< Amahubo 109 >

1 Nkulunkulu wendumiso yami, ungathuli.
For the Leader. A Psalm of David. O God of my praise, keep not silence;
2 Ngoba umlomo wokhohlakeleyo lomlomo wenkohliso uvulekile umelene lami; bakhulume lami ngolimi lwamanga.
For the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of deceit have they opened against me; they have spoken unto me with a lying tongue.
3 Bangihanqa ngamazwi enzondo, balwa bemelene lami kungelasizatho.
They compassed me about also with words of hatred, and fought against me without a cause.
4 Esikhundleni sothando lwami bayizitha zami, kodwa mina ngisemkhulekweni.
In return for my love they are my adversaries; but I am all prayer.
5 Basebengibuyisela okubi esikhundleni sokuhle, lenzondo esikhundleni sothando lwami.
And they have laid upon me evil for good, and hatred for my love:
6 Umise omubi phezu kwakhe, loSathane kame ngakwesokunene sakhe.
'Set Thou a wicked man over him; and let an adversary stand at his right hand.
7 Ekwahlulelweni kwakhe kaphume elecala; lomkhuleko wakhe ube yisono.
When he is judged, let him go forth condemned; and let his prayer be turned into sin.
8 Insuku zakhe kazibe nlutshwana; omunye athathe isikhundla sakhe.
Let his days be few; let another take his charge.
9 Abantwana bakhe kabangabi loyise, lomkakhe abe ngumfelokazi.
Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow.
10 Abantwana bakhe kabazulazule bephanza isinkwa sabo, bacele bevela emanxiweni abo.
Let his children be vagabonds, and beg; and let them seek their bread out of their desolate places.
11 Umebolekisi kabambe konke alakho, labezizweni baphange izithelo zomsebenzi wakhe.
Let the creditor distrain all that he hath; and let strangers make spoil of his labour.
12 Kungabi khona omelulela umusa, futhi kungabi khona ozwela intandane zakhe.
Let there be none to extend kindness unto him; neither let there be any to be gracious unto his fatherless children.
13 Inzalo yakhe kayiqunywe, lebizo labo lesulwe esizukulwaneni esilandelayo.
Let his posterity be cut off; in the generation following let their name be blotted out.
14 Ububi baboyise bukhunjulwe eNkosini, lesono sikanina singesulwa.
Let the iniquity of his fathers be brought to remembrance unto the LORD; and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out.
15 Kabube phambi kweNkosi njalonjalo, ukuze aqume ukukhunjulwa kwabo kusuke emhlabeni.
Let them be before the LORD continually, that He may cut off the memory of them from the earth.
16 Ngenxa yokuthi wayengakhumbuli ukwenza umusa, kodwa wazingela umuntu ohluphekayo longumyanga, lodabukileyo enhliziyweni ukumbulala.
Because that he remembered not to do kindness, but persecuted the poor and needy man, and the broken in heart he was ready to slay.
17 Njengoba wathanda ukuqalekisa, ngakho kakwehlele kuye; njengoba wayengathandi ukubusisa, ngakho kakube khatshana laye.
Yea, he loved cursing, and it came unto him; and he delighted not in blessing, and it is far from him.
18 Njengoba wagqoka isiqalekiso njengesigqoko sakhe, ngakho kakungene emibilini yakhe njengamanzi, lanjengamafutha emathanjeni akhe.
He clothed himself also with cursing as with his raiment, and it is come into his inward parts like water, and like oil into his bones.
19 Kakube kuye njengesembatho azembesa ngaso, kube libhanti azibopha ngalo njalonjalo.
Let it be unto him as the garment which he putteth on, and for the girdle wherewith he is girded continually.'
20 Lokhu kube ngumvuzo wezitha zami ovela eNkosini, lowalabo abakhuluma okubi ngomphefumulo wami.
This would mine adversaries effect from the LORD, and they that speak evil against my soul.
21 Kodwa wena, Jehova, Nkosi, ngenzela ngenxa yebizo lakho; ngoba umusa wakho ulungile, ngikhulule.
But Thou, O GOD the Lord, deal with me for Thy name's sake; because Thy mercy is good, deliver Thou me.
22 Ngoba mina ngiyisihlupheki lomyanga, lenhliziyo yami ilimele phakathi kwami.
For I am poor and needy, and my heart is wounded within me.
23 Ngedlula njengesithunzi sisiba side; ngizanyazanyiswe njengesikhonyane.
I am gone like the shadow when it lengtheneth; I am shaken off as the locust.
24 Amadolo ami ayaxega ngokuzila ukudla, lenyama yami isicakile iswela ukukhuluphala.
My knees totter through fasting; and my flesh is lean, and hath no fatness.
25 Mina sengibe lihlazo kubo, bengibona banikina ikhanda labo.
I am become also a taunt unto them; when they see me, they shake their head.
26 Ngisize, Nkosi, Nkulunkulu wami, ungisindise ngokomusa wakho.
Help me, O LORD my God; O save me according to Thy mercy;
27 Ukuze bazi ukuthi lesi yisandla sakho; wena, Nkosi, ukwenzile.
That they may know that this is Thy hand; that Thou, LORD, hast done it.
28 Kabathuke bona, kodwa wena ubusise; nxa bevuka kabayangeke, kodwa inceku yakho kayithabe.
Let them curse, but bless Thou; when they arise, they shall be put to shame, but Thy servant shall rejoice.
29 Izitha zami kazigqokiswe ngehlazo, kazizigoqele ngenhloni zazo njengesembatho.
Mine adversaries shall be clothed with confusion, and shall put on their own shame as a robe.
30 Ngizayibonga kakhulu iNkosi ngomlomo wami; njalo ngizayidumisa phakathi kwabanengi.
I will give great thanks unto the LORD with my mouth; yea, I will praise Him among the multitude;
31 Ngoba izakuma ngakwesokunene komyanga, ukumsindisa kulabo abalahla umphefumulo wakhe.
Because He standeth at the right hand of the needy, to save him from them that judge his soul.

< Amahubo 109 >