< UHezekheli 11 >

1 UMoya wasengiphakamisa, wangiletha esangweni lempumalanga lendlu yeNkosi, elikhangele ngempumalanga; khangela-ke, emnyango wesango kwakukhona amadoda angamatshumi amabili lanhlanu; laphakathi kwawo ngabona uJahazaniya indodana kaAzuri, loPelatiya indodana kaBhenaya, iziphathamandla zabantu.
Then the Spirit picked me up and took me to the eastern entrance of the Lord's Temple. Twenty-five men were gathered there at the entrance. I recognized among them Jaazaniah son of Azzur and Pelatiah son of Benaiah, leaders of the people.
2 Wasesithi kimi: Ndodana yomuntu, lawa ngamadoda acabanga inkohlakalo, aceba iseluleko esibi kulumuzi,
The Lord told me, “Son of man, it's these men who are making evil plans and giving bad advice to the people in this city.
3 athi: Kakuseduze ukwakha izindlu; lumuzi uyimbiza, lathi siyinyama.
They're saying, ‘Is this the time for us to be building houses? The city is the cooking pot, and we are the meat inside it.’
4 Ngakho profetha umelene lawo, profetha, ndodana yomuntu.
So prophesy against them. Prophesy, son of man!”
5 UMoya weNkosi wasewela phezu kwami, wathi kimi: Khuluma uthi: Itsho njalo iNkosi: Litshilo njalo, lina ndlu kaIsrayeli, ngoba izinto ezivela engqondweni yenu, mina ngiyazazi yileyo laleyo yazo.
The Spirit of the Lord came upon me and told me to say: This is what the Lord says: “People of Israel, that's what you're saying! I know what you're thinking inside!
6 Landisile ababuleweyo benu kulumuzi, lagcwalisa izitalada zawo ngababuleweyo.
You murder more and more people in this city. You've filled its streets with the dead!
7 Ngakho itsho njalo iNkosi uJehova: Ababuleweyo benu elibabeke phakathi kwawo, bona bayinyama, lalo umuzi uyimbiza; kodwa lina ngizalikhupha phakathi kwawo.
So this is what the Lord God says: Those you've killed in this city are the meat, and the city is the pot; but I'm going to take you out of it.
8 Liyesabile inkemba, njalo ngizayiletha inkemba phezu kwenu, itsho iNkosi uJehova.
You're afraid of being killed by the sword, so I will bring invaders with swords to attack you, declares the Lord God.
9 Njalo ngizalikhupha phakathi kwawo, ngilinikele esandleni sabezizwe, ngenze izigwebo phakathi kwenu.
I'm going to take you out of the city and hand you over to foreigners, and I'm going to carry out my sentence against you.
10 Lizakuwa ngenkemba, ngiligwebe emngceleni wakoIsrayeli; njalo lizakwazi ukuthi ngiyiNkosi.
You will be killed by the sword, and I will punish you right up to the borders of Israel. Then you will know that I am the Lord.
11 Lo umuzi kawuyikuba yimbiza yenu, kumbe lina libe yinyama phakathi kwawo; ngizaligweba emngceleni wakoIsrayeli.
The city won't be like a pot for you, and you won't be the meat inside it either. I will punish you right up to the borders of Israel.
12 Njalo lizakwazi ukuthi ngiyiNkosi; ngoba kalihambanga ezimisweni zami, lezahlulelo zami kalizenzanga, kodwa lenze njengokwezahlulelo zezizwe ezilihanqileyo.
Then you will know that I am the Lord. For you didn't follow my rules and you didn't keep my laws. Instead you kept the laws of the nations around you.”
13 Kwasekusithi ngisaprofetha, uPelatiya indodana kaBhenaya wafa. Ngasengisithi mbo ngobuso bami phansi, ngamemeza ngelizwi elikhulu ngathi: Hawu, Nkosi Jehova, uzaqeda ngokupheleleyo yini insali yakoIsrayeli?
