< 1 USamuyeli 17 >

1 AmaFilisti asebuthela amabutho awo impi; abuthana eSoko engeyakoJuda, amisa inkamba phakathi kweSoko leAzeka, eEfesi-Damimi.
And the Philistines gather their armies to battle, and gather themselves to Socchoth of Judaea, and encamp between Socchoth and Azeca Ephermen.
2 USawuli lamadoda akoIsrayeli babuthana, bamisa inkamba esigodini seEla, bahlela impi ukumelana lamaFilisti.
And Saul and the men of Israel gather together, and they encamp in the valley, and set the battle in array against the Philistines.
3 AmaFilisti asesima entabeni ngapha, loIsrayeli wema entabeni ngale, lesigodi sasiphakathi kwabo.
And the Philistines stand on the mountain on one side, and Israel stands on the mountain on the other side, and the valley was between them.
4 Kwasekuphuma enkambeni yamaFilisti iqhawe; ibizo lalo lalinguGoliyathi weGathi; ubude balo babuyizingalo eziyisithupha lokwelulwa kweminwe.
And there went forth a mighty man out of the army of the Philistines, Goliath, by name, out of Geth, his height [was] four cubits and a span.
5 Kwakulekhowa lethusi ekhanda lalo; laligqoke ibhatshi lensimbi elilamaxolo; njalo isisindo sebhatshi lensimbi sasingamashekeli ethusi ayizinkulungwane ezinhlanu.
And [he had] a helmet upon his head, and he wore a breastplate of chain armour; and the weight of his breastplate [was] five thousand shekels of brass and iron.
6 Njalo kwakulemigwamazi yethusi emibaleni yalo, lomkhonto wethusi phakathi laphakathi kwamahlombe alo.
And greaves of grass [were] upon his legs, and a brazen target [was] between his shoulders.
7 Loluthi lomkhonto walo lwalunjengogodo lomaluki, lengqamu yomkhonto walo yayingamashekeli ensimbi angamakhulu ayisithupha; lophatha isihlangu esikhulu wayehamba phambi kwalo.
And the staff of his spear [was] like a weaver's beam, and the spear's head [was formed] of six hundred shekels of iron; and his armour-bearer went before him.
8 Lema, lamemeza emaviyweni akoIsrayeli lathi kuwo: Liphumelani ukuzahlela impi? Kangisuye umFilisti yini, lani izinceku zikaSawuli? Zikhetheleni umuntu ehlele kimi.
And he stood and cried to the army of Israel, and said to them, Why are ye come forth to set yourselves in battle array against us? Am not I a Philistine, and ye Hebrews of Saul? Choose for yourselves a man, and let him come down to me.
9 Uba elakho ukulwa lami angibulale, sizakuba yizigqili zenu; kodwa uba mina ngimehlula ngimbulale, lizakuba yizigqili zethu, lisisebenzele.
And if he shall be able to fight against me, and shall smite me, then will we be your servants: but if I should prevail and smite him, ye shall be our servants, and serve us.
10 UmFilisti wasesithi: Mina ngiyaweyisa amaviyo akoIsrayeli lamuhla; nginikani indoda ukuze silwisane.
And the Philistine said, Behold, I have defied the armies of Israel this very day: give me a man, and we will both of us fight in single combat.
11 Lapho uSawuli loIsrayeli wonke besizwa lamazwi omFilisti, batshaywa luvalo, besaba kakhulu.
And Saul and all Israel heard these words of the Philistine, and they were dismayed, and greatly terrified.
12 UDavida wayeyindodana yalowomEfrathi weBhethelehema-Juda, obizo lakhe lalinguJese; wayelamadodana ayisificaminwembili. Njalo lowomuntu wahamba njengomuntu omdala phakathi kwamadoda ensukwini zikaSawuli.
