< UJobe 23 >

1 Wasephendula uJobe wathi:
And he answered Job and he said.
2 Lalamuhla isikhalazo sami silokubaba; isandla sami sinzima phezu kokububula kwami.
Also this day [the] rebellion of complaint my hand my it is heavy on groaning my.
3 Kungathi ngabe ngiyazi lapho engingamthola khona! Bengingeza enkundleni yakhe!
Who? will he give I knew and I will find him I will come to place his.
4 Ngibeke kuhle udaba lwami phambi kwakhe, ngigcwalise umlomo wami ngokuphikisa.
Let me set in order before him a case and mouth my let me fill arguments.
5 Bengingawazi amazwi azangiphendula ngawo, ngiqedisise azakutsho kimi.
I want to know [the] words [which] he will answer me and I want to understand what? will he say to me.
6 Uzaphikisana lami ngobukhulu bamandla yini? Hatshi, kodwa uzabeka inhliziyo yakhe kimi.
¿ With greatness of power will he conduct a case with me not surely he he will put on me.
7 Lapho oqotho angaphikisana laye; ngakho bengizaphepha phakade kumahluleli wami.
There an upright [person] [will be] reasoning with him and I will deliver to perpetuity from judge my.
8 Khangelani ngiya phambili, kodwa kakho, lemuva, kodwa kangimboni.
Here! forward I go and there not [is] he and backwards and not I perceive him.
9 Ngakwesokhohlo ekusebenzeni kwakhe, kodwa kangimboni; uyacatsha ngakwesokunene, kodwa kangimboni.
[the] left [side] When acts he and not I see [him] he turns [the] right [side] and not I see [him].
10 Kanti uyayazi indlela elami; kangihlole, ngizaphuma njengegolide.
That he knows [the] way with me he has tested me like gold I will come forth.
11 Unyawo lwami lubambelele enyathelweni lakhe, ngiyigcinile indlela yakhe, kangiphambukanga.
On step his it has taken hold foot my way his I have kept and not I have turned aside.
12 Kangisukanga lemlayweni wezindebe zakhe, ngawalondoloza amazwi omlomo wakhe okwedlula isabelo sami.
[the] commandment of Lips his and not I have ceased more than portion my I have treasured up [the] words of mouth his.
13 Kodwa yena ukokukodwa, ngubani-ke ongambuyisela emuva? Lokho umphefumulo wakhe okufisayo uyakwenza.
And he [is] one and who? will he turn back him and [that which] self his it has desired and he has done.
14 Ngoba uzaphelelisa engikumiselweyo; lezinto ezinengi ezinjalo zikuye.
For he performs decree my and like them many [are] with him.
15 Ngenxa yalokho ngitshaywa luvalo phambi kwakhe; ngicabanga, ngiyamesaba.
There-fore of him I am terrified I consider and I may be in dread from him.
16 Ngoba uNkulunkulu wenze inhliziyo yami yaphela amandla, loSomandla ungethusile.
And God he has made faint heart my and [the] Almighty he has terrified me.
17 Ngoba kangiqunywanga phambi komnyama, wagubuzela ubumnyama ebusweni bami.
For not I have been destroyed from before darkness and from before me it covers gloom.

< UJobe 23 >