< UGenesisi 24 >

1 UAbrahama wayesemdala eselezinsuku ezinengi; leNkosi yayimbusisile kukho konke.
And Abraam was old, advanced in days, and the Lord blessed Abraam in all things.
2 UAbrahama wasesithi encekwini yakhe, endala yendlu yakhe, ebusa phezu kwakho konke alakho: Ake ubeke isandla sakho ngaphansi kwethangazi lami,
And Abraam said to his servant the elder of his house, who had rule over all his possessions, Put your hand under my thigh,
3 ukuze ngikufungise ngeNkosi, uNkulunkulu wamazulu loNkulunkulu womhlaba, ukuthi kawuyikuyithathela indodana yami umfazi emadodakazini amaKhanani, engihlala phakathi kwawo;
and I will adjure you by the Lord the God of heaven, and the God of the earth, that you take not a wife for my son Isaac from the daughters of the Chananites, with whom I dwell, in the midst of them.
4 kodwa uzakuya elizweni lakithi lezihlotsheni zami, uyithathele umfazi indodana yami uIsaka.
But you shall go instead to my country, where I was born, and to my tribe, and you shall take from thence a wife for my son Isaac.
5 Inceku yasisithi kuye: Mhlawumbe owesifazana angafuni ukungilandela kulelilizwe, ngingayibuyisela lokuyibuyisela yini indodana yakho elizweni owaphuma kulo?
And the servant said to him, Shall I carry back your son to the land whence you came forth, if haply the woman should not be willing to return with me to this land?
6 UAbrahama wasesithi kuye: Qaphela ukuthi ungayibuyiseli khona indodana yami.
And Abraam said to him, Take heed to yourself that you carry not my son back there.
7 INkosi, uNkulunkulu wamazulu, eyangithatha endlini kababa lelizweni lokuzalwa kwami, eyakhuluma kimi, eyafunga kimi isithi: Ngizalinika inzalo yakho lelilizwe; yona izathuma ingilosi yayo phambi kwakho, ukuze uyithathele khona umfazi indodana yami.
The Lord the God of heaven, and the God of the earth, who took me out of my father's house, and out of the land whence I sprang, who spoke to me, and who swore to me, saying, I will give this land to you and to your seed, he shall send his angel before you, and you shall take a wife to my son from thence.
8 Kodwa uba owesifazana engafuni ukukulandela, uzakuba ukhululekile kulesisifungo sami; kuphela ungayibuyiseli indodana yami khona.
And if the woman should not be willing to come with you into this land, you shall be clear from my oath, only carry not my son there again.
9 Inceku yasibeka isandla sayo ngaphansi kwethangazi likaAbrahama inkosi yayo, yafunga kuye ngaloludaba.
And the servant put his hand under the thigh of his master Abraam, and swore to him concerning this matter.
10 Njalo inceku yasithatha amakamela alitshumi kuwo amakamela enkosi yayo, yahamba, lakho konke okuhle kwenkosi yayo kwakusesandleni sayo, yasisukuma yaya eMesopotamiya emzini kaNahori.
And the servant took ten camels of his master's camels, and [he took] of all the goods of his master with him, and he arose and went into Mesopotamia to the city of Nachor.
11 Yasiguqisa amakamela ngaphandle komuzi emthonjeni wamanzi ngesikhathi santambama, ngesikhathi sokuphuma kwabakhi bamanzi besifazana.
And he rested his camels without the city by the well of water towards evening, when damsels go forth to draw water.
12 Yasisithi: Nkosi, Nkulunkulu wenkosi yami uAbrahama, ake ungiphumelelise lamuhla, uyenzele umusa inkosi yami uAbrahama.
And he said, O Lord God of my master Abraam, prosper my way before me to day, and deal mercifully with my master Abraam.
13 Khangela, ngimi emthonjeni wamanzi, kuphuma amadodakazi amadoda omuzi ukukha amanzi.
Behold! I stand by the well of water, and the daughters of them that inhabit the city come forth to draw water.