[And David son of an Ephrathite said, this Eplarathite was of Bethleem Juda, and his name was Jessae, and he had eight sons. And the man passed for an old man among men in the days of Saul. ]
13 Asehamba amadodana amathathu kaJese amadala, amlandela uSawuli empini. Lamabizo amadodana akhe amathathu ayeyile empini ayenguEliyabi izibulo, lowesibili wakhe uAbinadaba, lowesithathu uShama.
[And the three elder sons of Jessae went and followed Saul to the war, and the ] [names of his sons that went to the war were, Eliab his first-born, and his second Aminadab, and his third son Samma. ]
14 Njalo uDavida nguye owayelicinathunjana; lamathathu amadala alandela uSawuli.
[And David himself ] [was the younger son, and the three elder followed Saul. ]
15 Kodwa uDavida wahamba wabuyela esuka kuSawuli ukuyakwelusa izimvu zikayise eBhethelehema.
[And David departed and returned from Saul, ] [to feed his father’s sheep in Bethleem; ]
16 UmFilisti wayesondela-ke ekuseni kakhulu lantambama ezimisa okwensuku ezingamatshumi amane.
[And the Philistine advanced morning and evening, and stood up forty days. ]
17 UJese wasesithi kuDavida indodana yakhe: Ake uthathele abafowenu i-efa lamabele akhanzingiweyo, lalezizinkwa ezilitshumi, ugijimele enkambeni kubafowenu.
[And Jessae said to David, Take now to thy brethren an ephah of this meal, and these ten loaves, and run to the camp and give them to thy brothers. ]
18 Laleziziqa zetshizi ezilitshumi uziphathele induna yenkulungwane; ubone impilakahle yabafowenu, uthathe isibambiso kibo.
[And thou shalt carry to the captain of the thousand ] [these ten cheeses of milk, and thou shalt see how thy brethren fare, and learn what they want. ]
19 Njalo uSawuli, labo, lawo wonke amadoda akoIsrayeli babesesigodini seEla besilwa lamaFilisti.
[And Saul himself and all the men of Israel were in the valley of the Oak, warring with the Philistines. ]
20 UDavida wasevuka ekuseni kakhulu, watshiya izimvu kumlindi, wakuthatha wahamba njengokulaywa kwakhe nguJese. Wafika enqabeni yezinqola lapho ibutho liphuma ngamaviyo, bememezela impi.
[And David rose early in the morning, and left the sheep to a keeper, and took and went as Jessae commanded him, and he came to the trench and to the army as it was going out to fight, and they shouted for the battle. ]
21 Njalo uIsrayeli lamaFilisti bahlela iviyo laqondana leviyo.
[And Israel and the Philistines formed their lines one opposite the other. ]
22 UDavida wasetshiya impahla ezisuka kuye ngaphansi kwesandla somlindi wempahla, wagijimela eviyweni wafika wabuza abafowabo impilakahle.
[And David deposited his burden in the hand of a keeper, and ran to the line, and went and asked his brethren how they Were. ]
23 Esakhuluma labo, khangela, iqhawe lenyuka, ibizo lalo lalinguGoliyathi, umFilisti weGathi, laphuma emaviyweni amaFilisti, lakhuluma njengokwalawomazwi; loDavida wawezwa.
[And while he was speaking with them, behold the Amessaean advanced, Goliath by name, the Philistine of Geth, of the armies of the Philistines, and he spoke ] [as before, and David heard. ]
24 Njalo wonke amadoda akoIsrayeli athi embona lowomuntu ambalekela, esaba kakhulu.
[And all the men of Israel when they saw the man fled from before him, and they were greatly terrified. ]
25 Amadoda akoIsrayeli athi-ke: Limbonile lowana umuntu owenyukileyo yini? Ngoba wenyukele ukweyisa uIsrayeli. Kuzakuthi-ke indoda ezambulala, inkosi izayinothisa ngenotho enkulu, iyinike lendodakazi yayo, lendlu kayise izayenza ikhululeke koIsrayeli.
