< UZekhariya 9 >

1 Isiphrofethi: Ilizwi likaThixo liqophe ilizwe laseHadiraki lize liyokweyama phezu kweDamaseko ngoba amehlo abantu lawezizwana zonke zika-Israyeli akuThixo
The burden of the worde of the Lord in the land of Hadrach: and Damascus shalbe his rest: when the eyes of man, euen of all the tribes of Israel shalbe toward the Lord.
2 laphezu kweHamathi layo, engcelelane layo, laphezu kweThire leSidoni, lokuba nje zilobungcitshi.
And Hamath also shall border thereby: Tyrus also and Zidon, though they be very wise.
3 IThire isizakhele inqaba; isibuthelele isiliva kwangathi luthuli; legolide njengomhlabathi wemigwaqweni.
For Tyrus did build her selfe a strong holde, and heaped vp siluer as the dust, and golde as the myre of the streetes.
4 Kodwa uThixo uzayemuka inotho yayo achithe lamandla ayo asolwandle, kuthi yona iqedwe ngumlilo.
Beholde, the Lord wil spoyle her, and he wil smite her power in the Sea, and she shalbe deuoured with fire.
5 I-Ashikheloni izakubona lokho yesabe; iGaza izathuthumela izwe ubuhlungu, le-Ekroni layo, ngoba ithemba layo lizabuna. IGaza izabhujelwa yinkosi yayo le-Ashikheloni isale ingaselamuntu.
Ashkelon shall see it, and feare, and Azzah also shalbe very sorowfull, and Ekron: for her countenance shalbe ashamed, and the King shall perish from Azzah, and Ashkelon shall not be inhabited.
6 Abezizwe bazayithatha i-Ashidodi bahlale kuyo, njalo ngizakuqeda ukuzigqaja kwamaFilistiya.
And the stranger shall dwell in Ashdod, and I wil cut off the pride of the Philistims.
7 Ngizathatha igazi emilonyeni yabo, okuyikudla okungavunyelwayo ngikukhuphe emazinyweni abo. Labo abaseleyo bazakuba ngabakaNkulunkulu wethu njalo babengabakhokheli koJuda, le-Ekroni izakuba njengamaJebusi.
And I wil take away his blood out of his mouth, and his abominations from betweene his teeth: but he that remaineth, euen he shalbe for our God, and he shalbe as a prince in Iudah, but Ekron shalbe as a Iebusite.
8 Kodwa ngizayivikela indlu yami kulabo abangabaphangi. Kakusayikuphinda kwenzeke ukuthi umncindezeli achithe abantu bami, ngoba manje sengihlezi ngiqaphele.
And I will campe about mine House against the armie, against him that passeth by, and against him that returneth, and no oppressour shall come vpon them any more: for now haue I seene with mine eyes.
9 Thokoza kakhulu, wena Ndodakazi yaseZiyoni! Memeza, Ndodakazi yaseJerusalema! Khangela, inkosi yakho iyeza kuwe, iza ilungile ilensindiso, imnene, ihamba igade ubabhemi, iphezu kwenkonyane, inkonyane kababhemi.
Reioyce greatly, O daughter Zion: shoute for ioy, O daughter Ierusalem: beholde, thy King commeth vnto thee: he is iust and saued himselfe, poore and riding vpon an asse, and vpon a colt the foale of an asse.
10 Ngizazisusa izinqola zempi ko-Efrayimi lamabhiza empi eJerusalema, ledandili lempi lizakwephulwa. Izamemezela ukuthula phakathi kwezizwe. Umbuso wayo uzasukela elwandle usiya elwandle, njalo kusukela eMfuleni kusiya emaphethelweni omhlaba.
And I wil cut off the charets from Ephraim, and the horse from Ierusalem: the bowe of the battel shalbe broken, and he shall speake peace vnto the heathen, and his dominion shalbe from sea vnto sea, and from the Riuer to the end of the land.
11 Wena pho, ngenxa yegazi lesivumelwano lawe, ngizakhulula izibotshwa zakho emgodini ongelamanzi.
Thou also shalt be saued through the blood of thy couenant. I haue loosed thy prisoners out of the pit wherein is no water.
12 Buyelani enqabeni yenu, lina zibotshwa ezilethemba; sengihle ngibika ukuthi ngizalibuyisela izibusiso ngokuphindwe kabili.
Turne you to the strong holde, ye prisoners of hope: euen to day doe I declare, that I will render the double vnto thee.
13 Ngizamgoba uJuda njengalokhu ngigoba idandili lami besengigcwalisa ngo-Efrayimi. Ngizawahlokoza amadodana akho, wena Ziyoni, avukele amadodana akho, wena Grisi, ngikwenze ube njengenkemba yebutho.
For Iudah haue I bent as a bowe for me: Ephraims hand haue I filled, and I haue raised vp thy sonnes, O Zion, against thy sonnes, O Grecia, and haue made thee as a gyants sword.
14 Kulapho-ke uThixo azaqhamuka ngaphezu kwabo; umtshoko wakhe uzabenyezela njengonyezi. UThixo Wobukhosi uzatshaya icilongo; uzahaluzela ngeziphepho zaseningizimu,
And the Lord shalbe seene ouer them, and his arrowe shall go forth as the lightning: and the Lord God shall blowe the trumpet, and shall come forth with the whirlewindes of the South.
15 njalo uThixo uSomandla uzabavikela. Bazabhubhisa njalo banqobe ngamatshe ezavutha. Bazanatha baklabalale njengabadakwe liwayini; bazagcwala lona njengomganu osetshenziswa kuchelwa amagumbi e-alithare.
The Lord of hostes shall defend them, and they shall deuoure them, and subdue them with sling stones, and they shall drinke, and make a noyse as thorowe wine, and they shalbe filled like bowles, and as the hornes of the altar.
16 UThixo uNkulunkulu wabo uzabasindisa ngalelolanga njengoba bengumhlambi wezimvu zakhe. Bazakhazimula elizweni lakhe njengamatshe aligugu acecise umqhele.
And the Lord their God shall deliuer them in that day as the flocke of his people: for they shall be as the stones of the crowne lifted up upon his land.
17 Yeka ukukhanga kwabo lobuhle abazakuba yibobona! Isivuno esihle sizatshwaphulula izinsizwa, lewayini elitsha lithokozise izintombi.
For howe great is his goodnesse! and howe great is his beautie! corne shall make the yong men cherefull, and newe wine the maides.

< UZekhariya 9 >