< UDutheronomi 7 >

1 Lapho iNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho isikungenisa elizweni oya kulo ukudla ilifa lalo, ixotshe izizwe ezinengi phambi kwakho, amaHethi lamaGirigashi lamaAmori lamaKhanani lamaPerizi lamaHivi lamaJebusi, izizwe eziyisikhombisa ezinkulu lezilamandla kulawe,
And when the Lord thy God shall bring thee into the land, into which thou goest to possess it, and shall remove great nations from before thee, the Chettite, and Gergesite, and Amorite, and Chananite, and Pherezite, and Evite, and Jebusite, seven nations [more] numerous and stronger than you,
2 lapho iNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho izinikela phambi kwakho, uzazitshaya, uzitshabalalise lokuzitshabalilisa. Ungenzi isivumelwano lazo, ungabi lasihawu kuzo.
and the Lord thy God shall deliver them into thy hands, then thou shalt smite them: thou shalt utterly destroy them: thou shalt not make a covenant with them, neither shall ye pity them:
3 Ungathathani lazo, unganiki indodakazi yakho kundodana yakhe, njalo indodakazi yakhe ungayithatheli indodana yakho.
neither shall ye contract marriages with them: thou shalt not give thy daughter to his son, and thou shalt not take his daughter to thy son.
4 Ngoba izaphambula indodana yakho ekungilandeleni, ukuze bakhonze abanye onkulunkulu; ngakho ulaka lweNkosi luzalivuthela, lukubhubhise masinyane.
For he will draw away thy son from me, and he will serve other gods; and the Lord will be very angry with you, and will soon utterly destroy thee.
5 Kodwa-ke lizakwenza njalo kuzo; lizadiliza amalathi azo, liphahlaze insika zazo eziyizithombe, ligamule izixuku zabo, litshise ngomlilo izithombe zazo ezibaziweyo.
But thus shall ye do to them; ye shall destroy their altars, and shall break down their pillars, and shall cut down their groves, and shall burn with fire the graven images of their gods.
6 Ngoba uyisizwe esingcwele eNkosini uNkulunkulu wakho; iNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho ikukhethile ukuthi ube yisizwe sayo kanye, kuzo zonke izizwe ezisebusweni bomhlaba.
For thou art a holy people to the Lord thy God; and the Lord thy God chose thee to be to him a peculiar people beyond all nations that [are] upon the face of the earth.
7 INkosi kayehliselanga uthando lwayo phezu kwenu, kumbe ilikhethe, ngenxa yokuthi lalibanengi kulaziphi izizwe; ngoba lalibalutshwana kulazo zonke izizwe;
It was not because ye are more numerous than all [other] nations that the Lord preferred you, and the Lord made choice of you: for ye are fewer in number than all [other] nations.
8 kodwa kungenxa yokuthi iNkosi yalithanda, langenxa yokuthi yayizagcina isifungo eyasifunga kuboyihlo, iNkosi yalikhupha ngesandla esilamandla, yakuhlenga endlini yobugqili, esandleni sikaFaro inkosi yeGibhithe.
But because the Lord loved you, and as keeping the oath which he sware to your fathers, the Lord brought you out with a strong hand, and the Lord redeemed thee from the house of bondage, out of the hand of Pharao king of Egypt.
9 Ngakho yazi ukuthi iNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho inguNkulunkulu, uNkulunkulu othembekileyo, ogcina isivumelwano lomusa kubo abamthandayo labagcina imilayo yakhe, kuze kube sezizukulwaneni eziyinkulungwane,
Thou shalt know therefore, that the Lord thy God, he [is] God, a faithful God, who keeps covenant and mercy for them that love him, and for those that keep his commandments to a thousand generations,
10 lophindisela abamzondayo ebusweni babo, ukubabhubhisa. Kayikuphuza komzondayo, uzamphindisela ebusweni bakhe.
and who recompenses them that hate him to their face, to destroy them utterly; and will not be slack with them that hate him: he will recompense them to their face.
11 Ngakho uzagcina imilayo lezimiso lezahlulelo engikulaya zona lamuhla ukuzenza.
Thou shalt keep therefore the commands, and the ordinances, and these judgments, which I command thee this day to do.
12 Kuzakuthi ngoba lisizwa lezizahlulelo, lizigcine, lizenze, iNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho izakugcinela isivumelwano lomusa eyakufungela oyihlo.
And it shall come to pass when ye shall have heard these ordinances, and shall have kept and done them, that the Lord thy God shall keep for thee the covenant and the mercy, which he sware to your fathers.
13 Njalo izakuthanda, ikubusise, ikwandise. Futhi izabusisa isithelo sesizalo sakho, lesithelo selizwe lakho, amabele akho, lewayini lakho elitsha, lamafutha akho, umqegu wenkomo zakho, lemihlambi yezimvu zakho, elizweni alifungela oyihlo ukukunika lona.
