< UJohane 16 >
1 Lezizinto ngizikhulume kini, ukuze lingakhubeki.
[Jesus continued by saying to us], “I have told you these things in order that you will not stop trusting in me [when people] ([cause you to suffer/persecute you]).
2 Bazalikhupha emasinagogeni; yebo isikhathi siyeza, lapho wonke olibulalayo ezacabanga ukuthi wenzela uNkulunkulu inkonzo.
They will not allow you to worship in (synagogues/[their] meeting places). In fact, there will be a time when anyone who kills you will think that he is serving God [by doing that].
3 Lalezizinto bazazenza kini, ngoba bengamazanga uBaba loba mina.
They will do such things because they have never known who I [really am], nor who [my] Father [is].
4 Kodwa ngikhulume lezizinto kini, ukuze lapho sesifikile isikhathi, lizikhumbule ukuthi mina ngalitshela. Kodwa lezizinto kangizikhulumanga kini kwasekuqaleni, ngoba bengilani.
I have told you these things in order that when [they start] ([to cause you to suffer]/to [persecute you]) [MTY], you will remember that I warned you. I did not tell you these things when you first started [to accompany me] [MTY] because I was with you, [and they were causing trouble for me, not for you].”
5 Kodwa khathesi ngiyahamba ngiya kongithumileyo, kanti kakho kini ongibuza ukuthi: Uya ngaphi?
“Now I am [about to] return to the one who sent me. But [I am disappointed that] none of you is asking me, ‘Where are you going?’
6 Kodwa ngoba ngikhulume lezizinto kini, usizi lugcwalise inhliziyo yenu.
Instead, because I have told you these things, you are very sad.
7 Kodwa mina ngilitshela iqiniso: Kulilungele ukuthi mina ngihambe; ngoba nxa ngingahambi, uMduduzi kayikuza kini; kodwa nxa ngihamba, ngizamthuma kini.
But the truth is that it is good for you that I am going away, because if I do not go away, the [Holy Spirit], who will (encourage/be like a legal counsel for) you will not come to you. But when I go, I will send him to you.
8 Njalo nxa esefikile yena uzaqinisekisa umhlaba ngesono langokulunga langesigwebo;
When he comes, he will prove that those who do not belong to God [MTY] [are wrong about what is] sinful and about who is really righteous and about whom [God will] judge [and condemn for their sin].
9 ngesono, ngoba kabakholwa kimi;
[He will tell people that their greatest] sin is that they do not believe in me.
10 langokulunga, ngoba ngiya kuBaba, kalisayikungibona;
[He will tell people that] because I am going [back] to my Father, and you will no longer see me, [you will know that I am the one who was truly] righteous.
11 langesigwebo, ngoba umbusi walumhlaba usegwetshiwe.
[He will tell people that the fact] that [God] has already determined that [he] will punish [Satan], the one who rules this world, shows that [some day God] will also punish [those who do not belong to him].
12 Ngiseselezinto ezinengi engingalitshela zona, kodwa lingezithwale khathesi;
I have many more things that [I would like] to tell you, but you are not able to accept them now.
13 kodwa nxa yena esefikile, uMoya weqiniso, uzalikhokhelela eqinisweni lonke; ngoba kayikuzikhulumela ngokwakhe, kodwa loba yini ayizwayo uzayikhuluma, alibikele izinto ezizayo.
But [God’s] Spirit is the one who will teach you [God’s] truth. When he comes, he will guide you so that you [understand] all [spiritual] truth. He will not speak from his own [authority]. Instead, it is the things that he hears [my Father say] that he will tell you. He will also tell you about things that will happen [later].
14 Yena uzangidumisa, ngoba uzathatha okungokwami, alibikele khona.
He will honor me by revealing my [truth] to you.
15 Konke uBaba alakho, kungokwami; yikho-ke ngisithi uzathatha okungokwami, alibikele khona.
Everything that [my] Father has is mine. That is why I said that the Spirit is able to reveal my truth to you.”
16 Okwesikhatshana futhi kaliyikungibona, kubuye kube yisikhatshana libe selingibona, ngoba mina ngiya kuBaba.
“After a short time [I will leave you, and] you will not see me. Then a short time [after that] you will see me [again].”
17 Ngakho abanye kubafundi bakhe bakhulumisana besithi: Kuyini lokho akutsho kithi: Okwesikhatshana, futhi kaliyikungibona, kubuye kube yisikhatshana libe selingibona; lokuthi: Ngoba mina ngiya kuBaba?
[So] some of us said to each other, “What does he mean by saying ‘After a short time you will not see me,’ and ‘A short time after that you will see me again’? And [what does he mean by] ‘Because I am going back to [my] Father’?”
18 Basebesithi: Kuyini lokhu akutshoyo ukuthi: Okwesikhatshana? Kasazi ukuthi utshoni.
We kept asking each other, “What [does he mean by] saying ‘After a little while’? We do not understand what he is saying.”
