< Izaga 17 >

1 Ucezu olomileyo lokuthula kanye lalo lungcono kulendlu egcwele imihlatshelo lengxabano.
Better to eat a dry scrap in peace than to feast in a house full of people arguing.
2 Inceku ehlakaniphileyo izabusa phezu kwendodana eyangisayo, yehlukanise ilifa phakathi kwezelamani.
A servant who acts wisely will be put in charge of a disgraced son, and will share the family inheritance with the brothers.
3 Imbiza yokuncibilikisa ngeyesiliva, lesithando ngesegolide, kodwa iNkosi ihlola izinhliziyo.
A crucible tests silver, and a furnace tests gold, but the Lord tests the attitude of mind.
4 Umenzi wobubi ulalela indebe ekhohlakeleyo; umqambimanga ubeka indlebe olimini oluchithayo.
Evil people listen to spiteful talk, and liars pay attention to malicious words.
5 Oklolodela umyanga uthuka uMenzi wakhe; othokoza encithakalweni kayikuba msulwa.
Anyone who oppresses the poor insults their Maker, and anyone who enjoys the suffering of others will be punished.
6 Abantwana babantwana bangumqhele wabadala, lodumo lwabantwana ngoyise.
Old people are proud of their grandchildren, and children are proud of their parents.
7 Indebe elobungcwethi kayisifanelanga isithutha; kakhulu kangakanani indebe yamanga isiphathamandla.
Fine words don't suit stupid people, how much less are lies suited to a ruler.
8 Isipho siyilitshe eliligugu emehlweni abaniniso; loba ngaphi esiphendukela khona sizaphumelela.
Whoever gives a bribe thinks it's a magical stone—that wherever they turn they'll have success!
9 Osibekela isiphambeko udinga uthando, kodwa ophindaphinda udaba wehlukanisa umngane oseduze.
If you forgive a wrong you encourage friendship, but if you keep talking about it you'll lose your friend.
10 Ukukhuza kuyajula koqedisisayo kulokutshaya isithutha ngokulikhulu.
A reprimand hits a thinking person more than one hundred blows hit someone stupid.
11 Omubi udinga ububi kuphela, kodwa isithunywa esilesihluku sizathunyelwa kuye.
Evil people are only looking to rebel, so a cruel messenger will be sent to attack them.
12 Kakuthi ibhere elifelwe yimidlwane lihlangane lomuntu, kodwa hatshi isithutha ebuthutheni baso.
Better to meet a she-bear robbed of her cubs than a stupid person and their foolishness.
13 Ophindisela okubi esikhundleni sokuhle, ububi kabuyikusuka endlini yakhe.
If you repay evil for good, evil will never leave your house.
14 Ukuqala kwenkani kunjengokuvulela amanzi; ngakho yekela ingxabano ingakazivezi.
The beginning of a quarrel is like the first leak in a water dam, so drop it before a major argument bursts out.
15 Olungisisa omubi lolahla olungileyo bayisinengiso eNkosini, ngitsho bobabili.
The Lord hates it when the wicked are acquitted and the innocent condemned.
16 Kungani kulemali yokuthenga inhlakanipho esandleni sesithutha, lokhu singelangqondo?
Is there any point in stupid people trying to buy wisdom when they don't want to learn?
17 Umngane uyathanda ngaso sonke isikhathi, lomzalwane uzalelwa inhlupheko.
A true friend is always there to love you, and family provides help when troubles come.
18 Umuntu oswela ingqondo uyabambana ngezandla ukuba yisibambiso phambi kukamakhelwane wakhe.
It's not a wise idea to make a pledge and guarantee a neighbor's debt.
19 Othanda isiphambeko uthanda inkani; ophakamisa umnyango wakhe udinga ukubhujiswa.
People who love sin like to argue; those who build high gates invite destruction.
20 Olenhliziyo ephambeneyo katholi okuhle, lophambene ngolimi uwela ebubini.
People with warped minds don't succeed; those who tell lies get into trouble.
21 Ozala isithutha, sizakuba lusizi kuye; loyise wesithutha kathokozi.
A stupid son brings grief to his father; the father of a child who does stupid things has no joy.
22 Inhliziyo ethokozayo yenza kuhle njengomuthi, kodwa umoya owephukileyo womisa amathambo.
A cheerful attitude is like good medicine, but discouragement makes you sick.
23 Omubi uthatha isipho esifubeni ukuphambula izindlela zesahlulelo.
The wicked take hidden bribes to pervert the course of justice.
24 Inhlakanipho iphambi koqedisisayo, kodwa amehlo esithutha asekucineni komhlaba.
Sensible people focus on wisdom, but the eyes of stupid people are always wandering.
25 Indodana eyisiwula ilusizi kuyise, iyikubaba kowayizalayo.
A stupid son brings grief to his father and sadness to his mother who gave birth to him.
26 Ukuhlawulisa olungileyo lakho kakulunganga, lokutshaya iziphathamandla ngenxa yobuqotho.
It's not right to impose a fine on someone who's innocent or to flog good leaders for their honesty.
27 Owazi ulwazi ugodla amazwi akhe; umuntu oqedisisayo ulomoya opholileyo.
If you're wise, you'll be careful what you say; and if you're sensible, you'll keep your temper.
28 Isithutha esithuleyo laso sithiwa sihlakaniphile; ovala indebe zakhe uthiwa uyaqedisisa.
Even stupid people who keep quiet are considered wise; if they don't say anything they appear intelligent.

< Izaga 17 >