[And the men of Israel said, Have ye seen this man that comes up? for he has reproached Israel and has come up; and it shall be that the man who shall smite him, the king shall enrich him with great wealth and shall give him his daughter, and shall make his father’s house free in Israel. ]
26 UDavida wasekhuluma emadodeni ayemi laye esithi: Kuzakwenziwani endodeni ebulala lumFilisti, isuse ihlazo koIsrayeli? Ngoba ungubani lumFilisti ongasokanga ukuthi aweyise amaviyo kaNkulunkulu ophilayo?
[and David spoke to the men who stood with him saying, Shall it indeed be done thus to the man who shall smite that Philistine, and take away reproach from Israel? for who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he has defied the army of the living God? ]
27 Abantu basebemphendula njengalelolizwi besithi: Kuzakwenziwa njalo endodeni embulalayo.
[And the people spoke to him according to this Word, saying Thus shall it be done to the man Who shall smite him. ]
28 UEliyabi umnewabo omdala wezwa-ke lapho ekhuluma lamadoda; lentukuthelo kaEliyabi yavuthela uDavida, wathi: Wehleleleni lapha? Izimvu leziyana ezinlutshwana uzitshiye lobani egangeni? Mina ngiyakwazi ukuziqhenya kwakho lobubi benhliziyo yakho; ngoba wehlele ukubona impi.
[And Eliab his elder brother heard as he spoke to the men, and Eliab was very angry with David and said, Why hast thou thus come down, and with whom hast thou left those few sheep in the wilderness? I know thy pride and the naughtiness of thine heart, for thou art come down to see the battle. ]
29 Kodwa uDavida wathi: Sengenzeni? Bekungasilizwi nje yini?
[And David said what have I done now? ] [Have I no business here? ]
30 Wasemfulathela, waya komunye, wakhuluma laye njengokwalelolizwi; abantu basebebuyisela impendulo kuye njengelizwi lakuqala.
[And he turned from him towards another, and he spoke after the same manner; and the people answered him ] [after the former manner. ]
31 Lapho sebewezwile amazwi uDavida awakhulumayo, bawakhuluma phambi kukaSawuli; wasememukela.
[And the Words which David spoke were heard and were reported ] [to Saul. And he took him to himself. ]
32 UDavida wasesithi kuSawuli: Kakungehluleki inhliziyo yomuntu ngenxa yakhe; inceku yakho izahamba iyekulwa lalowomFilisti.
And David said to Saul, Let not, I pray thee, the heart of my lord be dejected within him: thy servant will go, and fight with this Philistine.
33 Kodwa uSawuli wathi kuDavida: Ungeke waya kulumFilisti ukulwa laye; ngoba wena ungumfana, yena-ke uyindoda yempi kusukela ebutsheni bakhe.
And Saul said to David, Thou wilt not in anywise be able to go against this Philistine to fight with him, for thou art a mere youth, and he a man of war from his youth.
34 Kodwa uDavida wathi kuSawuli: Inceku yakho yayiselusa izimvu zikayise; lapho kwafika isilwane lebhere, kwathatha imvu emhlanjini,
And David said to Saul, Thy servant was tending the flock for his father; and when a lion came and a she-bear, and took a sheep out of the flock,
35 ngaphuma ngakulandela, ngakutshaya, ngayikhulula emlonyeni wakho; lapho kungivukela, ngakubamba ngendevu, ngakutshaya, ngakubulala.
then I went forth after him, and smote him, and drew [the spoil] out of his mouth: and as he rose up against me, then I caught hold of his throat, and smote him, and slew him.
36 Inceku yakho yabulala kokubili isilwane lebhere; lalo umFilisti ongasokanga uzakuba njengokunye kwakho, lokhu eyise amaviyo kaNkulunkulu ophilayo.
