< Amahubo 39 >

1 Ngathi: Ngizaqaphelisa izindlela zami, ukuze ngingoni ngolimi lwami; ngizagcina umlomo wami ngetomu, omubi esesekhona phambi kwami.
For the Leader, for Jeduthun. A Psalm of David. I said: 'I will take heed to my ways, that I sin not with my tongue; I will keep a curb upon my mouth, while the wicked is before me.'
2 Ngaba yisimungulu ngokuthula; ngathula kokuhle; lokuhlupheka kwami kwavuswa.
I was dumb with silence; I held my peace, had no comfort; and my pain was held in check.
3 Inhliziyo yami yatshisa phakathi kwami, ngisacabanga umlilo wavutha; ngakhuluma ngolimi lwami,
My heart waxed hot within me; while I was musing, the fire kindled; then spoke I with my tongue:
4 ngathi: Nkosi, ngazisa isiphetho sami lesilinganiso sensuku zami ukuthi siyini, ukuze ngazi ukuthi ngiyedlula kangakanani.
'LORD, make me to know mine end, and the measure of my days, what it is; let me know how short-lived I am.
5 Khangela, wenze insuku zami zaba yibubanzi besandla, lobudala bami bunjengento engesilutho phambi kwakho; isibili ngulowo lalowomuntu ekumeni kwakhe uyize nje. (Sela)
Behold, Thou hast made my days as hand-breadths; and mine age is as nothing before Thee; surely every man at his best estate is altogether vanity. (Selah)
6 Isibili, umuntu uhambahamba esesithunzini; isibili, bayakhathazeka ngeze; uyabuthelela, kodwa kazi ukuthi ngubani ozakubutha.
Surely man walketh as a mere semblance; surely for vanity they are in turmoil; he heapeth up riches, and knoweth not who shall gather them.
7 Pho-ke, ngilindeleni, Nkosi? Ithemba lami likuwe.
And now, Lord, what wait I for? My hope, it is in Thee.
8 Ngikhulula kuzo zonke iziphambeko zami. Ungangenzi ihlazo lesithutha.
Deliver me from all my transgressions; make me not the reproach of the base.
9 Ngaba yisimungulu, kangivulanga umlomo wami, ngoba wakwenza wena.
I am dumb, I open not my mouth; because Thou hast done it.
10 Susa uswazi lwakho kimi, ngoba ngiyaqedwa yisidutshulo sesandla sakho.
Remove Thy stroke from off me; I am consumed by the blow of Thy hand.
11 Lapho ulaya umuntu ngokukhuza ngenxa yesiphambeko, wenza ubuhle bakhe buncibilike njengenundu; isibili ngulowo lalowomuntu uyize. (Sela)
With rebukes dost Thou chasten man for iniquity, and like a moth Thou makest his beauty to consume away; surely every man is vanity. (Selah)
12 Zwana umkhuleko wami, Nkosi, ubeke indlebe ekukhaleni kwami; ungathuleli izinyembezi zami, ngoba ngingowemzini kuwe, ohlala njengowezizwe, njengabo bonke obaba.
Hear my prayer, O LORD, and give ear unto my cry; keep not silence at my tears; for I am a stranger with Thee, a sojourner, as all my fathers were.
13 Ungangihwaqeli ukuze ngihlumelele, ngingakasuki, ngingabe ngisaba khona.
Look away from me, that I may take comfort, before I go hence, and be no more.'

< Amahubo 39 >