< UDutheronomi 29 >
1 La ngamazwi esivumelwano iNkosi eyamlaya uMozisi ukusenza labantwana bakoIsrayeli elizweni lakoMowabi, ngaphandle kwesivumelwano eyayisenze labo eHorebe.
The following are the terms of the agreement that the Lord ordered Moses to make with the Israelites in the country of Moab This was in addition to the agreement he had made with them at Horeb.
2 UMozisi wasebiza uIsrayeli wonke, wathi kubo: Lina libonile konke iNkosi eyakwenza phambi kwamehlo enu elizweni leGibhithe, kuFaro lakuzo zonke inceku zakhe lakulo lonke ilizwe lakhe,
Moses called all the Israelites together and announced to them, You saw with your own eyes everything the Lord did in Egypt to Pharaoh, to all his officials, and to his whole country.
3 izilingo ezinkulu amehlo akho azibonileyo, izibonakaliso lalezozimangaliso ezinkulu.
You saw with your own eyes the amazing tests, and those great signs and miracles.
4 Kodwa iNkosi kayilinikanga inhliziyo yokuqedisisa lamehlo okubona lendlebe zokuzwa kuze kube lamuhla.
But up to now the Lord has not given you minds that understand, or eyes that see, or ears that hear, saying,
5 Ngilihambise iminyaka engamatshumi amane enkangala. Izembatho zenu kaziguganga phezu kwenu, lenyathela lakho kaliguganga enyaweni lwakho;
For forty years I led you through the desert, but your clothes and sandals didn't wear out.
6 kalidlanga sinkwa, kalinathanga iwayini lokunathwayo okulamandla, ukuze lazi ukuthi ngiyiNkosi uNkulunkulu wenu.
You didn't have bread to eat, or wine or alcohol to drink in order that you would realize that I am the Lord your God.
7 Ekufikeni kwenu kulindawo, uSihoni inkosi yeHeshiboni loOgi inkosi yeBashani baphuma ukumelana lathi empini, kodwa sabatshaya,
When we arrived here, Sihon king of Heshbon and Og king of Bashan marched out to fight us in battle, but we defeated them.
8 sathatha ilizwe labo, salinika laba yilifa kwabakoRubeni lakwabakoGadi lakungxenye yesizwe sakoManase.
We took their land and gave it to the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh to own.
9 Ngakho gcinani amazwi alesisivumelwano liwenze, ukuze liphumelele kukho konke elikwenzayo.
So make sure you keep and follow the terms of this agreement in order that you may be successful in everything you do.
10 Lina lonke limi phambi kweNkosi uNkulunkulu wenu lamuhla, inhloko zenu, izizwe zenu, abadala benu, lezinduna zenu, wonke amadoda akoIsrayeli,
Every one of you is stand here today before the Lord your God: you tribal leaders, officials, and all the men of Israel,
11 abantwanyana benu, omkenu, lowemzini ophakathi kwenkamba yakho, kusukela kumgamuli wenkuni zakho kuze kube kumukhi wamanzi akho,
your children and wives, and the foreigners in your camps who cut your firewood and carry your water.
12 ukwedlulela esivumelwaneni seNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho lesifungweni sayo, iNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho esenza lawe lamuhla,
You're here so you can enter into the agreement of the Lord your God, which he is making with you today, and accept his solemn promise,
13 ukuze ikumise lamuhla ube yisizwe sayo, lokuthi yona ibe nguNkulunkulu wakho, njengokutsho kwayo kuwe lanjengokufunga kwayo kuboyihlo, kuAbrahama, kuIsaka lakuJakobe.
and so he can confirm you today as his people. He will be your God as he told you and as he promised your forefathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
14 Njalo kangisenzi lani lodwa lesisivumelwano lalesisifungo,
It's not only with you that the Lord is making this agreement and solemn promise,
15 kodwa lalowo olapha lathi, omiyo lamuhla phambi kweNkosi uNkulunkulu wethu, njalo lalowo ongekho lapha lathi lamuhla.
those who are standing here with us today in the presence of the Lord our God, but also with those who are not here today.
16 Ngoba lina liyazi ukuthi sahlala njani elizweni leGibhithe, lokuthi sadabula njani phakathi kwezizwe eladabula kuzo;
You know very well what it was like when we lived in the land of Egypt and our experiences as we passed through the nations on the way here.
17 njalo libonile izinengiso zazo, lezithombe zazo, isigodo lelitshe, isiliva legolide, ezazilazo.
You saw their disgusting religious practices and their idols of wood and stone, and silver and gold.