14 Njalo kuzakuthi intombazana engizakuthi kuyo: Ake ukhothamise imbiza yakho ukuze nginathe, ibisisithi: Natha, lamakamela akho ngizawanathisa; yiyo oyimisele inceku yakho uIsaka; ngalokho-ke ngizakwazi ukuthi uyenzele umusa inkosi yami.
And it shall be, the virgin to whoever I shall say, Incline your water-pot, that I may drink, and she shall say, Drink you, and I will give your camels drink, until they shall have done drinking—even this one you have prepared for your servant Isaac, and hereby shall I know that you have dealt mercifully with my master Abraam.
15 Kwasekusithi ingakaqedi ukukhuluma, khangela-ke, uRebeka waphuma, owazalelwa uBethuweli indodana kaMilka, umkaNahori umfowabo kaAbrahama, njalo elembiza ehlombe lakhe.
And it came to pass before he had done speaking in his mind, that behold, Rebecca the daughter of Bathuel, the son of Melcha, the wife of Nachor, and [the same] the brother of Abraam, came forth, having a water-pot on her shoulders.
16 Njalo inkazana yayikhangeleka kuhle kakhulu, intombi emsulwa, okungelandoda eyaziyo; yasisehlela emthonjeni, yagcwalisa imbiza yayo, yenyuka.
And the virgin was very beautiful in appearance, she was a virgin, a man had not known her; and she went down to the well, and filled her water-pot, and came up.
17 Inceku yasigijima ukuyihlangabeza yathi: Ake unginathise amanzi amalutshwana embizeni yakho.
And the servant ran up to meet her, and said, Give me a little water to drink out of your pitcher;
18 Yasisithi: Natha, nkosi yami. Yaphangisa yehlisela imbiza yayo esandleni sayo, yayinathisa.
and she said, Drink, Sir; and she hasted, and let down the pitcher upon her arm, and gave him to drink, till he ceased drinking.
19 Isiqedile ukuyinathisa yathi: Ngizakhelela lamakamela akho aze aqede ukunatha.
And she said, I will also draw water for your camels, till they shall all have drunk.
20 Yasiphangisa yathululela isigxingi sayo emkolweni wokunathela, yabuya yagijimela emthonjeni ukuyakukha, yakhelelela amakamela ayo wonke.
And she hasted, and emptied the water-pot into the trough, and ran to the well to draw again, and drew water for all the camels.
21 Indoda yasiyikhangelisisa ithule ukuze yazi ukuthi iNkosi iyiphumelelisile indlela yayo kumbe hatshi.
And the man took great notice of her, and remained silent to know whether the Lord had made his way prosperous or not.
22 Kwasekusithi amakamela eseqedile ukunatha, indoda yasithatha icici legolide, osisindo salo sasiyingxenye yeshekeli, lamasongo amabili ezandleni zayo, isisindo sawo saba ngamashekeli alitshumi egolide.
And it came to pass when all the camels ceased drinking, that the man took golden ear-rings, each of a drachm weight, and he [put] two bracelets on her hands, their weight was ten pieces of gold.
23 Yasisithi: Uyindodakazi kabani? Ake utsho. Kukhona indawo yethu yini endlini kayihlo ukuthi silale?
And he asked her, and said, Whose daughter are you? Tell me if there is room for us to lodge with your father.
24 Yasisithi kuyo: Ngiyindodakazi kaBethuweli indodana kaMilka owayizalela uNahori.
And she said to him, I am the daughter of Bathuel the son of Melcha, whom she bore to Nachor.
25 Yathi kuyo futhi: Silakho konke amahlanga lokudla kwezinyamazana okunengi, lendawo yokulala.
And she said to him, We have both straw and much provender, and a place for resting.
