< 2 Amakhosi 6 >

1 Amadodana abaprofethi asesithi kuElisha: Khangela-ke, indawo esihlala kiyo lawe iminyene kakhulu kithi.
One day a group of prophets said to Elisha, “Look, this place where we meet together with you is very small.
2 Akusiyekele sihambe siye eJordani, sithathe khona, ngulowo lalowo isigodo esisodwa, sizenzele khona indawo yokuhlala kiyo. Wasesithi: Hambani.
Allow us to go to the Jordan [River and cut down some trees to make] logs to build a new meeting place.” So Elisha said, “Okay, go.”
3 Omunye wasesithi: Akuvume, uhambe lenceku zakho. Wasesithi: Mina ngizahamba.
One of them said to Elisha, “Please come with us.” So Elisha replied, “Okay, I will go with you.”
4 Wasehamba labo; sebefikile eJordani bagamula izihlahla.
So they went together. When they reached the Jordan [River], they cut down some trees.
5 Kodwa omunye esagamula ugodo, insimbi yawela emanzini. Wasememeza esithi: Maye, nkosi yami! Ngoba belebolekiwe.
But while one of them was cutting down a tree, suddenly the axe head [separated from the handle and] fell into the water. He cried out to Elisha, “O, Master, what shall I do? [The axe is not mine]; I borrowed it!”
6 Umuntu kaNkulunkulu wasesithi: Iwele ngaphi? Wasemtshengisa indawo. Wasegamula uswazi, waluphosela khona, wenza insimbi yandenda.
Elisha replied, “Where did it fall into the water?” After the man showed him the place, Elisha cut off a stick, and threw it into the water, and caused the iron axe head to float [on top of the water].
7 Wasesithi: Zenyulele yona. Waseselula isandla sakhe, wayithatha.
Elisha said, “Take it out of the water.” So the man reached his hand down and picked up the axe head.
8 Kwathi inkosi yeSiriya isilwa loIsrayeli yacebisana lenceku zayo isithi: Ekuthanathaneni izakuba yinkamba yami.
Whenever the king of Syria [prepared to send his army to] fight against Israel, he first consulted his officers, and then told them where they should set up their tents.
9 Umuntu kaNkulunkulu wasethumela enkosini yakoIsrayeli esithi: Qaphela ungedluli kulindawo, ngoba amaSiriya ehlele khona.
But each time, Elisha would send a message to warn the king of Israel, [telling him where the army of Syria was planning to attack them, ] saying, “Be sure that your army does not go near that place, because the army of Syria has set up their tents there.”
10 Inkosi yakoIsrayeli yasithumela kuleyondawo umuntu kaNkulunkulu ayitshela yona wayixwayisa ngayo. Yasizilondoloza khona, kungekanye, njalo kungekabili.
So the king of Israel would send [messengers] to warn [the people who lived in] that place, and the people would remain on guard. That happened several times.
11 Inhliziyo yenkosi yeSiriya yasikhathazeka kakhulu ngenxa yalinto. Yasibiza inceku zayo yathi kuzo: Kaliyikungitshela yini ukuthi ngubani kithi ongowenkosi yakoIsrayeli?
The king of Syria was very upset/disturbed/angry about that. So he summoned his army officers and said to them, “[Obviously] one of you is (betraying us/revealing our plans) to the king of Israel. Which one of you is doing it?”
12 Omunye wenceku zakhe wasesithi: Hatshi, nkosi yami, nkosi; kodwa uElisha umprofethi okoIsrayeli uyayitshela inkosi yakoIsrayeli amazwi owakhuluma phakathi kwekamelo lakho lokulala.
One of his officers answered, “Your Majesty, it is not one of us. Elisha the prophet [knows what we plan to do, and he] tells the king of Israel everything. He even knows what you say in your own bedroom!”
13 Yasisithi: Hambani liyebona lapho akhona, ukuze ngithume ngimthathe. Wasetshelwa kwathiwa: Khangela, useDothani.
The king of Syria replied, “Go and find out where he is, and I will send [some men there] to capture him.” Someone told him, “People say that he is in Dothan [town north of Samaria].”