18 Hlezi kube khona phakathi kwenu indoda kumbe owesifazana kumbe usapho kumbe isizwe, onhliziyo yakhe iphambuka lamuhla isuka eNkosini uNkulunkulu wethu ukuyakhonza onkulunkulu balezizizwe. Hlezi kube khona phakathi kwenu impande ethela izithelo ezilobuhlungu lezibabayo.
You need to make sure today that there's no man or woman, family or tribe of yours who wants to turn from the Lord our God and go and worship the gods of these nations. Make sure there is nothing like that among you that would produce such poison and bitterness.
19 Njalo kuzakuthi nxa esizwa amazwi alesisiqalekiso, azibusise enhliziyweni yakhe esithi: Ngizakuba lokuthula lanxa ngihamba ebuqholweni benhliziyo yami; ukuze kuqedwe okumanzi kanye lokomileyo.
For when someone like that hears the words of this solemn promise, they think they'll still receive a blessing, telling themselves, “I'll be safe, even though I'll go on doing whatever I feel like.” Such an attitude would destroy good and bad alike.
20 INkosi kayiyikuvuma ukumthethelela, kodwa khona intukuthelo yeNkosi lobukhwele bayo kuzathunqela leyondoda, njalo sonke isiqalekiso esibhaliweyo egwalweni lolu sizalala phezu kwayo, leNkosi icitshe ibizo layo lisuke ngaphansi kwamazulu.
The Lord would never want to pardon them. In fact, his passionate anger will burn against them, and every curse written in this book will fall on them. The Lord will erase their name from the earth,
21 LeNkosi izayehlukanisela ububi iyikhuphe kuzo zonke izizwe zakoIsrayeli, njengazo zonke iziqalekiso zesivumelwano ezibhaliweyo egwalweni lwalumlayo.
and punish them as an example of them for all the Israelite tribes, in accordance with all the curses of the agreement written in this Book of the Law.
22 Khona sizakuthi isizukulwana esizayo, abantwana benu, abazavela emva kwenu, lowezizwe ovela elizweni elikhatshana, lapho bebona inhlupheko zalelilizwe lezifo iNkosi eligulise ngazo,
Later generations, your descendants and foreigners from far away, will see how the Lord has brought disaster on the country and devastated it.
23 ilizwe lonke lalo lizakuba yisibabule letshwayi lokutshiswa, alihlanyelwanga, kalimilisi, kakulalatshani obumila kulo, njengokubhujiswa kweSodoma leGomora, iAdima leZeboyimi, iNkosi eyayibhubhisa entukuthelweni yayo lelakeni lwayo,
The whole country will be burning wasteland of sulfur and salt. Nothing is sown; it's totally unproductive; no plant grows there—just like the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboiim, which the Lord destroyed in his furious anger.
24 lazo zonke izizwe zizakuthi: Kungani iNkosi yenze kanje kulelilizwe? Kuyini ukuvutha kwalolulaka olukhulu?
Everyone everywhere will ask, “Why did the Lord do this to the country? Why did he get so terribly angry?”
25 Khona bazakuthi: Ngoba batshiyile isivumelwano seNkosi uNkulunkulu waboyise, eyasenza labo ekubakhupheni kwayo elizweni leGibhithe.
The people will answer, “It's because they abandoned the agreement of the Lord, the God of their forefathers, which he made with them when he led them out of Egypt.
26 Bahamba bakhonza abanye onkulunkulu babakhothamela, onkulunkulu abangabaziyo, eyayingababelanga.
They went off and worshiped other gods, bowing down to gods they'd never heard of—gods that the Lord had not given to them.
27 Lentukuthelo yeNkosi yalivuthela lelilizwe, ukwehlisela kulo zonke iziqalekiso ezibhaliweyo egwalweni lolu.
That's why the Lord was so angry with this land, and he rained down on it every curse written in this book.
28 Njalo iNkosi yabasiphuna elizweni labo ngentukuthelo langolaka langenzondo enkulu, yabaphosela kwelinye ilizwe njengalamuhla.
The Lord uprooted them from their country in his anger, rage, and fury, and he threw them out, leaving them in another land, where they are to this day.”
29 Imfihlo ngezeNkosi uNkulunkulu wethu, kodwa izinto ezembuliweyo zingezethu lezabantwana bethu kuze kube nininini, ukwenza wonke amazwi alumlayo.
The Lord our God has secrets that belong to him, but what has been revealed belong to us and to our descendants forever, so that we may follow everything in this law.