< Imisebenzi 28 >
1 Kwathi sebesindile, basebesizwa ukuthi isihlenge sithiwa yiMelitha.
AND being safe landed, we then understood that the island was called Melita.
2 Labalelolizwe basiphatha ngomusa ongandanga; ngoba babasa umlilo, basemukela sonke, ngenxa yezulu elaseliqalisile, langenxa yomqando.
And the rude people treated us with singular humanity; for, lighting a fire, they received us all, because of the violent rain, and because of the cold.
3 UPawuli wasetheza umnyaba wenkuni, wazibeka emlilweni, kwaphuma inyoka ngenxa yokutshisa, yanamathela esandleni sakhe.
But as Paul was gathering up a faggot of sticks, and laying them on the fire, there came a viper out of the heat, and fastened on his hand.
4 Kwathi abalelolizwe bebona isilo silenga esandleni sakhe, bakhulumisana besithi: Isibili lumuntu ungumbulali, othi esindile olwandle, ukulunga kakuvumi ukuthi aphile.
Now when the rude people saw the venomous animal hanging from his hand, they said one to another, Surely this man is a murderer, whom though preserved from the sea, righteous vengeance suffereth not to live.
5 Yena-ke wasithintithela emlilweni isilo, akaze ehlelwa yibubi.
But he then shaking off the venomous animal into the fire, suffered no manner of inconvenience.
6 Basebelindela ukuthi uzavuvuka lokuthi awele phansi ahle afe; kwathi sebelinde isikhathi eside, basebebona ukuthi kakulalutho olubi olwenzakala kuye, baphendula imicabango yabo bathi ungunkulunkulu.
Now they expected that a violent inflammation would ensue, or that he would have fallen suddenly dead: but when, after waiting a considerable time, they saw no inconvenience arise to him, they changed their opinion, and said that he was a divinity.
7 Kubomakhelwane baleyondawo kwakulamasimu esikhulu sesihlenge, uPubliyo ngebizo; owasemukela wasingenisa kuhle insuku ezintathu.
Now in the vicinity of that place was the estate of the principal person on the island, named Publius, who received us into his house, and lodged us with great humanity three days.
8 Kwasekusithi uyise kaPubliyo wayelele ebanjwe luqhuqho lesisu segazi; angena kuye uPawuli, wakhuleka, wabeka izandla phezu kwakhe, wamsilisa.
And it so happened that the father of Publius was then confined to his bed with an attack of fever and dysentery: unto whom Paul went in, and after praying, laid his hands upon him, and healed him.
9 Ngakho lokho sekwenzakele, beza labanye ababesesihlengeni ababelezifo basebesiliswa;
This then being the case, all the rest also who had diseases in the island came to him, and were healed.
10 abasidumisa langodumo olunengi, njalo mhla sisukayo ngomkhumbi, basethesa izinto ezidingekayo.
Then they honoured us with many tokens of respect; and when we were about to sail, laid in for us every necessary store.
11 Kwathi emva kwenyanga ezintathu sasuka ngomkhumbi weAleksandriya, owawuhlezi ebusika esihlengeni, ulophawu oluthiwa ngoDiyosikuroyi.
And after three months stay we sailed in a ship which had wintered in the island, from Alexandria, whose sign was Castor and Pollux:
12 Sasesifika eSirakhuse sahlala insuku ezintathu;
and proceeding on our voyage to Syracuse, we tarried there three days:
13 sasuka lapho sahamba ngokubhoda sayafika eRegiyuma, sekudlule usuku olulodwa kwafika umoya weningizimu, safika ePuthiyoli ngosuku lwesibili;
from whence we came round, and arrived opposite to Rhegium; and after one day the south wind arising, we came in two more to Puteoli:
14 lapho esafica khona abazalwane, sacelwa ukuhlala labo insuku eziyisikhombisa; ngokunjalo saya-ke eRoma.
where finding brethren, we were solicited by them to tarry seven days; and so we went for Rome.
15 Njalo besuka lapho abazalwane sebezwile izinto ngathi, beza ukusihlangabeza baze bafika eApiyi Foruma leNdlini zeZihambi eziNtathu; okwathi uPawuli ebabona, wabonga uNkulunkulu, wema isibindi.
And the brethren from thence, when they heard of our motions, came out to meet us as far as Appii Forum and the Three Taverns: whom when Paul saw, he gave thanks to God, and felt fresh courage.
16 Sathi sesifike eRoma, induna yekhulu yanikela izibotshwa enduneni yabalindi; kodwa uPawuli wavunyelwa ukuhlala yedwa, lowebutho omlindayo.
And when we were come to Rome, the centurion delivered the prisoners to the captain of the guard; but he permitted Paul to have an apartment by himself, with a soldier only who guarded him.