While I was prophesying, Pelatiah son of Benaiah died. I fell facedown on the ground and shouted loudly, “Lord God, are you going to completely destroy what's left of the people of Israel?”
14 Ilizwi leNkosi lafika kimi futhi lisithi:
A message from Lord came to me, saying,
15 Ndodana yomuntu, abafowenu, abafowenu, abantu bezihlobo zakho, layo yonke indlu yakoIsrayeli, yonke, bayilabo abahlali beJerusalema abathi kubo: Sukani khatshana leNkosi; lelilizwe linikwe thina ukuze libe yilifa.
“Son of man, your brothers, including your relatives, your fellow exiles, and all the other Israelites, are those the people of Jerusalem were referring to when they said, ‘They are far away from the Lord. This country was given to us and we are to own it.’
16 Ngakho wothi: Itsho njalo iNkosi uJehova: Lanxa ngibase khatshana phakathi kwezizwe, njalo lanxa ngibahlakaze phakathi kwamazwe, kanti ngizakuba kubo yindawo engcwele encinyane emazweni abafika kiwo.
So tell them that this is what the Lord God says: Even though I sent them far away to live among the foreign nations, scattering them among the different countries, I have been taking care of them for a while in the countries where they went.
17 Ngakho wothi: Itsho njalo iNkosi uJehova: Yebo, ngizaliqoqa ezizweni, ngilibuthe emazweni engilihlakazele kiwo, ngilinike ilizwe lakoIsrayeli.
Tell them that this is what the Lord God says: I'm going to gather you from the other nations and bring you back from the countries where you've been scattered, and I will return the country of Israel to you.
18 Njalo bazafika kulo, basuse kulo zonke izinto ezinengekayo zalo lawo wonke amanyala alo.
When they come back, they are going to get rid of all its offensive idols and disgusting practices from the country.
19 Njalo ngizabanika inhliziyo eyodwa, ngifake umoya omutsha phakathi kwenu, ngikhuphe inhliziyo yelitshe enyameni yabo, ngibanike inhliziyo yenyama;
I will give them single-minded commitment and a whole new spirit. I will take away their hard-hearted attitude and replace it with one that is loving.
20 ukuze bahambe ngezimiso zami, bagcine izahlulelo zami bazenze; njalo bazakuba ngabantu bami, lami ngibe nguNkulunkulu wabo.
This way they can follow my rules, keep my regulations, and do what I say. They will be my people, and I will be their God.
21 Kodwa labo abanhliziyo yabo ihamba ngokwenhliziyo yezinto zabo ezinengekayo lamanyala abo, ngizakwehlisela indlela yabo phezu kwekhanda labo, itsho iNkosi uJehova.
But for those who still choose to worship offensive idols and engage in disgusting practices, I will let them experience the consequences of their own actions, declares the Lord God.”
22 Amakherubhi asephakamisa impiko zawo, lamavili eceleni kwawo; lenkazimulo kaNkulunkulu kaIsrayeli yayiphezu kwawo ngaphezulu.
Then the cherubim opened their wings and took off, with the wheels alongside them, and with the glory of the God of Israel above them.
23 Lenkazimulo yeNkosi yenyuka isuka phakathi komuzi, yema phezu kwentaba engasempumalanga komuzi.
The glory of the Lord rose from inside the city and went over to the mountain to the east of the city.
24 UMoya wasengiphakamisa, wangisa ngombono ngoMoya kaNkulunkulu eKhaladiya kubo abokuthunjwa. Ngokunjalo umbono engangiwubonile wenyuka wasuka kimi.
In the vision given to me by the Spirit of God, the Spirit picked me up and carried me back to Babylonia to where the exiles were. After the vision left me,
25 Ngasengikhuluma kubo abokuthunjwa wonke amazwi eNkosi eyayingibonise wona.
I explained to the exiles everything the Lord had shown me.

< UHezekheli 11 >