< UMakho 6 >

1 Wasesuka lapho, waya emzini wakibo; abafundi bakhe basebemlandela.
Jesus went on from there and came to His hometown, accompanied by His disciples.
2 Sekufike isabatha, waqala ukufundisa esinagogeni; labanengi abamuzwayo bamangala, bathi: Zivela ngaphi lezizinto kuye? Njalo yinhlakanipho bani ayinikiweyo, ukuthi lalimisebenzi yamandla enje yenziwe ngezandla zakhe?
When the Sabbath came, He began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard Him were astonished. “Where did this man get these ideas?” they asked. “What is this wisdom He has been given? And how can He perform such miracles?
3 Lo kayisuye umbazi yini, indodana kaMariya, lomfowabo kaJakobe loJose loJudasi loSimoni? Labodadewabo kabakho yini lapha kithi? Basebekhubeka ngaye.
Isn’t this the carpenter, the son of Mary and the brother of James, Joses, Judas, and Simon? Aren’t His sisters here with us as well?” And they took offense at Him.
4 Kodwa uJesu wathi kubo: Umprofethi kasweli ukudunyiswa, ngaphandle kwelizweni lakibo, lezihlotsheni zakhe lendlini yakwabo.
Then Jesus said to them, “Only in his hometown, among his relatives, and in his own household is a prophet without honor.”
5 Futhi wayengelakho ukwenza lowodwa umsebenzi wamandla lapho, ngaphandle kokubeka izandla phezu kwabagulayo abalutshwana, wabasilisa.
So He could not perform any miracles there, except to lay His hands on a few of the sick and heal them.
6 Wasemangala ngokungakholwa kwabo. Wabhodabhoda imizana efundisa.
And He was amazed at their unbelief. And He went around from village to village, teaching the people.
7 Wasebizela kuye abalitshumi lambili, waqala ukubathuma ngababili ngababili, wabanika amandla phezu kwabomoya abangcolileyo.
Then Jesus called the Twelve to Him and began to send them out two by two, giving them authority over unclean spirits.
8 Wabalaya ukuthi bangaphathi lutho lwendlela, ngaphandle kodondolo kuphela; lasikhwama, lasinkwa, lamali ezwezweni;
He instructed them to take nothing but a staff for the journey—no bread, no bag, no money in their belts—
9 kodwa bafake amanyathela; futhi bangembathi izembatho ezimbili.
and to wear sandals, but not a second tunic.
10 Wasesithi kubo: Lapho elingena khona endlini, hlalani kiyo lize liphume khona.
And He told them, “When you enter a house, stay there until you leave that area.
11 Njalo loba ngobani abangayikulemukela, kumbe balizwe, nxa liphuma lapho, thintithani uthuli olungaphansi kwenyawo zenu kube yibufakazi kubo. Ngiqinisile ngithi kini: Kuzakuba lula eSodoma kumbe laseGomora ngosuku lwesigwebo, kulakulowomuzi.
If anyone will not welcome you or listen to you, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that place, as a testimony against them.”
12 Sebephumile batshumayela ukuthi baphenduke;
So they set out and preached that the people should repent.
13 bakhupha amadimoni amanengi, bagcoba abanengi abagulayo ngamagcobo babasilisa.
They also drove out many demons and healed many of the sick, anointing them with oil.
14 Inkosi uHerodi wasesizwa ngakho, ngoba ibizo lakhe laba sobala, wasesithi: UJohane owabhabhathizayo uvukile kwabafileyo, futhi kungakho lamandla esebenza kuye.
Now King Herod heard about this, for Jesus’ name had become well known, and people were saying, “John the Baptist has risen from the dead! That is why miraculous powers are at work in him.”
15 Abanye bathi: UnguElija; labanye bathi: Ungumprofethi, kumbe unjengomunye wabaprofethi.
Others were saying, “He is Elijah,” and still others, “He is a prophet, like one of the prophets of old.”
16 Kodwa uHerodi esezwile wathi: Lo nguJohane, mina engamquma ikhanda; yena uvukile kwabafileyo.
But when Herod heard this, he said, “John, whom I beheaded, has risen from the dead!”
17 Ngoba yena uHerodi wayethumele wambamba uJohane, wambopha entolongweni, ngenxa kaHerodiyasi umkaFiliphu umfowabo, ngoba wayemthethe.
For Herod himself had ordered that John be arrested and bound and imprisoned, on account of his brother Philip’s wife Herodias, whom Herod had married.
18 Ngoba uJohane wayethe kuHerodi: Kawuvunyelwa ukuba lomkamfowenu.
For John had been telling Herod, “It is not lawful for you to have your brother’s wife!”
