< UJobe 1 >

1 Kwakukhona indoda elizweni leUzi, ibizo layo lalinguJobe. Leyondoda yayiphelele-ke, iqondile, imesaba uNkulunkulu, ixwaya okubi.
There was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job. He was without sin and upright, fearing God and keeping himself far from evil.
2 Yasizalelwa amadodana ayisikhombisa lamadodakazi amathathu.
And he had seven sons and three daughters.
3 Lemfuyo yayo yayiyizimvu eziyizinkulungwane eziyisikhombisa, lamakamela ayizinkulungwane ezintathu, lezipane zenkabi ezingamakhulu amahlanu, labobabhemi abasikazi abangamakhulu amahlanu, lenceku ezinengi kakhulu. Ngakho lowomuntu wayemkhulu okwedlula bonke abantu bempumalanga.
And of cattle he had seven thousand sheep and goats, and three thousand camels, and a thousand oxen, and five hundred she-asses, and a very great number of servants. And the man was greater than any of the sons of the east.
4 Njalo amadodana akhe ahamba enza idili endlini yaleyo laleyo ngosuku lwayo; athuma abiza odadewabo abathathu ukuze badle banathe lawo.
His sons regularly went to one another's houses, and every one on his day gave a feast: and at these times they sent for their three sisters to take part in their feasts with them.
5 Kwakusithi lapho esephelile amazopha ensuku zedili, uJobe athume, awangcwelise, avuke ekuseni kakhulu, anikele iminikelo yokutshiswa ngokwenani lawo wonke, ngoba uJobe wathi: Mhlawumbe amadodana ami onile, amthuka uNkulunkulu enhliziyweni yawo. Wenza njalo uJobe zonke izinsuku.
And at the end of their days of feasting, Job sent and made them clean, getting up early in the morning and offering burned offerings for them all. For, Job said, It may be that my sons have done wrong and said evil of God in their hearts. And Job did this whenever the feasts came round.
6 Kwasekusiba losuku lapho amadodana kaNkulunkulu eza ukuzimisa phambi kweNkosi, loSathane laye wafika phakathi kwawo.
And there was a day when the sons of the gods came together before the Lord, and the Satan came with them.
7 INkosi yasisithi kuSathane: Uvela ngaphi? USathane wasephendula iNkosi wathi: Ekuzulazuleni emhlabeni lekuhambahambeni kuwo.
And the Lord said to the Satan, Where do you come from? And the Satan said in answer, From wandering this way and that on the earth, and walking about on it.
8 INkosi yasisithi kuSathane: Ubekile yini inhliziyo yakho encekwini yami uJobe, ngoba kakho onjengayo emhlabeni, umuntu opheleleyo loqondileyo, owesaba uNkulunkulu loxwaya ububi?
And the Lord said to the Satan, Have you taken note of my servant Job, for there is no one like him on the earth, a man without sin and upright, fearing God and keeping himself far from evil?
9 USathane wasephendula iNkosi wathi: UJobe umesabela ize uNkulunkulu yini?
And the Satan said in answer to the Lord, Is it for nothing that Job is a god-fearing man?
10 Kawumbiyelanga yini yena lendlu yakhe lakho konke alakho inhlangothi zonke? Ubusisile umsebenzi wezandla zakhe, lezifuyo zakhe zanda kakhulu elizweni.
Have you yourself not put a wall round him and his house and all he has on every side, blessing the work of his hands, and increasing his cattle in the land?
11 Kodwa isibili yelula isandla sakho khathesi, uthinte konke alakho; sibili uzakuthuka ebusweni bakho.
But now, put out your hand against all he has, and he will be cursing you to your face.
12 INkosi yasisithi kuSathane: Khangela konke alakho kusesandleni sakho; kuphela kuye ungeluleli isandla sakho. Wasephuma uSathane phambi kweNkosi.
And the Lord said to the Satan, See, I give all he has into your hands, only do not put a finger on the man himself. And the Satan went out from before the Lord.
13 Kwasekusiba losuku lapho amadodana lamadodakazi akhe ayesidla enatha iwayini endlini yomfowabo olizibulo.
And there was a day when his sons and daughters were feasting in the house of their oldest brother,
14 Kwasekufika isithunywa kuJobe sathi: Inkabi bezilima labobabhemi besidla emaceleni azo;
And a man came to Job, and said, The oxen were ploughing, and the asses were taking their food by their side:
15 kwasekutheleka amaShebha, akuthatha, atshaya izinceku ngobukhali benkemba, njalo yimi ngedwa kuphela engiphephileyo ukuze ngikubikele.
And the men of Sheba came against them and took them away, putting the young men to the sword, and I was the only one who got away safe to give you the news.
16 Lesi sisakhuluma, kwafika lesinye, sathi: Umlilo kaNkulunkulu uwile uvela emazulwini, watshisa izimvu lezinceku, waziqeda; njalo yimi ngedwa kuphela engiphephileyo ukuze ngikubikele.
And this one was still talking when another came, and said, The fire of God came down from heaven, burning up the sheep and the goats and the young men completely, and I was the only one who got away safe to give you the news.
17 Lesi sisakhuluma, kwafika lesinye, sathi: AmaKhaladiya amise amaxuku amathathu atheleka phezu kwamakamela, awathatha, atshaya izinceku ngobukhali benkemba, njalo yimi ngedwa kuphela engiphephileyo ukuze ngikubikele.
And this one was still talking when another came, and said, The Chaldaeans made themselves into three bands, and came down on the camels and took them away, putting the young men to the sword, and I was the only one who got away safe to give you the news.
18 Lesi sisakhuluma, kwafika lesinye, sathi: Amadodana akho lamadodakazi akho bebesidla benatha iwayini endlini yomfowabo, izibulo.
And this one was still talking when another came, and said, Your sons and your daughters were feasting together in their oldest brother's house,
19 Khangela-ke, umoya omkhulu wafika uvela ngaphetsheya kwenkangala, watshaya amagumbi womane endlu, yawela phezu kwamajaha, afa; njalo yimi ngedwa kuphela engiphephileyo ukuze ngikubikele.
When a great wind came rushing from the waste land against the four sides of the house, and it came down on the young men, and they are dead; and I was the only one who got away safe to give you the news.
20 UJobe wasesukuma, wadabula ibhatshi lakhe, waphuca ikhanda lakhe, wawa emhlabathini, wakhonza;
Then Job got up, and after parting his clothing and cutting off his hair, he went down on his face to the earth, and gave worship, and said,
21 wasesithi: Ngaphuma ngize esiswini sikamama, njalo ngizabuyela khona ngize; iNkosi yapha, iNkosi ithethe; kalibusiswe ibizo leNkosi.
With nothing I came out of my mother's body, and with nothing I will go back there; the Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; let the Lord's name be praised.
22 Kukho konke lokhu uJobe konanga, kambalelanga ubuwula uNkulunkulu.
In all this Job did no sin, and did not say that God's acts were foolish.

< UJobe 1 >