17 Kwasekusithi emva kwensuku ezintathu uPawuli wabizela ndawonye labo abangabakhulu bamaJuda; sebebuthene, wathi kubo: Madoda bazalwane, mina kangenzanga lutho oluphambene lesizwe kumbe lamasiko abobaba, ngiyisibotshwa ngivela eJerusalema nganikelwa ezandleni zamaRoma;
Now it came to pass that after three days Paul called together the principal persons of the Jews. And when they were assembled, he said unto them, Men and brethren, though I have done nothing contrary to the people and the customs of our ancestors, yet have I been delivered up a prisoner into the hands of the Romans.
18 wona esengihlolile afuna ukungikhulula, ngoba kungekho kimi cala elifanele ukufa.
Who, after a full examination, would have discharged me, because there was not the least cause found in me for death.
19 Kodwa amaJuda ala, ngacindezeleka ukulidlulisela kuKesari, kungeyisikho ukuthi ngilolutho olokumangalela isizwe sakithi.
But when the Jews opposed it, I was constrained to appeal unto Caesar; not that I have any accusation to bring against my countrymen.
20 Ngakho ngenxa yalesisizatho ngilibizele lapha ukuthi ngilibone ngikhulume lani; ngoba ngenxa yethemba likaIsrayeli ngizingelezelwe ngaleliketane.
For this cause therefore have I invited you hither, to see and to converse with you; for on account of the hope of Israel am I bound with this chain.
21 Basebesithi kuye: Thina kasemukelanga izincwadi ngawe ezivela eJudiya, futhi loba ngubani wabazalwane, esefikile, kabikanga kumbe akhulume lutho olubi ngawe.
Then they said to him, We have neither received letters concerning thee from Judea, nor hath any one of the brethren who is arrived reported or spoken any thing evil of thee.
22 Kodwa sifisa ukuzwa izinto ozinakanayo wena; ngoba mayelana lalobububhazuka siyazi ukuthi buyaphikiswa endaweni zonke.
But we think it highly proper to hear from thee what thy sentiments are; for indeed as to this sect, it is well known to us that everywhere it meets with opposition.
23 Njalo kwathi sebemmisele usuku, abanengi beza kuye endlini yezihambi; owabachasisela wafakaza umbuso kaNkulunkulu, ebancenga ngezinto zikaJesu, ethathela emlayweni kaMozisi kanye labaprofethi, kusukela ekuseni kakhulu kwaze kwaba kusihlwa.
Then having fixed a day with him, still more of them came to him at his lodging, to whom bearing his testimony, he set forth the kingdom of God, and persuaded them of the things relating to Jesus, both out of the law of Moses and the prophets, from morning until evening:
24 Abanye basebekholwa izinto azitshoyo, kodwa abanye kabakholwanga.
and some were convinced by the things which were spoken, but others continued in their unbelief.
25 Kwasekusithi bengavumelani bodwa basuka bahamba, uPawuli esekhulume ilizwi laba linye lokuthi: Wayekhulume kuhle uMoya oyiNgcwele ngoIsaya umprofethi kubobaba bethu,
So being divided in sentiment among themselves, they broke up, Paul adding one word, That well had the Holy Ghost spoken by Isaiah the prophet unto our fathers,
26 esithi: Hamba uye kulesisizwe ubususithi: Ngokuzwa lizakuzwa, njalo kalisoze liqedisise; lokubona lizabona, njalo kalisoze libonisise.
saying, Go to this people, and say, “In hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, yet in nowise perceive.
27 Ngoba inhliziyo yalesisizwe seyaba buthundu, njalo bezwa kanzima ngendlebe, lamehlo abo bawacimezile; hlezi babone ngamehlo, njalo bezwe ngendlebe, futhi baqedisise ngenhliziyo, njalo baphenduke, besengibasilisa.
For the heart of this people is waxed gross, and with their ears they are thick of hearing, and their eyes have they shut; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their hearts, and become converts, and I should heal them.”
28 Ngakho kakwaziwe kini, ukuthi usindiso lukaNkulunkulu luyathunyelwa kwabezizwe, bona-ke bazakuzwa.
Be it known therefore unto you, that to the Gentiles is the salvation of God sent, and they will hear.
29 Njalo kwathi esetshilo lezizinto, amaJuda asuka, elokuphikisana okukhulu phakathi kwawo.
And when he had thus spoken, the Jews went away, and had much disputing among themselves.
30 UPawuli wasehlala iminyaka emibili egcweleyo endlini yakhe uqobo ayeyiqhatshile, wemukela bonke abangena kuye,
But Paul abode two whole years in his own hired apartment, and received all who came to him,
31 watshumayela umbuso kaNkulunkulu, njalo wafundisa ngeNkosi uJesu Kristu, ngaso sonke isibindi, engelakuvinjelwa.
preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching the things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ with all freedom of discourse, and without the least interruption.