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1 UAmaziya eseleminyaka engamatshumi amabili lanhlanu waba yinkosi; wabusa iminyaka engamatshumi amabili lesificamunwemunye eJerusalema. Lebizo likanina lalinguJehowadani weJerusalema.
A son of twenty and five year[s] he became king Amaziah and twenty and nine year[s] he reigned in Jerusalem and [the] name of mother his [was] Jehoaddan from Jerusalem.
2 Wasesenza okuqondileyo emehlweni eNkosi, kodwa kungeyisikho ngenhliziyo epheleleyo.
And he did the right in [the] eyes of Yahweh only not with a heart complete.
3 Kwasekusithi umbuso usuqinisiwe kuye, wabulala inceku zakhe ezazibulele inkosi uyise.
And it was just when it was secure the kingdom on him and he killed servants his who had struck down the king father his.
4 Kodwa kababulalanga abantwana bazo, kodwa wenza njengokubhaliweyo emlayweni wogwalo lukaMozisi lapho iNkosi eyalaya khona isithi: Oyise kabayikufa ngenxa yabantwana, labantwana kabayikufa ngenxa yaboyise, kodwa wonke uzafela isono sakhe.
And children their not he put to death for according to [what] is written in the law in [the] book of Moses which he commanded Yahweh saying not they will die parents on children and children not they will die on parents for each for own sin his they will die.
5 UAmaziya wasebuthanisa uJuda, wabamisa ngokwendlu yaboyise baba zinduna zezinkulungwane lezinduna zamakhulu, kuye wonke uJuda loBhenjamini. Wababala kusukela koleminyaka engamatshumi amabili kusiya phezulu, wabathola bezinkulungwane ezingamakhulu amathathu zabakhethiweyo, abaphuma impi, ababamba umkhonto lesihlangu esikhulu.
And he assembled Amaziah Judah and he appointed them to [the] house of ancestors to [the] commanders of the thousands and to [the] commanders of the hundreds for all Judah and Benjamin and he enrolled them from a son of twenty year[s] and up-wards and he found them three hundred thousand chosen [man] [one who] goes forth warfare [one who] holds spear and body shield.
6 Wabuya waqhatsha koIsrayeli amaqhawe alamandla azinkulungwane ezilikhulu ngamathalenta esiliva alikhulu.
And he hired from Israel one hundred thousand mighty [man] of strength for one hundred talent[s] of silver.
7 Kodwa kwafika umuntu kaNkulunkulu kuye, esithi: Nkosi, ibutho lakoIsrayeli kalingahambi lawe, ngoba iNkosi kayilaye uIsrayeli, kusitsho bonke abantwana bakoEfrayimi.
And [the] man of God he came to him saying O king may not it go with you [the] army of Israel for not Yahweh [is] with Israel all [the] descendants of Ephraim.
8 Kodwa uba uhamba, kwenze, qinela impi; uNkulunkulu uzakwenza ukhubeke phambi kwesitha; ngoba kulamandla kuNkulunkulu okusiza lokukhubekisa.
That except go you act be strong for the battle he will overthrow you God before [the] enemy for there [is] strength in God to help and to overthrow.
9 UAmaziya wasesithi emuntwini kaNkulunkulu: Pho, senzeni ngamathalenta alikhulu engiwanike iviyo lakoIsrayeli? Umuntu kaNkulunkulu wasesithi: INkosi ilokunengi kulalokhu okokukunika.
And he said Amaziah to [the] man of God and what? [is] to do to [the] one hundred the talent[s] which I paid to [the] troop[s] of Israel and he said [the] man of God there [belongs] to Yahweh to give to you much more than this.
10 UAmaziya wasebehlukanisa, kusitsho iviyo elalifike kuye livela koEfrayimi, ukuze baye endaweni yabo. Ngakho ulaka lwabo lwamvuthela kakhulu uJuda, babuyela endaweni yabo bevutha ulaka.
And he separated them Amaziah the troop[s] which it had come to him from Ephraim to go to place their and it burned anger their exceedingly on Judah and they returned to place their in [the] heat of anger.
11 UAmaziya waseziqinisa, wakhokhela abantu bakhe, waya esihotsheni setshwayi, watshaya abantwana beSeyiri, izinkulungwane ezilitshumi.
And Amaziah he strengthened himself and he led out people his and he went [the] Valley of Salt and he struck down [the] people of Seir ten thousand.
12 Abantwana bakoJuda basebethumba abazinkulungwane ezilitshumi abaphilayo, babasa engqongeni yeliwa, babaphosa besengqongeni yeliwa, baze baphahlazeka bonke.
And ten thousand alive they took captive [the] people of Judah and they brought them to [the] top of the cliff and they threw them from [the] top of cliff and all of them they were split open.
13 Kodwa abantu beviyo uAmaziya ayelibuyisele emuva ukuthi bangahambi laye empini, bahlasela imizi yakoJuda, kusukela eSamariya kuze kube seBhethi-Horoni, batshaya abazinkulungwane ezintathu zabo, baphanga impango enengi.
And [the] sons of the troop which he had turned back Amaziah from going with him to the battle and they made a raid on [the] cities of Judah from Samaria and to Beth Horon and they struck down of them three thousand and they plundered plunder much.
14 Kwasekusithi emva kokubuya kukaAmaziya ekutshayeni amaEdoma, waletha onkulunkulu babantwana beSeyiri, wabamisa baba ngonkulunkulu bakhe, wabakhothamela, wabatshisela impepha.
And it was after came Amaziah from defeating [the] Edomites and he brought [the] gods of [the] people of Seir and he set up them for himself to gods and before them he bowed down and to them he made smoke.
