< Amahubo 26 >

1 Ngahlulela, Nkosi, ngoba mina ngihambe ngobuqotho bami, njalo ngithembele eNkosini, angiyikutshelela.
Of David. O Lord, be my judge, for my behaviour has been upright: I have put my faith in the Lord, I am not in danger of slipping.
2 Ngihlola, Nkosi, ungilinge, uhlole izinso zami lenhliziyo yami.
Put me in the scales, O Lord, so that I may be tested; let the fire make clean my thoughts and my heart.
3 Ngoba uthandolomusa wakho luphambi kwamehlo ami, njalo ngihambe eqinisweni lakho.
For your mercy is before my eyes; and I have gone in the way of your good faith.
4 Kangihlalanga labantu benkohliso, kangihambelani labazenzisayo.
I have not taken my seat with foolish persons, and I do not go with false men.
5 Ngiyizondile inhlangano yabenzi bobubi, kangihlali lababi.
I have been a hater of the band of wrongdoers, and I will not be seated among sinners.
6 Ngizageza izandla zami ngokungelacala, ngizingelezele ilathi lakho, Nkosi.
I will make my hands clean from sin; so will I go round your altar, O Lord;
7 Ukuze ngizwakalise ngelizwi lokubonga, lokuze ngilandise zonke izenzo zakho ezimangalisayo.
That I may give out the voice of praise, and make public all the wonders which you have done.
8 Nkosi, ngiyayithanda inhlalo yendlu yakho, lendawo yokuhlala yenkazimulo yakho.
Lord, your house has been dear to me, and the resting-place of your glory.
9 Ungabuthi umphefumulo wami kanye lezoni, kumbe impilo yami kanye labantu abomele igazi.
Let not my soul be numbered among sinners, or my life among men of blood;
10 Ozandla zabo zilobubi, lesandla sabo sokunene sigcwele izivalamlomo.
In whose hands are evil designs, and whose right hands take money for judging falsely.
11 Kodwa mina ngizahamba ngobuqotho bami; ngihlenga, ube lomusa kimi.
But as for me, I will go on in my upright ways: be my saviour, and have mercy on me.
12 Unyawo lwami lumi endaweni elingeneyo; ngizayidumisa iNkosi emabandleni.
I have a safe resting-place for my feet; I will give praise to the Lord in the meetings of the people.

< Amahubo 26 >