< UMalaki 4 >

1 Ngoba khangelani, luyeza usuku oluvutha njengeziko; labo bonke abazigqajayo, yebo, bonke abenza inkohlakalo bazakuba yizibi; losuku oluzayo luzabatshisa, itsho iNkosi yamabandla, ukuze lungabatshiyeli impande kumbe ugatsha.
For, behold, the day will arrive, kindled like a furnace, and all the arrogant and all those who act impiously will be stubble. And the approaching day will inflame them, says the Lord of hosts; it will leave behind for them neither root, nor sprout.
2 Kodwa kini elesaba ibizo lami, iLanga lokulunga lizaphuma lilokusilisa empikweni zalo. Njalo lizaphuma liqolotsha njengamathole esibaya.
But unto you, who fear my name, the Sun of justice will arise, and health will be in his wings. And you will go forth and leap like the calves of the herd.
3 Lizanyathelela phansi ababi, ngoba bazakuba ngumlotha ngaphansi kwengaphansi yenyawo zenu ngosuku engizakwenza, itsho iNkosi yamabandla.
And you will trample the impious, while they will be ashes under the sole of your foot, on the day that I act, says the Lord of hosts.
4 Khumbulani umlayo kaMozisi inceku yami, engamlaya wona eHorebe ngoIsrayeli wonke, izimiso lezahlulelo.
Remember the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded him on Horeb for all Israel, the precepts and the judgments.
5 Khangelani, ngizathuma uElija umprofethi kini lungakafiki usuku lweNkosi olukhulu lolwesabekayo.
Behold, I will send to you Elijah the prophet, before the arrival of the great and terrible day of the Lord.
6 Uzaphendulela-ke inhliziyo yaboyise ebantwaneni, lenhliziyo yabantwana kuboyise, hlezi ngize ngitshaye ilizwe ngesiqalekiso.
And he will turn the heart of the fathers to the sons, and the heart of the sons to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with anathema.

< UMalaki 4 >