Thy servant smote both the lion and the bear, and the uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them: shall I not go and smite him, and remove this day a reproach from Israel? For who [is] this uncircumcised one, who has defied the army of the living God?
37 UDavida wathi futhi: INkosi eyangophula kuzipho lwesilwane lakuzipho lwebhere, yona izangophula esandleni salo umFilisti. USawuli wasesithi kuDavida: Hamba, leNkosi kayibe lawe.
The Lord who delivered me out of the paw of the lion and out the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this uncircumcised Philistine. And Saul said to David, Go, and the Lord shall be with thee.
38 USawuli wasegqokisa uDavida izigqoko zakhe, wafaka ikhowa lethusi ekhanda lakhe, wamgqokisa ibhatshi lensimbi.
And Saul clothed David with a military coat, and [put] his brazen helmet on his head.
39 UDavida wasebhinca inkemba yakhe phezu kwezigqoko zakhe, walinga ukuhamba, ngoba wayengakuzamanga. UDavida wasesithi kuSawuli: Kangilakho ukuhamba ngilalezizinto ngoba kangizizamanga. UDavida wasezikhumula kuye.
And he girt David with his sword over his coat: and he made trial walking [with them] once and again: and David said to Saul, I shall not be able to go with these, for I have not proved [them]: so they remove them from him.
40 Wasethatha umqwayi wakhe esandleni sakhe, wazikhethela amatshe amahlanu abutshelezi esifuleni, wawafaka esikhwameni sikamelusi ayelaso, ngitsho emxhakeni, lesavutha sakhe sasisesandleni sakhe, wasesondela kumFilisti.
And he took his staff in his hand, and he chose for himself five smooth stones out of the brook, and put them in the shepherd's scrip which he had for his store, and his sling was in his hand; and he approached the Philistine.
41 UmFilisti wasehamba waya wasondela kuDavida; lomuntu ophethe isihlangu esikhulu wayephambi kwakhe.
And the Philistine advanced and drew nigh to David, and a man bearing his shield went before him, and the Philistine looked on.
42 Kwathi umFilisti ekhangela ebona uDavida, wameyisa; ngoba wayengumfana njalo ebomvana elobuso obubukekayo.
And Goliath saw David, and despised him; for he was a lad, and ruddy, with a fair countenance.
43 UmFilisti wasesithi kuDavida: Ngiyinja yini ukuthi wena uze kimi ulezinduku? UmFilisti wasemqalekisa uDavida ngabonkulunkulu bakhe.
And the Philistine said to David, Am I as a dog, that thou comest against me with a staff and stones? [and David said, Nay, but worse than a dog.] And the Philistine cursed David by his gods.
44 UmFilisti wasesithi kuDavida: Woza kimi, ngizanika inyoni zamazulu lenyamazana zeganga inyama yakho.
And the Philistine said to David, Come to me, and I will give thy flesh to the birds of the air, and to the beasts of the earth.
45 UDavida wasesithi kumFilisti: Wena uza kimi ulenkemba, lomkhonto, lomdikadika; kodwa mina ngiza kuwe ngebizo leNkosi yamabandla, uNkulunkulu wamaviyo akoIsrayeli omeyisileyo.
And David said to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with sword, and with spear, and with shield; but I come to thee in the name of the Lord God of hosts of the army of Israel, which thou hast defied
46 Lamuhla iNkosi izakuvalela esandleni sami, ngizakutshaya, ngisuse ikhanda lakho kuwe; nginike lamuhla inyoni zamazulu lenyamazana zomhlaba izidumbu zebutho lamaFilisti, ukuze umhlaba wonke wazi ukuthi kukhona uNkulunkulu koIsrayeli.
this day. And the Lord shall deliver thee this day into my hand; and I will slay thee, and take away thy head from off thee, and will give thy limbs and the limbs of the army of the Philistines this day to the birds of the sky, and to the wild beasts of the earth; and all the earth shall know that there is a God in Israel.