26 Indoda yasikhothama, yakhonza iNkosi,
And the man being well pleased, worshipped the Lord,
27 yasisithi: Ibusisiwe iNkosi, uNkulunkulu wenkosi yami uAbrahama, engayekelanga umusa wayo lobuqotho bayo enkosini yami; mina-ke, ngisendleleni, iNkosi ingikhokhelele endlini yabafowabo benkosi yami.
and said, Blessed be the Lord the God of my master Abraam, who has not suffered his righteousness to fail, nor his truth from my master, and the Lord has brought me prosperously to the house of the brother of my lord.
28 Intombi yasigijima, yazisa abendlu kanina ngalezizinto.
And the damsel ran and reported to the house of her mother according to these words.
29 Njalo uRebeka wayelomnewabo obizo lakhe lalinguLabani; uLabani wasegijimela phandle endodeni emthonjeni.
And Rebecca had a brother whose name was Laban; and Laban ran out to meet the man, to the well.
30 Kwasekusithi esebonile icici lamasongo ezandleni zikadadewabo, esezwile amazwi kaRebeka udadewabo okuthi: Itsho njalo indoda kimi; wasesiya endodeni, khangela-ke, yayimi ngasemakameleni emthonjeni.
And it came to pass when he saw the ear-rings and the bracelets on the hands of his sister, and when he heard the words of Rebecca his sister, saying, Thus the man spoke to me, that he went to the man, as he stood by the camels at the well.
31 Wasesithi: Ngena wena obusisiweyo weNkosi; umeleni ngaphandle? Ngoba mina sengilungisile indlu lendawo yamakamela.
And he said to him, Come in hither, you blessed of the Lord, why stand you without, whereas I have prepared the house and a place for the camels?
32 Indoda yasisiza endlini, yakhulula amakamela; wasenika amakamela amahlanga lokudla kwenyamazana, lamanzi okugeza inyawo zayo lenyawo zamadoda ayelayo.
And the man entered into the house, and unloaded the camels, and gave the camels straw and provender, and water to wash his feet, and the feet of the men that were with him.
33 Kwasekubekwa ukudla phambi kwayo; kodwa yathi: Kangiyikudla ngize ngikhulume indaba zami. Wasesithi: Khuluma.
And he set before them loaves to eat; but he said, I will not eat, until I have told my errand. And he said, Speak on.
34 Yasisithi: Ngiyinceku kaAbrahama.
And he said, I am a servant of Abraam;
35 Futhi iNkosi iyibusisile kakhulu inkosi yami, yaze yaba nkulu. Yayinika izimvu lezinkomo, lesiliva legolide, lezinceku lezincekukazi, lamakamela labobabhemi.
and the Lord has blessed my master greatly, and he is exalted, and he has given him sheep, and calves, and silver, and gold, servants and servant-maids, camels, and asses.
36 Njalo uSara inkosikazi yenkosi yami uyizalele inkosi yami indodana emva kokuba esemdala; yasiyinika konke elakho.
And Sarrha my master's wife bore one son to my master after he had grown old; and he gave him whatever he had.
37 Inkosi yami yasingifungisa isithi: Ungayithatheli indodana yami umfazi kumadodakazi amaKhanani, engihlala elizweni lawo;
And my master caused me to swear, saying, You shall not take a wife to my son of the daughters of the Chananites, amongst whom I sojourn in their land.
38 kodwa uzakuya endlini kababa lezihlotsheni zami, ubusuyithathela indodana yami umfazi.
But you shall go to the house of my father, and to my tribe, and you shall take thence a wife for my son.
39 Ngasengisithi enkosini yami: Mhlawumbe owesifazana kayikungilandela.
And I said to my master, Haply the woman will not go with me.
40 Yasisithi kimi: INkosi, engihamba phambi kwayo, izathuma ingilosi yayo lawe, izaphumelelisa indlela yakho, njalo uzayithathela indodana yami umfazi ezihlotsheni zami lendlini kababa.
And he said to me, The Lord God to whom I have been acceptable in his presence, himself shall send out his angel with you, and shall prosper your journey, and you shall take a wife for my son of my tribe, and of the house of my father.
