< Amahubo 90 >

1 Nkosi, wena ubuyindawo yethu yokuhlala kusizukulwana lesizukulwana.
A Prayer of Moses the man of God. Lord, you have been our refuge in all generations.
2 Zingakazalwa intaba, kumbe uveze umhlaba lelizwe, ngitsho kusukela ephakadeni kuze kube sephakadeni wena unguNkulunkulu.
Before the mountains existed, and [before] the earth and the world were formed, even from age to age, You are.
3 Uyambuyisela umuntu encithakalweni, uthi: Buyelani, bantwana babantu.
Turn not man back to [his] low place, whereas you said, Return, you sons of men?
4 Ngoba iminyaka eyinkulungwane emehlweni akho injengelanga lezolo selidlulile, lanjengomlindo ebusuku.
For a thousand years in your sight are as the yesterday which is past, and as a watch in the night.
5 Uyabakhukhula, banjengobuthongo, ekuseni banjengotshani obuhlumayo.
Years shall be vanity to them: let the morning pass away as grass.
6 Ekuseni buyakhahlela, bukhule, ntambama buyasikwa, bubune.
In the morning let it flower, and pass away: in the evening let it droop, let it be withered and dried up.
7 Ngoba siqedwa yikuthukuthela kwakho, langolaka lwakho sibhujiswe.
For we have perished in your anger, and in your wrath we have been troubled.
8 Ubekile iziphambeko zethu phambi kwakho, izono zethu ezifihlakeleyo ekukhanyeni kobuso bakho.
You have set our transgressions before you: our age is in the light of your countenance.
9 Ngoba insuku zethu zonke ziyedlula elakeni lwakho; sichitha iminyaka yethu njengokubeka iphika.
For all our days are gone, and we have passed away in your wrath: our years have spun out their tale as a spider.
10 Insuku zeminyaka yethu, kuleminyaka engamatshumi ayisikhombisa kuzo; njalo uba ngenxa yamandla zingamatshumi ayisificaminwembili, kanti ukuzigqaja kwayo kuyinhlupheko losizi, ngoba aphangisa aqunywe, sibe sesiphapha sinyamalale.
[As for] the days of our years, in them are seventy years; and if [men should be] in strength, eighty years: and the greater part of them would be labor and trouble; for weakness overtakes us, and we shall be chastened.
11 Ngubani owaziyo amandla okuthukuthela kwakho? Lanjengokwesabeka kwakho lunjalo ulaka lwakho.
Who knows the power of your wrath?
12 Ngokunjalo sifundise ukubala insuku zethu, ukuze sizuze inhliziyo yenhlakanipho.
and [who knows how] to number [his days] because of the fear of your wrath? So manifest your right hand, and those that are instructed in wisdom in the heart.
13 Phenduka, Nkosi! Koze kube nini? Hawukela izinceku zakho.
Return, O Lord, how long? and be entreated concerning your servants.
14 Sisuthise ekuseni ngomusa wakho, ukuze sithabe sijabule insuku zethu zonke.
We have been satisfied in the morning with your mercy; and we did exult and rejoice:
15 Sithokozise njengokwensuku owasihlupha ngazo, iminyaka esabona okubi kuyo.
let us rejoice in all our days, in return for the days wherein you did afflict us, the years wherein we saw evil.
16 Umsebenzi wakho kawubonakale ezincekwini zakho, lenkazimulo yakho ebantwaneni bazo.
And look upon your servants, and upon your works; and guide their children.
17 Ubuhle beNkosi, uNkulunkulu wethu, kabube phezu kwethu; uqinise umsebenzi wezandla zethu kithi, yebo, umsebenzi wezandla zethu uwuqinise.
And let the brightness of the Lord our God be upon us: and do you direct for us the works of our hands.

< Amahubo 90 >