< 2 Imilando 26 >
1 Bonke abantu bakoJuda basebethatha uUziya owayeleminyaka elitshumi lesithupha, bambeka waba yinkosi esikhundleni sikayise uAmaziya.
Then all the people of Iudah tooke Vzziah, which was sixteene yeere olde, and made him King in the steade of his father Amaziah.
2 Yena wakha iElothi, wayibuyisela koJuda emva kokulala kwenkosi laboyise.
He buylt Eloth, and restored it to Iudah after that the King slept with his fathers.
3 U-Uziya wayeleminyaka elitshumi lesithupha lapho esiba yinkosi; wabusa iminyaka engamatshumi amahlanu lambili eJerusalema. Lebizo likanina lalinguJekoliya weJerusalema.
Sixteene yeere olde was Vzziah, when he began to reigne, and he reigned two and fiftie yere in Ierusalem, and his mothers name was Iecoliah of Ierusalem.
4 Wasesenza okuqondileyo emehlweni eNkosi njengakho konke uAmaziya uyise ayekwenzile.
And hee did vprightly in the sight of the Lord, according to al that his father Amaziah did.
5 Njalo wayemdinga uNkulunkulu ensukwini zikaZekhariya owayelokuqedisisa emibonweni kaNkulunkulu; langezinsuku zokudinga kwakhe iNkosi, uNkulunkulu wamphumelelisa.
And he sought God in the dayes of Zechariah (which vnderstoode the visions of God) and when as he sought the Lord, God made him to prosper.
6 Wasephuma walwa lamaFilisti, wadilizela phansi umduli weGathi lomduli weJabine lomduli weAshidodi, wakha imizi eAshidodi laphakathi kwamaFilisti.
For he went forth and fought against the Philistims and brake downe the wall of Gath, and the wall of Iabneh, and the wall of Ashdod, and built cities in Ashdod, and among the Philistims.
7 UNkulunkulu wasemsiza ukumelana lamaFilisti, lokumelana lamaArabhiya ayehlala eGuri-Bhali, lamaMewuni.
And God helped him against ye Philistims, and against the Arabians that dwelt in Gur-baal and Hammeunim.
8 AmaAmoni asesipha umthelo kuUziya, lebizo lakhe lahamba laze lafika engenelweni leGibhithe, ngoba waziqinisa waze waba sengqongeni.
And the Ammonites gaue gifts to Vzziah, and his name spred to the entring in of Egypt: for he did most valiantly.
9 Futhi uUziya wakha imiphotshongo eJerusalema esangweni lengonsi lesangweni lesigodi lengonsini, wayiqinisa.
Moreouer Uzziah buylt towres in Ierusalem at the corner gate, and at the valley gate, and at the turning, and made them strong.
10 Wakha lemiphotshongo enkangala, wagebha imithombo eminengi, ngoba wayelenkomo ezinengi esihotsheni kanye lemagcekeni, abalimi lezisebenzi zezivini ezintabeni leKharmeli, ngoba wayengothanda umhlabathi.
And he built towres in the wildernesse, and digged many cisternes: for he had much cattell both in the valleyes and playnes, plowmen, and dressers of vines in the mountaines, and in Carmel: for he loued husbandrie.
11 Futhi uUziya wayelebutho elilwayo eliphuma impi ngamaviyo ngokwenani lokubalwa kwabo ngesandla sikaJeyiyeli umabhalane loMahaseya umbusi phansi kwesandla sikaHananiya, omunye wezinduna zenkosi.
Vzziah had also an hoste of fighting men that went out to warre by bandes, according to the count of their nomber vnder the hande of Ieiel the Scribe, and Maaseiah the ruler, and vnder the hand of Hananiah, one of the Kings captaines.
12 Inani lonke lezinhloko zaboyise lamaqhawe alamandla lalizinkulungwane ezimbili lamakhulu ayisithupha.
The whole nomber of the chiefe of the families of the valiant men were two thousande and sixe hundreth.
13 Laphansi kwesandla sazo kwakulamandla ebutho elizinkulungwane ezingamakhulu amathathu lesikhombisa lamakhulu amahlanu elalisilwa ngamandla obuqhawe ukusiza inkosi limelene lesitha.
And vnder their hande was the armie for warre, three hundreth and seuen thousand, and fiue hundreth that fought valiantly to helpe the King against the enemie.
