< Amahubo 3 >
1 Nkosi, zande kangakanani izitha zami! Banengi abangivukelayo.
“A Psalm of David, when he fled from his son Absalom.” How many, O LORD, are mine enemies! How many are they who rise up against me!
2 Banengi abathi ngomphefumulo wami: Kakulasindiso lwakhe kuNkulunkulu. (Sela)
How many are they who say of me, “There is no help for him with God”! (Pause)
3 Kodwa wena Nkosi, uyisihlangu sami, udumo lwami, lomphakamisi wekhanda lami.
But thou, O LORD! art my shield, My glory, and the lifter-up of my head.
4 Ngakhala ngelizwi lami eNkosini, yasingiphendula isentabeni yayo engcwele. (Sela)
I call upon the LORD with my voice, And he heareth me from his holy hill. (Pause)
5 Mina ngalala phansi, ngajumeka; ngavuka, ngoba iNkosi yangisekela.
I lay me down and sleep; I awake, for the LORD sustaineth me.
6 Kangiyikwesaba izinkulungwane ezilitshumi zabantu abangihanqileyo bemelana lami.
I will not fear the ten thousands of people Who on every side set themselves against me.
7 Vuka, Nkosi! Ngisindisa, Nkulunkulu wami. Ngoba zonke izitha zami uzitshayile emhlathini, wephule amazinyo ababi.
Arise, O LORD! Save me, O my God! For thou smitest the cheek of all my enemies; Thou breakest the teeth of the wicked.
8 Usindiso ngolweNkosi. Isibusiso sakho siphezu kwabantu bakho. (Sela)
Deliverance cometh from the LORD: May thy blessing be with thy people! (Pause)