14 Yasithuma khona amabhiza lezinqola lebutho elinzima; basebefika ebusuku, bawuzingelezela umuzi.
So the king sent a large group of soldiers [to Dothan] with horses and chariots. They arrived at night and surrounded the town.
15 Kwathi inceku yomuntu kaNkulunkulu isivukile ngovivi yaphuma, khangela-ke, ibutho lizingelezele umuzi kanye lamabhiza lezinqola. Inceku yakhe yasisithi kuye: Maye, nkosi yami! Sizakwenza njani?
Early the next morning, Elisha’s servant got up and went outside the house. He saw the soldiers of Syria with their horses and chariots surrounding the town. So he went inside [the house and reported it to Elisha] and exclaimed, “O, sir! What are we going to do?”
16 Wasesithi: Ungesabi, ngoba labo abalathi banengi okwedlula labo abalabo.
Elisha replied, “Do not be afraid! Those who will be helping us will be more than those who will be helping them!”
17 UElisha wasekhuleka wathi: Nkosi, akuvule amehlo ayo ukuze ibone. INkosi yasiwavula amehlo alelojaha, laselibona, khangela-ke, intaba igcwele amabhiza lenqola zomlilo zihanqe uElisha.
Then he prayed, “Yahweh, I request that you open my servant’s eyes in order that he can see [what is out there]!” So Yahweh enabled the servant to look out and see that surrounding the hill on which the town [was built] was a huge number of horses, and chariots made of fire!
18 Sebehlele kuye, uElisha wakhuleka eNkosini wathi: Akutshaye lababantu ngobuphofu. Yasibatshaya ngobuphofu njengokwelizwi likaElisha.
When the army of Syria prepared to attack Elisha, he prayed again, saying, “Yahweh, cause all these soldiers to become blind!” Yahweh answered his prayer and caused them to be unable to see clearly.
19 UElisha wasesithi kibo: Kayisiyo le indlela, futhi kayisiwo lo umuzi; ngilandelani, ngizalisa kulowomuntu elimdingayo. Kodwa wabasa eSamariya.
Then Elisha went to them and said, “You are not on the right road; this is not the city that you are searching for. I will take you to the man whom you are searching for.” But he led them to Samaria, [the capital of Israel]!
20 Kwasekusithi sebengene eSamariya, uElisha wathi: Nkosi, vula amehlo alaba ukuze babone. INkosi yasivula amehlo abo, basebebona; khangela-ke, babephakathi kweSamariya.
As soon as they entered Samaria, Elisha prayed again, saying, “Yahweh, now enable these soldiers to see correctly again!” So Yahweh enabled them to see correctly, and they were surprised to see that they were inside Samaria [city].
21 Inkosi yakoIsrayeli yasisithi kuElisha ibabona: Baba, ngibatshaye, ngibatshaye yini?
When the king of Israel saw them, he said to Elisha, “Sir, shall I [tell my soldiers to] kill them? Shall we kill all of them?”
22 Wasesithi: Ungatshayi. Ungatshaya yini labo obathumbe ngenkemba yakho langedandili lakho? Beka isinkwa lamanzi phambi kwabo ukuze badle banathe, baye enkosini yabo.
Elisha replied, “No, you must not kill them. If your army captured many of your enemies in a battle, you would certainly not [RHQ] kill them. Give these men something to eat and drink, and then allow them to return to their king.”
23 Yasibalungisela idili elikhulu; sebedlile banatha, yabayekela bahamba, baya enkosini yabo. Ngakho amaviyo amaSiriya kawabesaphinda ukubuya elizweni lakoIsrayeli.
So the king of Israel did that. He told his servants to provide a big feast for them. And when they had eaten and drunk plenty, he sent them away. They returned to the king of Syria [and told him what had happened]. So for a while after that, soldiers from Syria stopped raiding/attacking towns in Israel.
24 Kwasekusithi emva kwalokho uBenihadadi inkosi yeSiriya wabutha ibutho lakhe lonke, wenyuka wavimbezela iSamariya.
But some time later, Ben-Hadad, the king of Syria, assembled his entire army, and they went to Samaria and surrounded the city [for a long time].