14 U-Uziya wasebalungisela, ibutho lonke, izihlangu lemikhonto lamakhowa lamabhatshi ensimbi lamadandili lamatshe ezavutha.
And Vzziah prepared them throughout all the hoste, shieldes, and speares, and helmets, and brigandines, and bowes, and stones to sling.
15 EJerusalema wasesenza imitshina, eyaqanjwa ngohlakaniphileyo, ukuthi ibe phezu kwemiphotshongo laphezu kwezingonsi ukuphosa ngemitshoko langamatshe amakhulu. Lebizo lakhe laphuma laze laba khatshana, ngoba wasizwa ngokumangalisayo waze waqina.
He made also very artificial engins in Ierusalem, to be vpon the towres and vpon the corners, to shoote arrowes and great stones: and his name spred farre abroade, because God did helpe him marueilously, till he was mightie.
16 Kodwa eseqinile, inhliziyo yakhe yaziphakamisela encithakalweni. Ngoba waphambuka eNkosini uNkulunkulu wakhe, wasengena ethempelini leNkosi ukuze atshise impepha phezu kwelathi lempepha.
But when he was strong, his heart was lift vp to his destruction: for he transgressed against the Lord his God, and went into the Temple of the Lord to burne incense vpon the altar of incense.
17 UAzariya umpristi wasengena emva kwakhe elabapristi beNkosi abangamatshumi ayisificaminwembili, amadoda alamandla.
And Azariah the Priest went in after him, and with him foure score Priests of the Lord, valiant men.
18 Basebemelana loUziya inkosi, bathi kuye: Kakusikho okwakho, Uziya, ukutshisela iNkosi impepha, kodwa ngokwabapristi, amadodana kaAroni abehlukaniselwe ukutshisa impepha. Phuma endaweni engcwele, ngoba uphambukile; njalo kakusikho kodumo lwakho oluvela eNkosini uNkulunkulu.
And they withstoode Vzziah the King, and said vnto him, It perteineth not to thee, Vzziah, to burne incense vnto the Lord, but to the Priests the sonnes of Aaron, that are consecrated for to offer incense: goe forth of the Sanctuarie: for thou hast transgressed, and thou shalt haue none honour of the Lord God.
19 Wasethukuthela uUziya, njalo kwakulodengezi esandleni sakhe ukuze atshise impepha; esebathukuthelele abapristi, kwabonakala ubulephero ebunzini lakhe phambi kwabapristi endlini yeNkosi, ngaphezu kwelathi lempepha.
Then Vzziah was wroth, and had incense in his hand to burne it: and while he was wroth with the Priestes, the leprosie rose vp in his forehead before the Priestes in the house of the Lord beside the incense altar.
20 UAzariya umpristi oyinhloko labo bonke abapristi basebemkhangela, khangela-ke, wayelobulephero ebunzini lakhe; basebemkhupha lapho masinyane, yebo laye uqobo waphangisa ukuphuma, ngoba iNkosi yayimtshayile.
And when Azariah the chiefe Priest with al the Priestes looked vpon him, behold, he was leprous in his forehead, and they caused him hastily to depart thence: and he was euen compelled to go out, because the Lord had smitten him.
21 U-Uziya inkosi waba ngumlephero kwaze kwaba lusuku lokufa kwakhe; wahlala endlini eyehlukanisiweyo engumlephero, ngoba waqunywa wasuka endlini kaJehova. Njalo uJothamu indodana yakhe wayephezu kwendlu yenkosi, esahlulela abantu belizwe.
And Vzziah the king was a leper vnto the day of his death, and dwelt as a leper in an house apart, because he was cut off from the house of ye Lord: and Iotham his sonne ruled ouer the Kings house, and iudged the people of the land.
22 Ezinye-ke zezindaba zikaUziya, ezokuqala lezokucina, uIsaya umprofethi, indodana kaAmozi, wazibhala.
Concerning the rest of the acts of Vzziah, first and last, did Isaiah the Prophet the sonne of Amoz write.
23 U-Uziya waselala laboyise; basebemngcwaba kuboyise ensimini yokungcwaba eyayingeyamakhosi, ngoba bathi: Ungumlephero. UJothamu indodana yakhe wasesiba yinkosi esikhundleni sakhe.
So Vzziah slept with his fathers, and they buryed him with his fathers in the fielde of the burial, which perteined to the kings: for they said, He is a leper. And Iotham his sonne reigned in his steade.