< Izaga 30 >

1 Amazwi kaAguri indodana kaJake umMasa. Umuntu wathi kuIthiyeli, kuIthiyeli loUkhali:
These things says the man to them that trust in God; and I cease.
2 Isibili, ngiyisithutha kulomuntu, kangilakuqedisisa komuntu.
For I am the most simple of all men, and there is not in me the wisdom of men.
3 Kangifundanga inhlakanipho, kangilwazi ulwazi lwabangcwele.
God has taught me wisdom, and I know the knowledge of the holy.
4 Ngubani owenyukela emazulwini njalo wehla? Ngubani oqoqe wafumbatha umoya ezandleni zakhe? Ngubani ogoqele amanzi esembathweni? Ngubani omise yonke imikhawulo yomhlaba? Lingubani ibizo lakhe, lebizo lendodana yakhe lingubani, uba usazi?
Who has gone up to heaven, and come down? who has gathered the winds in his bosom? who has wrapped up the waters in a garment? who has dominion of all the ends of the earth? what is his name? or what is the name of his children?
5 Lonke ilizwi likaNkulunkulu licwengekile; uyisihlangu kwabaphephela kuye.
For all the words of God are tried in the fire, and he defends those that reverence him.
6 Ungengezeleli emazwini akhe, hlezi akukhuze, utholwe ungumqambimanga.
Add not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be made a liar.
7 Zimbili izinto engizicele kuwe; ungangigodleli zona ngingakafi.
Two things I ask of thee; take not favour from me before I die.
8 Susa khatshana lami ize lamazwi amanga; ungangiphi ubuyanga loba inotho; ungiphe ukudla kwesabelo sami.
Remove far from me vanity and falsehood: and give me not wealth [or] poverty; but appoint me what is needful and sufficient:
9 Hlezi ngisuthe, ngikuphike ngithi: Ngubani iNkosi? Kumbe hlezi ngibe ngumyanga, ngintshontshe, ngithathe ngeze ibizo likaNkulunkulu wami.
lest I be filled and become false, and say, Who sees me? or be poor and steal, and swear [vainly] by the name of God.
10 Ungahlebi inceku enkosini yayo, hlezi ikuthuke, ube lecala.
Deliver not a servant into the hands of his master, lest he curse thee, and thou be utterly destroyed.
11 Kulesizukulwana esithuka uyise, esingabusisi unina;
A wicked generation curse their father, and do not bless their mother.
12 isizukulwana esihlambulukileyo emehlweni aso, kodwa esingahlanjululwanga engcekezeni yaso;
A wicked generation judge themselves to be just, but do not cleanse their way.
13 isizukulwana omehlo aso aphakeme kangaka, lenkophe zaso ziphakanyisiwe;
A wicked generation have lofty eyes, and exalt themselves with their eyelids.
14 isizukulwana omazinyo aso zinkemba, lesimazinyo aso omhlathi zingqamu, zokudla abayanga emhlabeni, labaswelayo ebantwini.
A wicked generation have swords [for] teeth and jaw-teeth [as] knives, so as to destroy and devour the lowly from the earth, and the poor of them from among men.
15 Umkhaza ulamadodakazi amabili athi: Phana, phana; lezizontathu kazisuthi; ezine kazitsho ukuthi: Kwanele.
The horse-leech had three dearly-beloved daughters: and these three did not satisfy her; and the fourth was not contented so as to say, Enough.
16 Ingcwaba, lesizalo esiyinyumba, umhlaba ongasuthi amanzi, lomlilo ongathi: Kwanele. (Sheol h7585)
The grave, and the love of a woman, and the earth not filled with water; water also and fire will not say, It is enough. (Sheol h7585)
17 Ilihlo eliklolodela uyise, lelidelela ukulalela unina, amawabayi esihotsha azalikopola, labantwana bamanqe bazalidla.
The eye that laughs to scorn a father, and dishonours the old age of a mother, let the ravens of the valleys pick it out, and let the young eagles devour it.
18 Lezizinto ezintathu ziyisimangaliso esikhulu kimi, yebo, ezine engingazaziyo:
Moreover there are three things impossible for me to comprehend, and the fourth I know not:
19 Indlela yokhozi emazulwini, indlela yenyoka edwaleni, indlela yomkhumbi enhliziyweni yolwandle, lendlela yejaha entombini.
the track of a flying eagle; and the ways of a serpent on a rock; and the paths of a ship passing through the sea; and the ways of a man in youth.
20 Injalo indlela yowesifazana oliwule; udla, esule umlomo wakhe, athi: Kangenzanga isiphambeko.
Such is the way of an adulterous woman, who having washed herself from what she has done, says she has done nothing amiss.
21 Ngenxa yezinto ezintathu umhlaba uyazamazama, yebo, ngenxa yezine ongezithwale:
By three thing the earth is troubled, and the fourth it cannot bear:
22 Ngenxa yesigqili nxa sibusa, lesithutha nxa sisuthi ukudla,
if a servant reign; or a fool be filled with food;
23 ngenxa yesaliwakazi nxa sendile, lencekukazi nxa iyindlalifa yenkosikazi yayo.
or if a maid-servant should cast out her own mistress; and if a hateful woman should marry a good man.
24 Lezi ezine zingezincinyane zomhlaba, kanti zihlakaniphile zenziwe zihlakaniphe:
And [there are] four very little things upon the earth, but these are wiser than the wise:
25 Ubunyonyo buyisizwe esingelamandla, kanti bulungisa ukudla kwabo ehlobo.
the ants which are weak, and [yet] prepare [their] food in summer;
26 Imbila ziyisizwe esingelamandla, kanti zimisa indlu yazo edwaleni.
the rabbits also [are] a feeble race, who make their houses in the rocks.
27 Intethe kazilankosi, kanti zonke ziphuma zehlukene ngamaviyo.
The locusts have no king, and [yet] march orderly at one command.
28 Umbankwa ubambelela ngezandla ezimbili, njalo usezigodlweni zenkosi.
And the eft, which supports itself by [its] hands, and is easily taken, dwells in the fortresses of kings.
29 Lezi ezintathu zinyathela kuhle, yebo, ezine zihamba kuhle:
And there are three things which go well, and a fourth which passes along finely.
30 Isilwane esilamandla phakathi kwenyamazana, esingeyikubuyela emuva ngenxa yobuso loba ngobukabani;
A lion's whelp, stronger than [all other] beasts, which turns not away, nor fears [any] beast;
31 inja ebhince okhalweni, kumbe impongo; lenkosi ileviyo lamabutho.
and a cock walking in boldly among the hens, and the goat leading the herd; and a king publicly speaking before a nation.
32 Uba ube yisithutha ngokuziphakamisa, njalo uba ucebe okubi, beka isandla emlonyeni.
If thou abandon thyself to mirth, and stretch forth thine hand in a quarrel, thou shalt be disgraced.
33 Ngoba ukuphehlwa kochago kuveza iphehla, lokucindezelwa kwempumulo kuveza igazi, lokucindezelwa kwentukuthelo kuveza ingxabano.
Milk out milk, and there shall be butter, and if thou wing [one's] nostrils there shall come out blood: so if thou extort words, there will come forth quarrels and strifes.

< Izaga 30 >