41 Emva kwalokho uzakhululeka esifungweni sami uba uye ezihlotsheni zami njalo uba bengakuniki yena, uzakhululeka-ke esifungweni sami.
Then shall you be clear from my curse, for whenever you shall have come to my tribe, and they shall not give her to you, then shall you be clear from my oath.
42 Kuthe ngifika emthonjeni lamuhla, ngathi: Nkosi, Nkulunkulu wenkosi yami uAbrahama, uba-ke uphumelelisa indlela yami, engihamba ngayo;
And having come this day to the well, I said, Lord God of my master Abraam, if you prosper my journey on which I am now going,
43 khangela, ngimi emthonjeni wamanzi; njalo kakuthi intombi ezaphuma ukukha lengizakuthi kuyo: Ake unginathise amanzi amalutshwana esigxingini sakho;
behold, I stand by the well of water, and the daughters of the men of the city come forth to draw water, and it shall be [that] the damsel to whom I shall say, Give me a little water to drink out of your pitcher,
44 ibisisithi kimi: Natha lawe, futhi ngizakhelelela lamakamela akho; kayibe nguye owesifazana iNkosi emmisele indodana yenkosi yami.
and she shall say to me, Both drink you, and I will draw water for your camels, this [shall be] the wife whom the Lord has prepared for his own servant Isaac; and hereby shall I know that you have wrought mercy with my master Abraam.
45 Ngingakaqedi ukukhuluma enhliziyweni yami, khangela-ke, uRebeka waphuma lesigxingi sisehlombe lakhe; wehlela emthonjeni, wakha. Ngasengisithi kuye: Akunginathise.
And it came to pass before I had done speaking in my mind, straightway Rebecca came forth, having her pitcher on her shoulders; and she went down to the well, and drew water; and I said to her, Give me to drink.
46 Wasephangisa, wethula isigxingi kuye wathi: Natha, futhi ngizanathisa lamakamela akho. Ngasenginatha, wasenathisa lamakamela.
And she hasted and let down her pitcher on her arm from her head, and said, Drink you, and I will give your camels drink; and I drank, and she gave the camels drink.
47 Ngasengimbuza ngathi: Uyindodakazi kabani? Wasesithi: Indodakazi kaBethuweli, indodana kaNahori uMilka amzalela yona; ngasengifaka icici emakhaleni akhe lamasongo ezandleni zakhe.
And I asked her, and said, Whose daughter are you? tell me; and she said, I am daughter of Bathuel the son of Nachor, whom Melcha bore to him; and I put on her the ear-rings, and the bracelets on her hands.
48 Ngasengikhothama, ngakhonza iNkosi, ngabusisa iNkosi uNkulunkulu wenkosi yami uAbrahama, engikhokhele endleleni elungileyo ukuthi indodakazi yomfowabo wenkosi yami ngiyithathele indodana yayo.
And being well-pleased I worshipped the Lord, and I blessed the Lord the God of my master Abraam, who has prospered me in a true way, so that I should take the daughter of my master's brother for his son.
49 Khathesi-ke uba lizayenzela inkosi yami umusa lobuqotho, ngitshelani; uba-ke kungenjalo, ngitshelani, ukuze ngiphendukele ngakwesokunene loba ngakwesokhohlo.
If then you [will] deal mercifully and justly with my lord, [tell me], and if not, tell me, that I may turn to the right hand or to the left.
50 Khona oLabani loBethuweli baphendula, bathi: Le into ivela eNkosini; kasilakutsho lutho kuwe, olubi kumbe oluhle.
And Laban and Bathuel answered and said, This matter has come forth from the Lord, we shall not be able to answer you bad or good.
51 Khangela, uRebeka uphambi kwakho; mthathe uhambe, ukuze abe ngumkandodana yenkosi yakho, njengoba iNkosi ikhulumile.
Behold, Rebecca is before you, take her and go away, and let her be wife to the son of your master, as the Lord has said.
