< U-Eksodusi 8 >
1 INkosi yasisithi kuMozisi: Yana kuFaro uthi kuye: Itsho njalo iNkosi: Yekela abantu bami bahambe ukuze bangikhonze.
And he said Yahweh to Moses go to Pharaoh and you will say to him thus he says Yahweh let go people my so they may serve me.
2 Uba-ke usala ukubayekela bahambe, khangela, ngizatshaya yonke imingcele yakho ngamaxoxo.
And if [are] refusing you to let [them] go here! I [am] about to strike all territory your with frogs.
3 Njalo umfula uzanyakazela ngamaxoxo, azakhuphuka, angene endlini yakho, lekamelweni lakho lokulala, laphezu kombheda wakho, lendlini yenceku zakho, laphezu kwesizwe sakho, lemaziko akho, lemiganwini yakho yokuxovela ukudla;
And it will swarm the River frogs and they will go up and they will go in house your and in [the] chamber of lying down your and on bed your and in [the] house of servants your and on people your and in ovens your and in kneading troughs your.
4 lamaxoxo azakhuphukela kuwe, lesizweni sakho lezincekwini zakho zonke.
And on you and on people your and on all servants your they will go up the frogs.
5 INkosi yasisithi kuMozisi: Tshono kuAroni uthi: Yelula isandla sakho ngentonga yakho phezu kwemifula, phezu kwezifula, laphezu kweziziba, wenze amaxoxo akhuphukele elizweni leGibhithe.
And he said Yahweh to Moses say to Aaron stretch out hand your with staff your over the rivers over the canals and over the ponds and bring up the frogs on [the] land of Egypt.
6 UAroni waseselula isandla sakhe phezu kwamanzi eGibhithe; lamaxoxo akhuphuka, asibekela ilizwe leGibhithe.
And he stretched out Aaron hand his over [the] waters of Egypt and it went up the frog[s] and it covered [the] land of Egypt.
7 Labalumbi benza njalo ngamalumbo abo, benza amaxoxo akhuphukela elizweni leGibhithe.
And they did thus the magicians by enchantments their and they brought up the frogs on [the] land of Egypt.
8 UFaro wasebabiza oMozisi loAroni wathi: Ncengani iNkosi ukuthi isuse amaxoxo kimi lesizweni sami; njalo ngizayekela isizwe sihambe ukuthi bahlabele iNkosi.
And he summoned Pharaoh Moses and Aaron and he said pray to Yahweh so may he remove the frogs from me and from people my and I will let go the people so they may sacrifice to Yahweh.
9 UMozisi wasesithi kuFaro: Woba lodumo ngaphezu kwami. Ngizakuncengela nini lenceku zakho, lesizwe sakho, ukuchitha amaxoxo asuke kuwe lendlini zakho, asale emfuleni kuphela?
And he said Moses to Pharaoh honor yourself over me to when? - will I pray for you and for servants your and for people your to cut off the frogs from you and from houses your only in the River they will remain.
10 Wasesithi: Kusasa. Wathi-ke: Njengelizwi lakho, ukuze wazi ukuthi kakho onjengeNkosi uNkulunkulu wethu.
And he said to tomorrow and he said according to word your so that you may know that there not [is] like Yahweh God our.
11 Njalo amaxoxo azasuka kuwe lezindlini zakho lezincekwini zakho lesizweni sakho, asale emfuleni kuphela.
And they will depart the frogs from you and from houses your and from servants your and from people your only in the River they will remain.
12 UMozisi loAroni basebephuma kuFaro. UMozisi wakhala eNkosini ngenxa yamaxoxo eyayiwabekile phezu kukaFaro.
And he went out Moses and Aaron from with Pharaoh and he cried out Moses to Yahweh on [the] matter of the frogs which he had appointed for Pharaoh.
13 INkosi yenza-ke njengelizwi likaMozisi; amaxoxo asesifa ephuma ezindlini, emagumeni lemasimini.
And he did Yahweh according to [the] word of Moses and they died the frogs from the houses from the villages and from the fields.
14 Basebewabuthelela inqwaba ngenqwaba; lelizwe laba levumba.
And people piled up them heaps heaps and it stank the land.
15 Kodwa uFaro ebona ukuthi sekungcono, wenza inhliziyo yakhe yaba nzima, ukuthi kabalalelanga, njengokutsho kweNkosi.
And he saw Pharaoh that it had come the respite and he made heavy heart his and not he listened to them just as he had said Yahweh.
16 INkosi yasisithi kuMozisi: Tshono kuAroni uthi: Yelula intonga yakho, utshaye uthuli lomhlaba, ukuze lube yimiyane elizweni lonke leGibhithe.
And he said Yahweh to Moses say to Aaron stretch out staff your and strike [the] dust of the earth and it will become gnats in all [the] land of Egypt.
17 Basebesenza njalo; ngoba uAroni welula isandla sakhe silentonga yakhe, watshaya uthuli lomhlaba; lemiyane yaba khona ebantwini lezifuyweni; lonke uthuli lwaba yimiyane elizweni lonke leGibhithe.
And they did so and he stretched out Aaron hand his with staff his and he struck [the] dust of the ground and it was the gnat[s] on humankind and on the livestock all [the] dust of the ground it was gnats in all [the] land of Egypt.
