inlimi zabo ngenxa yobuhlungu,
And the fifth poured his vial upon the throne of the beast of prey; and his kingdom became darkness, and they gnawed their tongues from pain;
11 basebemhlambaza uNkulunkulu wezulu ngenxa yobuhlungu babo langenxa yezilonda zabo, njalo kabaphendukanga emisebenzini yabo.
and they blasphemed the God of heaven from their pains, and from their ulcers, and repented not of their works.
12 Ingilosi yesithupha yasithululela umganu wayo emfuleni omkhulu iYufrathi; lamanzi awo atsha, ukuze ilungiswe indlela yamakhosi avela lapho eliphuma khona ilanga.
And the sixth poured his vial upon the great river Phrat, and his waters were dried, that might be prepared the way of the kings who (are) from the rising of the sun.
13 Ngasengibona kuphuma emlonyeni womgobho lemlonyeni wesilo lemlonyeni womprofethi wamanga, imimoya engcolileyo emithathu efanana lamaxoxo;
And I saw from the mouth of the dragon, and from the mouth of the beast of prey, and from the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs.
14 ngoba iyimimoya yamadimoni eyenza izibonakaliso, ephumela emakhosini omhlabathi lawomhlaba wonke, ukuwaqoqela ndawonye empini kwalolosuku olukhulu lukaNkulunkulu uSomandla.
For they are spirits of demons, working signs; they go to the kings of the whole inhabited world, to gather them to the battle of the great day of Aloha the Omnipotent.
15 Khangela, ngiyeza njengesela. Ubusisiwe olindayo, alondoloze izembatho zakhe, ukuze angahambize, njalo babone ihlazo lakhe.
And BEHOLD, I COME, as the thief. Blessed is he who watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest naked he walk, and they see his shame.
16 Basebewaqoqela ndawonye endaweni ethiwa ngesiHebheru iArmagedoni.
And they gathered them to a place which is called in Hebrew Armagedon.
17 Ingilosi yesikhombisa yasithululela umganu wayo emoyeni; kwasekuphuma ilizwi elikhulu livela ethempelini lezulu, esihlalweni sobukhosi lisithi: Sekwenzakele!
And the seventh poured his vial upon the air; and a great voice went forth from the temple, from the throne, saying, IT IS DONE.
18 Kwasekusiba khona amazwi lemidumo lemibane, kwasekusiba lokuzamazama komhlaba okukhulu, okunje okungazanga kube khona selokhu kwaba khona abantu emhlabeni, ukuzamazama komhlaba okulamandla kangaka, okukhulu kangaka.
And there were lightnings and thunders and voices, and a great movement, such as was not since men were upon earth, as this movement so great.
19 Umuzi omkhulu wasusiba yiziqamu ezintathu, lemizi yabezizwe yawa; leBhabhiloni elikhulu lakhunjulwa phambi kukaNkulunkulu, ukulinika inkezo yewayini lentukuthelo yolaka lwakhe.
And the great city became three parts, and the city of the nations fell; and Babel the great was remembered before Aloha, to give to her the cup of the wine of the fury of his wrath.
20 Sonke isihlenge sasesibaleka, lentaba azaze zatholakala.
And every island fled, and the mountains were not found.
21 Lesiqhotho esikhulu esilesisindo esinjengesethalenta, sawela phezu kwabantu sivela ezulwini; labantu bamhlambaza uNkulunkulu ngenxa yenhlupheko yesiqhotho; ngoba inhlupheko yaso yayinkulu kakhulukazi.
And great hail, as of a talent (in weight), was from heaven upon men; and men blasphemed Aloha from the plague of hail, because the plague thereof was exceeding great.

< Isambulo 16 >