19 UHerodiyasi wasembambela inhliziyo, wafuna ukumbulala; kodwa kenelisanga;
So Herodias held a grudge against John and wanted to kill him. But she had been unable,
20 ngoba uHerodi wayemesaba uJohane, esazi ukuthi uyindoda elungileyo lengcwele, wamlondoloza; lalapho emuzwa, wenza izinto ezinengi, wamuzwa ngokuthokoza.
because Herod feared John and protected him, knowing that he was a righteous and holy man. When he heard John’s words, he was greatly perplexed; yet he listened to him gladly.
21 Kwathi selufikile usuku oluhle, uHerodi ngelanga lakhe lokuzalwa wenzela izikhulu zakhe lenduna zenkulungwane labalisa beGalili ukudla kwantambama,
On Herod’s birthday, her opportunity arose. Herod held a banquet for his nobles and military commanders and the leading men of Galilee.
22 kwathi indodakazi kaHerodiyasi lo isingenile yagida, yamkholisa uHerodi lalabo ababehlezi ekudleni laye, inkosi yathi entombini: Cela kimi loba kuyini okuthandayo, njalo ngizakupha;
When the daughter of Herodias came and danced, she pleased Herod and his guests, and the king said to the girl, “Ask me for whatever you wish, and I will give it to you.”
23 wafunga kuyo esithi: Loba kuyini ongakucela kimi, ngizakunika, kuze kube yingxenye yombuso wami.
And he swore to her, “Whatever you ask of me, I will give you, up to half my kingdom!”
24 Yasiphuma isithi kunina: Ngizacelani? Yena wasesithi: Ikhanda likaJohane uMbhabhathizi.
Then she went out and asked her mother, “What should I request?” And her mother answered, “The head of John the Baptist.”
25 Njalo yahle yangena enkosini ngokuphangisa, yacela, yathi: Ngifuna ukuthi unginike khathesinje emganwini ikhanda likaJohane uMbhabhathizi.
At once the girl hurried back to the king with her request: “I want you to give me the head of John the Baptist on a platter immediately.”
26 Inkosi yasidabuka kakhulu, kodwa ngenxa yezifungo langalabo ababehlezi layo ekudleni kayithandanga ukuyilandulela.
The king was consumed with sorrow, but because of his oaths and his guests, he did not want to refuse her.
27 Njalo inkosi yahle yathuma ibutho yalaya ukuthi kulethwe ikhanda lakhe. Wasehamba wamquma ikhanda entolongweni,
So without delay, the king commanded that John’s head be brought in. He sent an executioner, who went and beheaded him in the prison.
28 waletha ikhanda lakhe ngomganu, walinika intombi; intombi yasilinika unina.
The man brought John’s head on a platter and presented it to the girl, who gave it to her mother.
29 Kwathi abafundi bakhe sebezwile beza, bathatha isidumbu sakhe, basibeka engcwabeni.
When John’s disciples heard about this, they came and took his body and placed it in a tomb.
30 Abaphostoli basebebuthana kuJesu, bambikela konke, lababekwenzile kanye lababekufundisile.
Meanwhile, the apostles gathered around Jesus and brought Him news of all they had done and taught.
31 Wasesithi kubo: Wozani lina lodwa endaweni eyinkangala, liphumule kancinyane. Ngoba babebanengi abafikayo labahambayo, futhi bengelathuba lokudla.
And He said to them, “Come with Me privately to a solitary place, and let us rest for a while.” For many people were coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat.
32 Bakhuphuka ngomkhumbi baya endaweni eyinkangala bebodwa.
So they went away in a boat by themselves to a solitary place.
33 Amaxuku asebabona besuka, labanengi bamazi, bagijimela khona kanyekanye ngenyawo bevela emizini yonke, basebebandulela, bahlangana kuye.
But many people saw them leaving and recognized them. They ran together on foot from all the towns and arrived before them.
34 Kwathi uJesu esephuma wabona ixuku elikhulu, waba lesihelo ngabo, ngoba babenjengezimvu ezingelamelusi; waseqala ukubafundisa izinto ezinengi.
When Jesus stepped ashore and saw a large crowd, He had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. And He began to teach them many things.
35 Kwathi isikhathi sesihambile, abafundi bakhe beza kuye bathi: Lindawo iyinkangala, lesikhathi sesihambile;
By now the hour was already late. So the disciples came to Jesus and said, “This is a desolate place, and the hour is already late.
36 bayekele, ukuze baye ezigabeni ezizingelezeleyo lemizaneni bazithengele izinkwa; ngoba bengelalutho abangaludla.
Dismiss the crowd so they can go to the surrounding countryside and villages and buy themselves something to eat.”