And he will love thee, and bless thee, and multiply thee; and he will bless the off-spring of thy body, and the fruit of thy land, thy corn, and thy wine, and thine oil, the herds of thine oxen, and the flocks of thy sheep, on the land which the Lord sware to thy fathers to give to thee.
14 Uzabusiswa kulazo zonke izizwe; kakuyikuba khona phakathi kwakho owesilisa ongazaliyo lowesifazana oyinyumba, loba phakathi kwezifuyo zakho.
Thou shalt be blessed beyond all nations; there shall not be among you an impotent or barren one, or among thy cattle.
15 LeNkosi izasusa kuwe wonke umkhuhlane; kayiyikukwehlisela lasinye sezifo ezimbi zeGibhithe ozaziyo, kodwa izazehlisela phezu kwabo bonke abakuzondayo.
And the Lord thy God shall remove from thee all sickness; and none of the evil diseases of Egypt, which thou hast seen, and all that thou hast known, will he lay upon thee; but he will lay them upon all that hate thee.
16 Njalo uzabaqothula bonke abantu ezabanikela kuwe iNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho; ilihlo lakho lingabazweli, ungakhonzi onkulunkulu babo, ngoba lokhu kuzakuba ngumjibila kuwe.
And thou shalt eat all the spoils of the nations which the Lord thy God gives thee; thine eye shall not spare them, and thou shalt not serve their gods; for this is an offence to thee.
17 Nxa uzakuthi enhliziyweni yakho: Izizwe lezi zinengi kulami; ngingazixotsha njani elifeni lazo?
But if thou shouldest say in thine heart, This nation [is] greater than I, how shall I be able to destroy them utterly?
18 Ungazesabi, khumbula kuhle lokho iNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho eyakwenza kuFaro lakuGibhithe lonke,
thou shalt not fear them; thou shalt surely remember all that the Lord thy God did to Pharao and to all the Egyptians:
19 izilingo ezinkulu ilihlo lakho elazibonayo, lezibonakaliso, lezimangaliso, lesandla esilamandla, lengalo eyeluliweyo, iNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho eyakukhupha ngakho. INkosi uNkulunkulu wakho izakwenza njalo kuzo zonke izizwe ozesabayo.
the great temptations which thine eyes have seen, those signs and great wonders, the strong hand, and the high arm; how the Lord thy God brought thee forth: so the Lord your God will do to all the nations, whom thou fearest in their presence.
20 Futhi-ke iNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho izathumela olonyovu phakathi kwazo, zize zibhujiswe eziseleyo lezicatshele ubuso bakho.
And the Lord thy God shall send against them the hornets, until they that are left and they that are hidden from thee be utterly destroyed.
21 Kaliyikutshaywa luvalo ngazo, ngoba iNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho iphakathi kwakho, uNkulunkulu omkhulu lowesabekayo.
Thou shalt not be wounded before them, because the Lord thy God in the midst of thee [is] a great and powerful God.
22 INkosi uNkulunkulu wakho izazingcothula lezizizwe phambi kwakho kancinyane kancinyane; ungeziqede masinyane, hlezi izilo zeganga zikwandele.
And the Lord thy God shall consume these nations before thee by little and little: thou shalt not be able to consume them speedily, lest the land become desert, and the wild beasts of the field be multiplied against thee.
23 Kodwa iNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho izazinikela phambi kwakho, iziphazamise ngokuphazamiseka okukhulu, zize zichithwe.
And the Lord thy God shall deliver them into thy hands, and thou shalt destroy them with a great destruction, until ye shall have utterly destroyed them.
24 Izanikela ezandleni zakho amakhosi azo, njalo uzacitsha ibizo lawo lisuke ngaphansi kwamazulu; kakulamuntu ozakuma phambi kwakho uze uzibhubhise.
And he shall deliver their kings into your hands, and ye shall destroy their name from that place; none shall stand up in opposition before thee, until thou shalt have utterly destroyed them.
25 Izithombe ezibaziweyo zabonkulunkulu bazo lizazitshisa ngomlilo. Ungafisi isiliva legolide elikuzo, ungazithatheli lona, hlezi ubanjwe emjibileni ngalo, ngoba liyisinengiso eNkosini uNkulunkulu wakho.
Ye shall burn with fire the graven images of their gods: thou shalt not covet [their] silver, neither shalt thou take to thyself gold from them, lest thou shouldest offend thereby, because it is an abomination to the Lord thy God.
26 Njalo ungasingenisi isinengiso endlini yakho, hlezi ube yinto eqalekisiweyo njengaso; usenyanye lokusenyanya, unengwe lokunengwa yiso, ngoba siyinto eqalekisiweyo.
And thou shalt not bring an abomination into thine house, so shouldest thou be an accursed thing like it; thou shalt utterly hate it, and altogether abominate it, because it is an accursed thing.

< UDutheronomi 7 >