< Amahubo 86 >
1 Beka indlebe yakho, Nkosi, ungiphendule, ngoba ngingumyanga, ngiyaswela.
A Prayer. Of David. Let your ears be open to my voice, O Lord, and give me an answer; for I am poor and in need.
2 Londoloza umphefumulo wami, ngoba ngiyamesaba uNkulunkulu; wena Nkulunkulu wami, sindisa inceku yakho ekuthembayo.
Keep my soul, for I am true to you; O my God, give salvation to your servant, whose hope is in you.
3 Woba lesihawu kimi, Nkosi, ngoba ngikhala kuwe usuku lonke.
Have mercy on me, O Lord; for my cry goes up to you all the day.
4 Thokozisa umphefumulo wenceku yakho, ngoba kuwe, Nkosi, ngiyawuphakamisela umphefumulo wami.
Make glad the soul of your servant; for it is lifted up to you, O Lord.
5 Ngoba wena, Nkosi, ulungile, ungothethelelayo; umkhulu emuseni kubo bonke abakubizayo.
You are good, O Lord, and full of forgiveness; your mercy is great to all who make their cry to you.
6 Beka indlebe, Nkosi, emkhulekweni wami; ulalele ilizwi lokuncenga kwami.
O Lord, give ear to my prayer; and take note of the sound of my requests.
7 Ngosuku lokuhlupheka kwami ngizakhala kuwe, ngoba uzangiphendula.
In the day of my trouble I send up my cry to you; for you will give me an answer.
8 Kakho ofanana lawe phakathi kwabonkulunkulu, Nkosi, njalo enjengemisebenzi yakho kayikho.
There is no god like you, O Lord; there are no works like your works.
9 Izizwe zonke ozenzileyo zizakuza zikhothame phambi kwakho, Nkosi, zidumise ibizo lakho.
Let all the nations whom you have made come and give worship to you, O Lord, giving glory to your name.
10 Ngoba wena umkhulu, wenza izinto ezimangalisayo, unguNkulunkulu wena wedwa.
For you are great, and do great works of wonder; you only are God.
11 Ngifundisa indlela yakho, Nkosi, ngizahamba eqinisweni lakho; hlanganisa inhliziyo yami ukuze yesabe ibizo lakho.
Make your way clear to me, O Lord; I will go on my way in your faith: let my heart be glad in the fear of your name.
12 Ngizakudumisa, Nkosi Nkulunkulu wami, ngenhliziyo yami yonke; ngilidumise ibizo lakho kuze kube nininini.
I will give you praise, O Lord my God, with all my heart; I will give glory to your name for ever.
13 Ngoba umusa wakho phezu kwami mkhulu; njalo wakhulula umphefumulo wami esihogweni esingaphansi kakhulu. (Sheol )
For your mercy to me is great; you have taken my soul up from the deep places of the underworld. (Sheol )
14 Nkulunkulu, abazigqajayo bangivukele, lemibuthano yabalobudlwangudlwangu idinga umphefumulo wami; njalo kabakubekanga phambi kwabo.
O God, men of pride have come up against me, and the army of violent men would take my life; they have not put you before them.
15 Kodwa wena, Nkosi, unguNkulunkulu olozwelo, lolesisa, ophuza ukuthukuthela, lomkhulu emuseni leqinisweni.
But you, O Lord, are a God full of pity and forgiveness, slow to get angry, great in mercy and wisdom.
16 Phendukela kimi, ungihawukele; uyiphe inceku yakho amandla akho, usindise indodana yencekukazi yakho.
O be turned to me and have mercy on me: give your strength to your servant, and your salvation to the son of her who is your servant.
17 Ngenzela isiboniso sokuhle, ukuze labo abangizondayo babone bayangeke, ngoba wena, Nkosi, ungisizile wangiduduza.
Give me a sign for good; so that my haters may see it and be shamed; because you, Lord, have been my help and comfort.