< Amahubo 45 >

1 Inhliziyo yami iphuphuma ngendaba enhle; ngikhuluma ngezinto engizenzele inkosi; ulimi lwami lulusiba lombhali ophangisayo.
For the Leader; upon Shoshannim; a Psalm of the sons of Korah. Maschil. A Song of loves. My heart overfloweth with a goodly matter; I say: 'My work is concerning a king'; my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.
2 Umuhle kulabantwana babantu; umusa uthululwe endebeni zakho; ngenxa yalokho uNkulunkulu ukubusisile kuze kube phakade.
Thou art fairer than the children of men; grace is poured upon thy lips; therefore God hath blessed thee for ever.
3 Bhinca inkemba yakho emlenzeni, qhawe, udumo lwakho lobukhosi bakho.
Gird thy sword upon thy thigh, O mighty one, thy glory and thy majesty.
4 Lebukhosini bakho gada uphumulele, ngenxa yeqiniso lobumnene bokulunga; lesandla sakho sokunene sikufundise izinto ezesabekayo.
And in thy majesty prosper, ride on, in behalf of truth and meekness and righteousness; and let thy right hand teach thee tremendous things.
5 Imitshoko yakho ibukhali enhliziyweni yezitha zenkosi; izizwe zizakuwa ngaphansi kwakho.
Thine arrows are sharp — the peoples fall under thee — they sink into the heart of the king's enemies.
6 Isihlalo sakho sobukhosi, Nkulunkulu, ngesaphakade laphakade; intonga yakho yobukhosi iyintonga yobuqotho.
Thy throne given of God is for ever and ever; a sceptre of equity is the sceptre of thy kingdom.
7 Uthanda ukulunga, njalo uzonda ububi; ngenxa yalokho uNkulunkulu, uNkulunkulu wakho, ukugcobile ngamafutha entokozo ngaphezu kwabanakwenu.
Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated wickedness; therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.
8 Izembatho zakho zonke ziqholiwe ngemure lenhlaba lekhasiya; ezigodlweni zempondo zendlovu abakwenze wathokoza ngazo.
Myrrh, and aloes, and cassia are all thy garments; out of ivory palaces stringed instruments have made thee glad.
9 Amadodakazi amakhosi aphakathi kwabesifazana bakho abadumileyo; indlovukazi imi esandleni sokunene sakho yembethe igolide leOfiri.
Kings' daughters are among thy favourites; at thy right hand doth stand the queen in gold of Ophir.
10 Zwana, ndodakazi, unakane, ubeke indlebe yakho; ukhohlwe abantu bakini lendlu kayihlo;
'Hearken, O daughter, and consider, and incline thine ear; forget also thine own people, and thy father's house;
11 khona inkosi izalangatha ubuhle bakho; ngoba iyinkosi yakho, njalo khothama kuyo.
So shall the king desire thy beauty; for he is thy lord; and do homage unto him.
12 Lendodakazi yeTire ilesipho, labanothileyo ebantwini, bazancenga ubuso bakho.
And, O daughter of Tyre, the richest of the people shall entreat thy favour with a gift.'
13 Indodakazi yenkosi iyakhazimula yonke ngaphakathi, isembatho sayo singesegolide elelukiweyo.
All glorious is the king's daughter within the palace; her raiment is of chequer work inwrought with gold.
14 Izalethwa enkosini yembethe isembatho esifekethisiweyo; izintombi eziyilandelayo, abangane bayo, zizalethwa kuwe.
She shall be led unto the king on richly woven stuff; the virgins her companions in her train being brought unto thee.
15 Zizalethwa ngokuthaba lenjabulo, zizangena esigodlweni senkosi.
They shall be led with gladness and rejoicing; they shall enter into the king's palace.
16 Esikhundleni saboyihlo kuzakuba ngamadodana akho, uzawabeka abe yiziphathamandla emhlabeni wonke.
Instead of thy fathers shall be thy sons, whom thou shalt make princes in all the land.
17 Ibizo lakho ngizalenza likhunjulwe ezizukulwaneni zonke; ngenxa yalokho izizwe zizakudumisa kuze kube nini lanini.
I will make thy name to be remembered in all generations; therefore shall the peoples praise thee for ever and ever.

< Amahubo 45 >