< Amahubo 33 >

1 Thokozani eNkosini, balungileyo. Ukudumisa kubafanele abaqotho.
[A Psalm] of David. Rejoice in the Lord, you righteous; praise becomes the upright.
2 Dumisani iNkosi ngechacho, lihlabelele kuyo ngogubhu olulentambo ezilitshumi.
Praise the Lord on the harp; platy to him on a lute of ten strings.
3 Ihlabeleleni ingoma entsha, litshaye kuhle ngenhlokomo.
Sing to him a new song; play skillfully with a loud noise.
4 Ngoba ilizwi leNkosi liqotho, lomsebenzi wayo wonke ngowobuqotho.
For the word of the Lord is right; and all his works are faithful.
5 Ithanda ukulunga lesahlulelo; umhlaba ugcwele umusa weNkosi.
He loves mercy and judgment; the earth is full the mercy of the Lord.
6 Ngelizwi leNkosi amazulu enziwa, lalo lonke ibutho lawo ngomoya womlomo wayo.
By the word of the Lord the heavens were established; and all the host of them by the breath of his [mouth].
7 Ibuthelela amanzi olwandle njengenqumbi, ifake inziki eziphaleni.
Who gathers the waters of the sea as [in] a bottle; who lays up the deeps in treasuries.
8 Umhlaba wonke kawuyesabe iNkosi, bonke abakhileyo bomhlaba kabathuthumele ngayo.
Let all the earth fear the Lord; and let all that dwell in the world be moved because of him.
9 Ngoba yona yakhuluma, kwaba khona; yona yalaya, kwema.
For he spoke, and they were made; he commanded, and they were created.
10 INkosi ichitha icebo lezizwe, iphuthisa imicabango yabantu.
The Lord frustrates the counsels of the nations; he brings to nothing also the reasonings of the peoples, and brings to nothing the counsels of princes.
11 Icebo leNkosi limi kuze kube nininini, imicabango yenhliziyo yayo ezizukulwaneni ngezizukulwana.
But the counsel of the Lord endures for ever, the thoughts of his heart from generation to generation.
12 Sibusisiwe isizwe esiNkulunkulu waso yiNkosi, abantu ebakhethileyo baba yilifa layo.
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; the people whom he has chosen for his own inheritance.
13 INkosi iyakhangela phansi isemazulwini, ibone bonke abantwana babantu.
The Lord looks out of heaven; he beholds all the sons of men.
14 Isendaweni emisiweyo yokuhlala kwayo ikhangela bonke abakhileyo bomhlaba.
He looks from his prepared habitation on all the dwellers on the earth;
15 Ibumba inhliziyo yabo bonke, inanzelele zonke izenzo zabo.
who fashioned their hearts alone; who understands all their works.
16 Kayikho inkosi esindiswa yibunengi bebutho, iqhawe kalikhululwa ngamandla amakhulu.
A king is not saved by reason of a great host; and a giant shall not be delivered by the greatness of his strength.
17 Ibhiza liyize ekunqobeni, njalo kalikhululi ngobukhulu bamandla alo.
A horse is vain for safety; neither shall he be delivered by the greatness of his power.
18 Khangela, ilihlo leNkosi liphezu kwabayesabayo, kwalabo abathembela emuseni wayo,
Behold, the eyes of the Lord are on them that fear him, those that hope in his mercy;
19 ukukhulula umphefumulo wabo ekufeni, lokubaphilisa endlaleni.
to deliver their souls from death, and to keep them alive in famine.
20 Umphefumulo wethu ulindela iNkosi; ilusizo lwethu lesihlangu sethu.
Our soul waits on the Lord; for he is our helper and defender.
21 Ngoba inhliziyo yethu izathokoza kuyo, ngoba sithembele ebizweni layo elingcwele.
For our heart shall rejoice in him, and we have hoped in his holy name.
22 Umusa wakho, Nkosi, kawube phezu kwethu, njengokulindela kwethu kuwe.
Let your mercy, O Lord, be upon us, according as we have hoped in you.

< Amahubo 33 >