15 Ngalokhu ulaka lweNkosi lwamvuthela uAmaziya, yathuma kuye umprofethi owathi kuye: Ubadingelani onkulunkulu babantu abangophulanga abantu babo esandleni sakho?
And it burned [the] anger of Yahweh on Amaziah and he sent to him a prophet and he said to him why? have you sought [the] gods of the people which not they delivered own people their from hand your.
16 Kodwa kwathi ekhuluma laye, wathi kuye: Sikubekile yini ukuthi ube ngumeluleki wenkosi? Ziyekelele! Kungani bezakutshaya? Umprofethi waseyekela wathi: Ngiyazi ukuthi uNkulunkulu unqume ukukubhubhisa, ngoba wenze lokhu, kawulalelanga iseluleko sami.
And it was - when was speaking he to him and he said to him ¿ into a counselor of the king have we made you cease yourself why? will people strike down you and he ceased the prophet and he said I know that he has planned God to destroy you for you have done this and not you have listened to counsel my.
17 UAmaziya inkosi yakoJuda wasethatha iseluleko, wathumela kuJowashi indodana kaJehowahazi indodana kaJehu, inkosi yakoIsrayeli, esithi: Woza, sikhangelane ubuso.
And he took counsel Amaziah [the] king of Judah and he sent to Joash [the] son of Jehoahaz [the] son of Jehu [the] king of Israel saying (come! *Q(K)*) let us look at one another faces.
18 UJowashi inkosi yakoIsrayeli wasethumela kuAmaziya inkosi yakoJuda esithi: Ukhula oluhlabayo oluseLebhanoni lwathumela emsedarini oseLebhanoni lusithi: Phana indodana yami indodakazi yakho ibe ngumkayo; kodwa isilo seganga esasiseLebhanoni sedlula, salugxoba ukhula oluhlabayo.
And he sent Joash [the] king of Israel to Amaziah [the] king of Judah saying the thornbush which [was] in Lebanon it sent to the cedar which [was] in Lebanon saying give! daughter your to son my to a wife and it passed by [the] animal of the field which [was] in Lebanon and it trampled the thornbush.
19 Uthi: Khangela, uyitshayile iEdoma; ngakho inhliziyo yakho iyakuphakamisa ukuthi uzincome; khathesi hlala endlini yakho; kungani uzazingenisa ebubini ukuze uwe, wena loJuda elawe?
You have said here! you have struck down Edom and it has lifted you heart your to become heavy now remain! in house your why? will you engage in strife with harm and you will fall you and Judah with you.
20 Kodwa uAmaziya kalalelanga; ngoba kwakungokukaNkulunkulu ukuze abanikele esandleni sabo, ngoba babedinge onkulunkulu beEdoma.
And not he listened Amaziah for [was] from God it so as to give them in a hand for they had sought [the] gods of Edom.
21 UJowashi inkosi yakoIsrayeli wasesenyuka, bakhangelana ubuso, yena loAmaziya inkosi yakoJuda, eBeti-Shemeshi engeyakoJuda.
And he went up Joash [the] king of Israel and they looked at one another faces he and Amaziah [the] king of Judah at Beth Shemesh which [belonged] to Judah.
22 UJuda wasetshaywa phambi kukaIsrayeli, babaleka, ngulowo waya ethenteni lakhe.
And it was defeated Judah before Israel and they fled each to tents his.
23 UJowashi inkosi yakoIsrayeli wasembamba uAmaziya inkosi yakoJuda, indodana kaJowashi, indodana kaJehowahazi, eBeti-Shemeshi, wamletha eJerusalema, wadilizela phansi okomduli weJerusalema, kusukela esangweni lakoEfrayimi kuze kube sesangweni lengonsi, izingalo ezingamakhulu amane.
And Amaziah [the] king of Judah [the] son of Joash [the] son of Jehoahaz he caught Joash [the] king of Israel at Beth Shemesh and he brought him Jerusalem and he made a breach in [the] wall of Jerusalem from [the] gate of Ephraim to [the] gate of the Corner four hundred cubit[s].
24 Wasethatha lonke igolide lesiliva, lezitsha zonke ezatholakala endlini kaNkulunkulu kuObedi-Edoma, lokuligugu kwendlu yenkosi, labayisibambiso, wabuyela eSamariya.
And all the gold and the silver and all the articles which were found in [the] house of God with Obed-Edom and [the] treasures of [the] house of the king and [the] sons of the pledges and he returned Samaria.
25 UAmaziya indodana kaJowashi inkosi yakoJuda wasephila iminyaka elitshumi lanhlanu emva kokufa kukaJowashi indodana kaJehowahazi inkosi yakoIsrayeli.
And he lived Amaziah [the] son of Joash [the] king of Judah after [the] death of Joash [the] son of Jehoahaz [the] king of Israel fif-teen year[s].
26 Ezinye-ke zezindaba zikaAmaziya, ezokuqala lezokucina, khangela, kazibhalwanga yini egwalweni lwamakhosi akoJuda lawakoIsrayeli?
And [the] rest of [the] matters of Amaziah former and latter ¿ not there! [are] they written on [the] scroll of [the] kings of Judah and Israel.
27 Njalo kusukela esikhathini uAmaziya aphambuka ngaso ekulandeleni iNkosi bamenzela ugobe eJerusalema; wasebalekela eLakishi; kodwa bathumela emva kwakhe eLakishi, bambulalela khona.
And from [the] time when he turned aside Amaziah from after Yahweh and people conspired on him a conspiracy in Jerusalem and he fled Lachish towards and they sent after him Lachish towards and they put to death him there.
28 Basebemthwala ngamabhiza, bamngcwaba kuboyise emzini kaJuda.
And they carried him on horses and they buried him with ancestors his in [the] city of Judah.