52 Kwasekusithi inceku kaAbrahama isizwile amazwi abo yakhothamela emhlabathini phambi kweNkosi.
And it came to pass when the servant of Abraam heard these words, he bowed himself to the Lord down to the earth.
53 Inceku yasikhupha imiceciso yesiliva, lemiceciso yegolide, lezembatho, yakunika uRebeka, yabanika lomnewabo lonina impahla eziligugu.
And the servant having brought forth jewels of silver and gold and raiment, gave them to Rebecca, and gave gifts to her brother, and to her mother.
54 Basebesidla banatha, yona lamadoda ayelayo, balala; bavuka ekuseni, yasisithi: Ngiyekelani ngiye enkosini yami.
And both he and the men with him ate and drank and went to sleep. And he arose in the morning and said, Send me away, that I may go to my master.
55 Kodwa umnewabo lonina bathi: Kayihlale lathi intombazana izinsuku loba ezilitshumi, emva kwalokho ihambe.
And her brethren and her mother said, Let the virgin remain with us about ten days, and after that she shall depart.
56 Yasisithi kubo: Lingangibambeleli, lokhu iNkosi iphumelelisile indlela yami; ngiyekelani ngihambe ukuze ngiye enkosini yami.
But he said to them, Hinder me not, for the Lord has prospered my journey for me; send me away, that I may depart to my master.
57 Basebesithi: Asiyibize intombi, sizwe emlonyeni wayo.
And they said, Let us call the damsel, and enquire at her mouth.
58 Basebembiza uRebeka, bathi kuye: Uzahamba lalindoda yini? Wasesithi: Ngizahamba.
And they called Rebecca, and said to her, Will you go with this man? and she said, I will go.
59 Basebemyekela ehamba uRebeka udadewabo lomlizane wakhe, lenceku kaAbrahama lamadoda ayo.
So they sent forth Rebecca their sister, and her goods, and the servant of Abraam, and his attendants.
60 Basebembusisa uRebeka, bathi kuye: Wena dadewethu, woba zinkulungwane zezigidi, lenzalo yakho ibe ngumnikazi wesango labayizondayo!
And they blessed Rebecca, and said to her, You are our sister; become you thousands of myriads, and let your seed possess the cities of their enemies.
61 URebeka wasesukuma lamantombazana akhe, bagada amakamela, balandela indoda; inceku yasimthatha uRebeka, yahamba.
And Rebecca rose up and her maidens, and they mounted the camels and went with the man; and the servant having taken up Rebecca, departed.
62 UIsaka wasefika lapho abavelela khona emthonjeni iLahayi-Royi, njalo wayehlala elizweni leningizimu.
And Isaac went through the wilderness to the well of the vision, and he lived in the land towards the south.
63 UIsaka wasephuma ukuyazindla ensimini sekuntambama; waphakamisa amehlo akhe wabona, khangela-ke, amakamela ayesiza.
And Isaac went forth into the plain towards evening to meditate; and having lifted up his eyes, he saw camels coming.
64 LoRebeka waphakamisa amehlo akhe; esembonile uIsaka waziwisa ekamelweni.
And Rebecca lifted up her eyes, and saw Isaac; and she alighted briskly from the camel,
65 Wasesithi encekwini: Ngubani lindoda ehamba emasimini ukusihlangabeza? Inceku yasisithi: Yinkosi yami. Wasethatha isimbombozo, wazigubuzela.
and said to the servant, Who is that man that walks in the plain to meet us? And the servant said, This is my master; and she took her veil and covered herself.
66 Inceku yasilandisa kuIsaka zonke indaba ezenzileyo.
And the servant told Isaac all that he had done.
67 UIsaka wasemngenisa ethenteni likaSara unina, wamthatha uRebeka, waba ngumkakhe, wamthanda. UIsaka waseduduzwa emva kokufa kukanina.
And Isaac went into the house of his mother, and took Rebecca, and she became his wife, and he loved her; and Isaac was comforted for Sarrha his mother.

< UGenesisi 24 >