47 Lalelibandla lonke lizakwazi ukuthi iNkosi kayisindisi ngenkemba langomkhonto; ngoba impi ngeyeNkosi, njalo izalinikela esandleni sethu.
And all this assembly shall know that the Lord delivers not by sword or spear, for the battle [is] the Lord's, and the Lord will deliver you into our hands.
48 Kwasekusithi lapho umFilisti esukuma ehamba esondela ukuhlangabeza uDavida, uDavida wasephangisa wagijimela ngaseviyweni ukuhlangana lomFilisti.
And the Philistine arose and went to meet David.
49 UDavida wasefaka isandla sakhe esikhwameni, wakhupha khona ilitshe, walijikijela, wamtshaya umFilisti ebunzini lakhe ilitshe laze latshona ebunzini lakhe, wawela emhlabathini ngobuso bakhe.
And David stretched out his hand to his scrip, and took thence a stone, and slang it, and smote the Philistine on his forehead, and the stone penetrated through the helmet into his forehead, and he fell upon his face to the ground.
50 Ngalokho uDavida wamehlula umFilisti ngesavutha langelitshe, wamtshaya umFilisti, wambulala; kodwa kwakungelankemba esandleni sikaDavida.
[So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone, and smote the Philistine and slew him, and there was no sword in the hand of David. ]
51 Ngakho uDavida wagijima wema phezu komFilisti, wathatha inkemba yakhe, wayihwatsha esikhwameni sayo, wambulala, waquma ikhanda lakhe ngayo. Lapho amaFilisti ebona ukuthi iqhawe lawo selifile, abaleka.
And David ran, and stood upon him, and took his sword, and slew him, and cut off his head: and the Philistines saw that their champion was dead, and they fled.
52 Lamadoda akoIsrayeli lawakoJuda asukuma amemeza, axotshana lamaFilisti uze uyefika esigodini lemasangweni eEkhironi. Labalimeleyo bamaFilisti bawela endleleni yeShaharayimi kuze kube seGathi njalo kuze kube seEkhironi.
And the men of Israel and Juda arose, and shouted and pursued them as far as the entrance to Geth, and as far as the gate of Ascalon: and the slain men of the Philistines fell in the way of the gates, both to Geth, and to Accaron.
53 Abantwana bakoIsrayeli basebephenduka ekuxotshaneni ngamandla lamaFilisti, baphanga inkamba zawo.
And the men of Israel returned from pursuing after the Philistines, and they destroyed their camp.
54 UDavida wasethatha ikhanda lomFilisti, waliletha eJerusalema; kodwa wabeka izikhali zakhe ethenteni lakhe.
And David took the head of the Philistine, and brought it to Jerusalem; but he put his armour in his tent.
55 Lapho uSawuli ebona uDavida ephuma ukuyahlangabeza umFilisti, wathi kuAbhineri induna yebutho: Uyindodana kabani lumfana Abhineri? UAbhineri wasesithi: Kuphila komphefumulo wakho, nkosi, kangazi.
And when Saul saw David going out to meet the Philistine, he said to Abener the captain of the host, Whose son is this youth? and Abener said, As thy sould lives, O King, I know not.
56 Inkosi yasisithi: Buza wena ukuthi liyindodana kabani lelijaha.
And the king said, Do thou ask whose son this youth is.
57 Lapho uDavida esephendukile ekubulaleni umFilisti, uAbhineri wamthatha, wamusa phambi kukaSawuli elekhanda lomFilisti esandleni sakhe.
And as David returned from the slaughter of the Philistine, Abener took him and brought him before Saul, and the head of the Philistine was in his hand.
58 USawuli wasesithi kuye: Uyindodana kabani, jaha? UDavida wasesithi: Ngiyindodana yenceku yakho uJese umBhethelehema.
And Saul said to him, Whose son art thou, young man? and David said, The son of thy servant Jessae the Bethleemite.

< 1 USamuyeli 17 >