< UJobe 9 >
1 UJobe wasephendula wathi:
Then responded Job, and said—
2 Ngeqiniso ngiyazi ukuthi kunjalo. Kodwa umuntu angalunga njani kuNkulunkulu?
Of a truth, I know that so it is, But how can a mortal be just with GOD?
3 Uba efisa ukuphikisana laye, kayikumphendula okukodwa phakathi kwenkulungwane.
If he choose to contend with him, he cannot answer him, one of a thousand:
4 Uhlakaniphile enhliziyweni, uqinile emandleni: Ngubani oziqinisileyo wamelana laye waphumelela?
Wise in heart, and alert in vigour, What man hath hardened himself against him, and prospered!
5 Osusa izintaba njalo zingazi, ozigenqula entukuthelweni yakhe.
Who removeth mountains, unawares, Who overturneth them in his anger;
6 Onyikinya umhlaba awususe endaweni yawo, lensika zawo zizamazame.
Who shaketh the earth, out of its place, and, the pillars thereof, shudder;
7 Olaya ilanga ukuthi lingaphumi, avalele inkanyezi ngophawu.
Who commandeth the sun, and it breaketh not forth, and, about the stars, he putteth a seal;
8 Owendlala amazulu eyedwa, anyathele phezu kwezingqonga zolwandle.
Who spreadeth out fire heavens, by himself alone! and marcheth along, on the heights of the sea;
9 Owenza iBhere, iziNja, lesiLimela, lamakamelo eningizimu.
Who made the Bear, the Giant and the Cluster, and the chambers of the south;
10 Owenza izinto ezinkulu ezingelakuhlolwa, lezimangalisayo ezingelakubalwa.
Who doeth great things, past finding out, and marvels, beyond number.
11 Khangela, uyedlula phansi kwami ngingamboni, edlulele phambili ngingamuzwa.
Lo! he cometh upon me, yet can I not see him, Yea he passeth on, yet can I not discern him.
12 Khangela, uyahluthuna, ngubani ongamnqanda? Ngubani ongathi kuye: Wenzani?
Lo! he snatcheth away, who can bring it back? Who shall say unto him, What wouldst thou do?
13 UNkulunkulu kayinqandi intukuthelo yakhe. Abasizi bakaRahabi bayakhothama phansi kwakhe.
As for GOD, if he withdraw not his anger, under him, will have submitted themselves—the proud helpers.
14 Pho-ke, mina ngingamphendula ngithini, ngikhethe amazwi ami okuqondana laye?
How much less that, I, should answer him, should choose my words with him?
15 Ebengingeke ngamphendula loba bengilungile; ngizacela isihawu kumahluleli wami.
Whom, though I were righteous, yet would I not answer, to be absolved, I would make supplication.
16 Uba bengibizile, wangiphendula, bengingayikukholwa ukuthi ubekile indlebe elizwini lami.
Though I had called, and he had answered me, I could not believe, that he would lend an ear to my voice.
17 Ngoba uyangihlifiza ngesiphepho, andise amanxeba ami kungelasizatho.
For, with a tempest, would he fall upon me, and would multiply my wounds without need;
18 Kangivumeli ukukhokha umoya, kodwa engigcwalisa ngezinto ezibabayo.
He would not suffer me to recover my breath, for he would surfeit me with bitter things.
19 Uba kungamandla, khangela, ulamandla. Njalo uba kungesahlulelo, ngubani ozangibiza?
If it regardeth vigour, bold is he! If justice, who could summon him?
20 Aluba ngilungile, umlomo wami uzangilahla; uba ngiphelele, uzakuthi ngonakele.
If I should justify myself, mine own mouth, would condemn me, —I blameless? then had it shewn me perverse.
21 Ngiphelele, angikhathaleli umphefumulo wami, ngidelela impilo yami.
I blameless? I should not know my own soul, I should despise my own life!
22 Kunye lokho, ngenxa yalokho ngithi: Uyabhubhisa olungileyo lomubi.
One thing, there is, for which cause, I have said it, The blameless and the lawless, he bringeth to an end.
23 Lapho isiswepu sibulala ngokujumayo, uzahleka ukudangala kwabangelacala.
If, a scourge, slay suddenly, at the despair of innocent ones, he mocketh.
24 Umhlaba unikelwe esandleni somubi; wembesa ubuso babehluleli bawo. Uba kungenjalo, pho, ngubani?
The earth, hath been given into the hand of a lawless one, The faces of her judges, he covereth, If not, then who is it?
25 Njalo insuku zami zilejubane kulesigijimi; ziyabaleka, kaziboni okuhle.
My days, therefore, are swifter than a runner, They have fled, they have seen no good.
26 Ziyedlula njengezikepe zomhlanga, njengokhozi olutheleka empangweni.
They have passed away with boats of paper-reed, like a vulture [which] rusheth upon food.
27 Uba ngisithi: Ngizakhohlwa ukusola kwami, ngitshiye ukunyukumala kwami, ngithokoze,
If I say, I will forget my complaint, I will lay aside my sad countenance, and brighten up,
28 ngiyesaba zonke insizi zami, ngiyazi ukuthi kawuyikungiphatha njengongelacala.
I am afraid of all my pains, I know, that thou wilt not pronounce me innocent.
29 Ngilecala mina, pho, ngizatshikatshikelelani ize?
I, shall be held guilty, —Wherefore then, in vain, should I toil?
30 Uba ngizigezisa ngamanzi eliqhwa elikhithikileyo, ngihlambulule izandla zami ngesepa,
Though I bathe myself in snow water, and cleanse, in cleanness itself, my hands,
31 khona uzangiphosela emgodini, besengisenyanywa yizigqoko zami.
Then, in a ditch, wouldst thou plunge me, and mine own clothes should abhor me:
32 Ngoba kasuye umuntu njengami ukuze ngimphendule, ukuze siye ndawonye kusahlulelo.
For he is not a man like myself, whom I might answer, nor could we come together into judgment:
33 Kakukho umqamuli phakathi kwethu ongabeka isandla sakhe phezu kwethu sobabili.
There is not, between us, a mediator, who might lay his hand upon us both.
34 Kasuse uswazi lwakhe kimi, njalo uvalo ngaye lungangethusi.
Let him take from off me his rod, and, his terror, let it not startle me:
35 Bengingakhuluma ngingamesabi, kodwa anginjalo ngokwami.
I could speak, and not be afraid of him, although, not so, am, I, in myself!