25 Kwasekusiba lendlala enkulu eSamariya; khangela-ke, bayivimbela, kwaze kwathi inhloko kababhemi yathengiswa ngenhlamvu zesiliva ezingamatshumi ayisificaminwembili, lengxenye eyodwa kwezine yegajana lobudolilo bejuba ngenhlamvu zesiliva ezinhlanu.
Because of that, after a while there was hardly any food left inside the city, with the result that eventually a donkey’s head, [which was usually worthless, ] cost eighty pieces of silver, and (one cup/0.3 liter) of dove’s dung cost five pieces of silver.
26 Kwasekusithi inkosi yakoIsrayeli idlula phezu komduli, owesifazana wamemeza kiyo esithi: Siza, nkosi yami, nkosi!
One day when the king of Israel was walking on top of the city wall, a woman cried out to him, “Your Majesty, help me!”
27 Yasisithi: Uba iNkosi ingakusizi, ngikusize ngokuvela ngaphi? Ebaleni lokubhulela kumbe esikhamelweni sewayini yini?
He replied, “If Yahweh will not help you, I certainly cannot [RHQ] help you. I certainly [RHQ] do not have any wheat or wine!
28 Inkosi yasisithi kuye: Ulani? Wasesithi: Lo owesifazana uthe: Letha indodana yakho ukuze siyidle lamuhla; kusasa-ke sizakudla indodana yami.
What is your problem?” She replied, “Several days ago, that woman [over there] said to me, ‘[Because we have nothing left to eat, ] let’s kill your son today, in order that we can eat his flesh. Then tomorrow we can [kill] my son [and] eat his flesh.’
29 Sasesiyipheka indodana yami, sayidla. Ngasengisithi kuye ngosuku olulandelayo: Letha indodana yakho ukuze siyidle. Kodwa wayifihla indodana yakhe.
So we [killed my son and cut his body up and] boiled his flesh and ate it. The next day, I said to her, ‘Now give your son to me, in order that we can [kill him and cook his flesh and] eat it.’ But she has hidden her son!”
30 Kwasekusithi inkosi isizwa amazwi alowo owesifazana yadabula izigqoko zayo. Yedlula phezu komduli; abantu basebebona, khangela-ke, kwakulesaka emzimbeni wayo, ngaphakathi.
When the king heard what the woman said, he tore his robe [to show that he was very distressed]. The people who were standing close to the wall were able to see that the king was wearing rough cloth underneath his robe [because he was very distressed].
31 Yasisithi: UNkulunkulu kenze njalo kimi langokunjalo engezelele, uba ikhanda likaElisha indodana kaShafati lizahlala kuye lamuhla.
The king exclaimed, “I wish/hope that God will strike me dead if I do not cut off the head of Elisha today, [because he is the one who has caused these terrible things to happen to us]!”
32 Kodwa uElisha wayehlezi endlini yakhe labadala babehlezi laye. Inkosi yasithuma umuntu esuka phambi kwayo; isithunywa singakafiki kuye, yena wathi kubadala: Liyabona yini ukuthi indodana le yombulali ithume ukususa ikhanda lami? Bonani, lapho isithunywa sifika, livale umnyango, lisibandezele emnyango. Kakusizisinde zenkosi yaso yini emva kwaso?
So the king sent an officer to get Elisha. Before the officer arrived, Elisha was sitting in his house with some Israeli elders who were talking with him. Elisha said to them, “That murderer, [the king of Israel, ] is sending someone here to kill me. Listen: When he arrives, shut the door and do not allow him to come in. And the king will be coming right behind that officer!”
33 Kwathi esakhuluma labo, khangela-ke, inkosi yehlela kuye, yathi: Khangela, lobububi buvela eNkosini. Ngingabe ngisayilindelelani iNkosi?
And while he was still speaking, the king and the officer arrived. The king said, “It is Yahweh who has caused us to have all this trouble/suffering. (Why should I wait any longer [RHQ] for him to do something [to help us]?/It is useless for me to wait any longer for him [to help us]!)”

< 2 Amakhosi 6 >