18 Labalumbi benza njalo ngamalumbo abo ukuveza imiyane, kodwa babengeke. Ngakho imiyane yaba sebantwini lezifuyweni.
And they did thus the magicians by enchantments their to bring forth the gnats and not they were able and it was the gnat[s] on humankind and on the livestock.
19 Labalumbi bathi kuFaro: Lokhu kungumunwe kaNkulunkulu. Kodwa inhliziyo kaFaro yaba lukhuni, kazabezwa, njengokutsho kweNkosi.
And they said the magicians to Pharaoh [is] [the] finger of God it and it was strong [the] heart of Pharaoh and not he listened to them just as he had said Yahweh.
20 INkosi yasisithi kuMozisi: Vuka ekuseni kakhulu, uzimise phambi kukaFaro; khangela uphuma esiya emanzini, njalo uthi kuye: Itsho njalo iNkosi: Yekela abantu bami bahambe bangikhonze.
And he said Yahweh to Moses rise early in the morning and present yourself before Pharaoh there! [he is] going out the water towards and you will say to him thus he says Yahweh let go people my so they may serve me.
21 Ngoba uba ungasiyekeli isizwe sami sihambe, khangela ngizathumela umtshitshi wezibawu kuwe lezincekwini zakho lesizweni sakho lendlini zakho; lezindlu zamaGibhithe zizagcwala umtshitshi wezibawu futhi lomhlabathi ezikuwo.
That except not you [are] letting go people my here I [am] about to send on you and on servants your and on people your and on houses your the swarm and they will be full [the] houses of Egypt the swarm and also the ground which they [are] on it.
22 Kodwa ngalolosuku ngizakwehlukanisa ilizwe leGosheni esihlala kulo isizwe sami, ukuthi kungabi khona lapho umtshitshi wezibawu, ukuze wazi ukuthi ngiyiNkosi phakathi kwelizwe.
And I will separate on the day that [the] land of Goshen which people my [is] standing on it to not to be there a swarm so that you may know that I [am] Yahweh in [the] midst of the land.
23 Njalo ngizamisa umehluko phakathi kwesizwe sami lesizwe sakho; kusasa kuzakuba lesibonakaliso lesi.
And I will make a ransom between people my and between people your to tomorrow it will happen the sign this.
24 INkosi yasisenza njalo; kwasekufika umtshitshi onzima wezibawu endlini kaFaro lezindlini zezinceku zakhe lelizweni lonke leGibhithe; ilizwe lonakala ngenxa yomtshitshi wezibawu.
And he did Yahweh so and it came a swarm massive [the] house of towards Pharaoh and [the] house of servants his and in all [the] land of Egypt it was ruined the land because of the swarm.
25 UFaro wasebabiza oMozisi loAroni, wathi: Hambani, lihlabele uNkulunkulu wenu kulelilizwe.
And he summoned Pharaoh Moses and Aaron and he said go sacrifice to God your in the land.
26 Kodwa uMozisi wathi: Kakulunganga ukwenza njalo, ngoba sizahlabela eNkosini uNkulunkulu wethu okunengekayo kwamaGibhithe; khangela, uba sihlaba okunengekayo kwamaGibhithe phambi kwamehlo awo, kawayikusikhanda ngamatshe yini?
And he said Moses not [is] established to do thus for [the] abomination of Egypt we will sacrifice to Yahweh God our here! we will sacrifice [the] abomination of Egypt to eyes their and not will they stone? us.
27 Sizahamba ummango wensuku ezintathu enkangala, sihlabele-ke iNkosi uNkulunkulu wethu njengoba izakutsho kithi.
A journey of three days we will go in the wilderness and we will sacrifice to Yahweh God our just as he says to us.
28 UFaro wasesithi: Mina ngizaliyekela lihambe ukuthi lihlabele iNkosi uNkulunkulu wenu enkangala; kodwa lingayi khatshana kakhulu; lingincengele.
And he said Pharaoh I I will let go you and you will sacrifice to Yahweh God your in the wilderness only certainly not you must be far away to go pray for me.
29 UMozisi wasesithi: Khangela, ngiyasuka kuwe, ngizayincenga iNkosi ukuze umtshitshi wezibawu usuke kuFaro, ezincekwini zakhe, lesizweni sakhe kusasa; kuphela uFaro angaphindi akhohlise ngokungayekeli isizwe sihambe, sihlabele iNkosi.
And he said Moses here! I [am] about to go out from with you and I will pray to Yahweh and he will turn aside the swarm from Pharaoh from servants his and from people his tomorrow only may not he repeat Pharaoh to deceive to not to let go the people to sacrifice to Yahweh.
30 UMozisi wasephuma kuFaro, wayincenga iNkosi.
And he went out Moses from with Pharaoh and he prayed to Yahweh.
31 INkosi yasisenza njengelizwi likaMozisi; yasusa umtshitshi wezibawu kuFaro, ezincekwini zakhe lesizweni sakhe; kakusalanga lesisodwa.
And he did Yahweh according to [the] word of Moses and he turned aside the swarm from Pharaoh from servants his and from people his not it remained one.
32 Kodwa uFaro wenza inhliziyo yakhe yaba nzima langalesisikhathi, kayekelanga isizwe sihambe.
And he made heavy Pharaoh heart his also at the time this and not he let go the people.