< UJobe 37 >
1 Langenxa yalokho inhliziyo yami iyathuthumela, yeqe endaweni yayo.
At this my heart trembles, beating rapidly within me!
2 Zwana lokuzwa umdumo welizwi lakhe, lomsindo ophuma emlonyeni wakhe.
Listen carefully to God's thunderous voice that rumbles as he speaks.
3 Uyakukhulula ngaphansi kwamazulu wonke, lokukhanya kwakhe kuze kube semikhawulweni yomhlaba.
He sends it across the heaven; his lightning flashes to the ends of the earth.
4 Emva kwalokho kubhonga ilizwi, uyaduma ngelizwi lokuphakama kwakhe, angakunqandi lapho kuzwakala ilizwi lakhe.
Then comes the roar of thunder, his majestic voice holding nothing back when he speaks.
5 UNkulunkulu uyaduma ngelizwi lakhe ngokumangalisayo kakhulu, wenza izinto ezinkulu, esingeziqedisise.
God's thunderous voice is wonderful! We can't comprehend the great things he does!
6 Ngoba kuliqhwa elikhithikileyo uthi: Woba semhlabeni; lakuzihlambo zezulu, lakuzihlambo zezulu elikhulu lamandla akhe.
He tells the snow to fall and the rain to pour down on the earth.
7 Uyanamathelisa isandla somuntu wonke, ukuze bazi bonke abantu bomsebenzi wakhe.
By this he stops people working so that everyone can understand what he does.
8 Inyamazana ziyangena emihomeni yazo, zihlale ezikhundleni zazo.
Even the animals take shelter and remain in their dens.
9 Isivunguzane siphuma ekamelweni leningizimu, lomqando emimoyeni yenyakatho.
The south wind blows in storms, while the north wind blows in cold weather.
10 Ngomoya kaNkulunkulu kunikwa ungqwaqwane, lamanzi abanzi abe yilitshe.
God's breath produces ice, freezing the surface of water solid.
11 Njalo uthwalisa amayezi ngobumanzi, ahlakaze iyezi lokukhanya kwakhe.
He fills the clouds with moisture; he scatters his lightning from them.
12 Njalo lona liyajikajika liphenduka ngokuqondisa kwakhe, ukuze enze konke awalaye khona, ebusweni bomhlaba emhlabathini.
They swirl around under his control; they move over all the earth as he commands.
13 Loba ngoswazi, loba ngomhlaba wakhe, loba ngomusa, uyakufikisa.
He does this to accomplish his will, either to discipline or to show his goodness.
14 Beka indlebe kukho, Jobe; mana, unanzelele imisebenzi emangalisayo kaNkulunkulu.
Listen to this, Job! Stop for a moment and consider the wonderful things God does.
15 Uyazi yini ukuthi uNkulunkulu uwalungisa nini, enze ukukhanya kwamayezi akhe kukhanye?
Do you know how God controls the clouds, or makes his lightning flash from them?
16 Uyazi yini ukulengiswa kwamayezi, izimangaliso zopheleleyo elwazini?
Do you know how clouds float in the sky—the wonderful work of him who knows everything.
17 Ukuthi izigqoko zakho zikhudumala njani, ekuthuliseni umhlaba ngomoya weningizimu?
You know how your clothes drip with sweat when the south wind brings air that is hot and heavy.
18 Uwendlalile yini amayezi kanye laye, aqine njengesibuko esibunjiweyo ngokuncibilikisa?
Can you hammer out the sky so it becomes like a molten mirror, as he does?
19 Sifundise ukuthi sizakuthini kuye; singeke silungise lutho ngenxa yomnyama.
So why don't you teach us what to tell God? We cannot make our case because we are in the dark!
20 Kungalandiswa kuye yini ukuthi ngiyakhuluma? Uba umuntu engakhuluma, isibili uzaginywa.
Should God be told that I want to speak? Anyone who wanted to would be destroyed!
21 Khathesi-ke kabakuboni ukukhanya okubenyezelayo okusemayezini, lapho umoya udlula uwahlambulula.
After all, we can't look at the sun when it blazes brightly in the sky, after the wind has cleared away the clouds.
22 Igolide livela enyakatho. KuNkulunkulu kulobukhosi obesabekayo.
Out of the north God comes shining like gold, surrounded in awesome majesty.
23 USomandla singemfumane; uphakeme ngamandla, langokwahlulela, njalo mkhulu ngokulunga; kacindezeli.
We cannot approach the Almighty for he is far beyond us in power and justice, and doing right.
24 Ngakho abantu bayamesaba; kanaki wonke owabahlakaniphileyo ngenhliziyo.
He does not act like a tyrant—no wonder people are in awe of him, though he does not value those who think they're wise.”