19 UJesu wayesesazi ukuthi babethanda ukumbuza, wasesithi kubo: Liyabuzana ngalokho yini, ukuthi ngithe: Okwesikhatshana futhi kaliyikungibona, kubuye kube yisikhatshana libe selingibona?
Jesus realized that we wanted to ask him [about that]. So he said to us, “You are asking [RHQ] each other [what I meant] when I said, ‘After a short time you will not see me, and then a short time [after that] you will see me [again].’
20 Ngiqinisile, ngiqinisile, ngithi kini: Lina lizakhala lilile, kodwa umhlaba uzathokoza; futhi lizakuba losizi lina, kodwa usizi lwenu luzaphendulwa lube yintokozo.
Listen to this carefully: [After I] ([leave you/die]), those who oppose God [MTY] will be happy, but you will be sad. But [later] you will stop being sad and you will become joyful.
21 Owesifazana nxa ebeletha ulobuhlungu, ngoba ihola lakhe selifikile; kodwa nxa esebelethe usane, kasakhumbuli ubuhlungu, ngenxa yentokozo yokuthi kuzelwe umuntu emhlabeni.
A woman who is about to bear a child feels pain, because that is [what happens] [MTY] [at] that time. But after her baby is born, she forgets that pain, because she is very joyful that her child has been born.
22 Ngakho lani-ke lilosizi khathesi; kodwa ngizabuya ngilibone, lenhliziyo yenu ithokoze, njalo kakho ongalemuka intokozo yenu.
It will be the same with you. [I will soon die and] you will be sad. But after that, I will see you again. Then you will be joyful, and no one will be able to stop you from being joyful.
23 Langalolosuku kaliyikungibuza lutho. Ngiqinisile, ngiqinisile, ngithi kini: Loba kuyini elizakucela kuBaba ebizweni lami uzalinika.
When that happens, you will not ask me any questions [about anything]. Listen to this carefully: [After that happens, my] Father will do for you anything you ask, because of his relationship with me [MTY].
24 Kuze kube khathesi kalicelanga lutho ebizweni lami; celani, lizakwemukeliswa, ukuze intokozo yenu igcwale.
Up to the present time, using my authority you have not asked [God to do] anything for you [MTY]. Now keep asking [him for things that you need. If you do that], you will receive them, and then you will be completely joyful.
25 Ngikhulume izinto lezi kini ngemifanekiso; kodwa isikhathi siyeza lapho ngingasayikukhuluma kini ngemifanekiso, kodwa ngizalitshela ngoBaba ngokucacileyo.
Although I have been speaking these things using figurative language, there will soon be a time when I will no longer use that kind of language. Instead, I will tell you plainly (about my Father/what my Father [wants]).
26 Ngalolosuku lizacela ebizweni lami; njalo kangitsho kini ukuthi ngizalicelela mina kuBaba;
At that time, you will ask [him for things] (because you belong to me/with my authority) [MTY]. I will not [need to] ask [my] Father to do what you ask.
27 ngoba uBaba uqobo uyalithanda, ngoba lina lingithandile, likholiwe ukuthi mina ngiphume kuNkulunkulu.
[My] Father himself loves you because you have loved me and because you have believed that I came from God [my Father], [so he wants you to ask] him (OR, [so he does not need anyone to persuade] him [to help you])
28 Ngiphume kuBaba, njalo ngeza emhlabeni; ngiyasuka futhi emhlabeni, ngiya kuBaba.
I came from [my] Father into this world. Very soon I will be leaving this world and going [back] to my Father.”
29 Abafundi bakhe bathi kuye: Khangela khathesi ukhuluma ngokucacileyo, njalo kawukhulumi lamfanekiso.
Then [we], his disciples, said, “Now you are speaking plainly, without using figurative language.
30 Khathesi siyazi ukuthi uyazi izinto zonke, njalo kawudingi ukuthi umuntu akubuze; ngalokhu siyakholwa ukuthi uphume kuNkulunkulu.
Now we understand that you know everything. You do not need anyone to ask you questions [about anything, because you know what we want to ask before we ask you]. That [also] leads us to believe that you came from God.”
31 UJesu wabaphendula wathi: Selikholwa yini?
Jesus replied, “Now you [RHQ] say that you believe [that I came from God].
32 Khangelani, ihola liyeza, yebo selifikile, elokuthi lihlakazeke ngulowo lalowo aye kubo, lingitshiye ngingedwa; kanti kangingedwa, ngoba uBaba ulami.
But listen! There will soon be a time, and that time is already here, when you will all run away! Each of you will run away to your own home. You will leave me, and I will be alone. But I will not [really] be alone [at that time], because [my] Father is always with me.
33 Ngikhulume lezizinto kini, ukuze libe lokuthula kimi. Emhlabeni lizakuba lenhlupheko; kodwa manini isibindi, mina ngiwunqobile umhlaba.
I have told you these things in order that you may have [inner] peace because of your relationship with me. In this world you will have trouble. But be courageous! I have defeated those who are opposed to me [MTY], and [you can defeat them, too]!”