37 Wasephendula wathi kubo: Banikeni lina ukuthi badle. Basebesithi kuye: Sihambe yini siyethenga izinkwa ngabodenariyo abangamakhulu amabili, sibaphe badle?
But Jesus told them, “You give them something to eat.” They asked Him, “Should we go out and spend two hundred denarii to give all of them bread to eat?”
38 Wasesithi kubo: Lilezinkwa ezingaki? Hambani liyebona. Sebesazi bathi: Zinhlanu, lenhlanzi ezimbili.
“Go and see how many loaves you have,” He told them. And after checking, they said, “Five—and two fish.”
39 Wasebalaya ukuthi babahlalise bonke phansi ngezigaba ngezigaba etshanini obuluhlaza.
Then Jesus directed them to have the people sit in groups on the green grass.
40 Basebehlala phansi ngamaviyo ngamaviyo, ngamakhulu langamatshumi amahlanu.
So they sat down in groups of hundreds and fifties.
41 Wasethatha izinkwa ezinhlanu lenhlanzi ezimbili, ekhangela phezulu ezulwini, wabonga, wazihlephula izinkwa, wazinika abafundi bakhe ukuthi bazibeke phambi kwabo; lenhlanzi ezimbili wazabela bonke.
Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, Jesus spoke a blessing and broke the loaves. Then He gave them to His disciples to set before the people. And He divided the two fish among them all.
42 Basebesidla bonke, basutha.
They all ate and were satisfied,
43 Basebedobha izitsha ezilitshumi lambili ezagcwala imvuthu ezazisele, lokuseleyo kwenhlanzi.
and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces of bread and fish.
44 Lalabo abadlayo izinkwa, babengaba ngamadoda azinkulungwane ezinhlanu.
And there were five thousand men who had eaten the loaves.
45 Njalo wahle wacindezela abafundi bakhe ukuthi bangene emkhunjini, njalo bamqalele ukuya ngaphetsheya eBhethisayida, yena esayekela ixuku lihamba.
Immediately Jesus made His disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of Him to Bethsaida, while He dismissed the crowd.
46 Esebavalelisile, wasuka waya entabeni ukuyakhuleka.
After bidding them farewell, He went up on the mountain to pray.
47 Sekuhlwile, umkhumbi wawuphakathi kolwandle, futhi yena wayeyedwa emhlabathini.
When evening came, the boat was in the middle of the sea, and Jesus was alone on land.
48 Wababona behlupheka kakhulu ekugwedleni, ngoba umoya wawuphambene labo, wasesiza kubo sokungaba yisikhathi somlindo wesine wobusuku, ehamba phezu kolwandle; wasefuna ukubadlula.
He could see that the disciples were straining to row, because the wind was against them. About the fourth watch of the night, Jesus went out to them, walking on the sea. He intended to pass by them,
49 Sebembonile ehamba phezu kolwandle, basebecabanga ukuthi lithonga, bakhala kakhulu;
but when they saw Him walking on the sea, they cried out, thinking He was a ghost—
50 ngoba bambona bonke, bethuka. Kodwa wahle wakhuluma labo, wathi kubo: Manini isibindi; yimi, lingesabi.
for they all saw Him and were terrified. But Jesus spoke up at once: “Take courage! It is I. Do not be afraid.”
51 Wasesenyukela kubo emkhunjini, umoya wasuthula; basebesanganiseka kakhulu okwedlula amalawulo ngaphakathi, bamangala.
Then He climbed into the boat with them, and the wind died down. And the disciples were utterly astounded,
52 Ngoba babengaqedisisanga ngezinkwa; ngoba inhliziyo yabo yayilukhuni.
for they had not understood about the loaves, but their hearts had been hardened.
53 Kwathi sebechaphile bafika elizweni leGenesaretha, babophela umkhumbi ekhunjini.
When they had crossed over, they landed at Gennesaret and moored the boat.
54 Bathi sebephumile emkhunjini, bahle bamazi,
As soon as they got out of the boat, the people recognized Jesus
55 njalo bagijimela kuso sonke lesosigaba esizingelezeleyo, baqala ukubhoda bethwala abagulayo ngamathala bebasa lapho abebesizwa ukuthi ukhona.
and ran through that whole region, carrying the sick on mats to wherever they heard He was.
56 Njalo loba ngaphi angena khona emizaneni loba emizini, loba emaphandleni, babeka abagulayo emidangeni, bamncenga ukuthi bathinte umphetho wesembatho sakhe nje; njalo bonke abamthintayo basindiswa.
And wherever He went—villages and towns and countrysides—they laid the sick in the marketplaces and begged Him just to let them touch the fringe of His cloak. And all who touched Him were healed.

< UMakho 6 >