< KwabaseRoma 15 >

1 Thina esilamandla sifanele ukubekezelela ukwehluleka kwababuthakathaka, hatshi ukuba sizithokozise.
We then who are strong, ought to bear the infirmity of the weak, and not to please ourselves.
2 Lowo lalowo wethu kumele athokozise umakhelwane wakhe ngokuhle kuye, ukuze amakhe.
But each of us should please his neighbor, in good things, as conducive to edification.
3 Ngoba loKhristu kazithokozisanga, kodwa njengoba kulotshiwe ukuthi: “Ukuthuka kwalabo abalithukayo kwehlele phezu kwami.”
Because Messiah also did not please himself; but, as it is written: The reviling of thy revilers fell upon me.
4 Ngoba konke okwalotshwa kudala kwalotshelwa ukusifundisa, ukuze kuthi ngokubekezela langokukhuthazwa yimibhalo sibe lethemba.
For every thing written of old, was written for our instruction; that we, by patience and by the consolation of the scriptures, might possess hope.
5 Sengathi uNkulunkulu onika ukubekezela lenkuthazo angalipha umoya wokumanyana phakathi kwenu lapho lilingisa uKhristu Jesu,
And may the God of patience and of consolation, grant to you, to think in harmony one with another, in Jesus Messiah;
6 ukuze kuthi Nganhliziyonye langomlomo munye lidumise uNkulunkulu loYise weNkosi yethu uJesu Khristu.
so that with one mind and one mouth, ye may glorify God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Messiah.
7 Ngakho yamukelani omunye lomunye njengalokhu uKhristu walamukela, ukuze kudunyiswe uNkulunkulu.
Wherefore, receive ye and bear up one another, as also Messiah received you, to the glory of God.
8 Ngoba ngiyalazisa ukuthi uKhristu waba yinceku yamaJuda emele iqiniso likaNkulunkulu, ukuba aqinise izithembiso ezenziwa kubokhokho,
Now I say, that Jesus Messiah ministered to the circumcision, in behalf of the truth of God, in order to confirm the promise made to the fathers;
9 ukuze abezizwe badumise uNkulunkulu ngenxa yomusa wakhe, njengoba kulotshiwe ukuthi: “Ngenxa yalesisizatho ngizakudumisa phakathi kwabeZizwe, ngizahlabela amahubo ebizweni lakho.”
and that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercies upon them, as it is written: I will confess to thee among the Gentiles, and to thy name will I sing psalms.
10 Njalo, kuthi, “Thokozani, lina beZizwe, labantu bakhe.”
And again he said: Rejoice, ye Gentiles, with his people.
11 Njalo, “Dumisani iNkosi, lonke lina beZizwe, lihlabelele indumiso kuyo, lonke lina bantu.”
And again he said: Praise the Lord, all ye Gentiles; and laud him, all ye nations.
12 Njalo, u-Isaya uthi, “Impande kaJese izavela, lowo ozavuka ukuba abuse izizwe; abeZizwe bazathembela kuye.”
And again Isaiah said: There will be a root of Jesse; and he that shall arise, will be a prince for the Gentiles; and in him will the Gentiles hope.
13 Sengathi uNkulunkulu wethemba angaligcwalisa ngentokozo enkulu langokuthula ekumethembeni kwenu, ukuze libe lethemba elikhaphakayo ngamandla kaMoya oNgcwele.
Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace, by faith; that ye may abound in his hope, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
14 Mina ngokwami ngiyakholwa bazalwane bami, ukuthi lina ngokwenu ligcwele ukulunga, lilokwazi okupheleleyo njalo liyenelisa ukufundisana.
Now I am persuaded, my Brethren, even I, concerning you; that ye too are full of goodness, and are replenished with all knowledge, and are able also to instruct others.
15 Ngililobele ngesibindi mayelana leminye imicijo, njengokungathi ngilikhumbuza yona futhi, ngenxa yomusa uNkulunkulu angiphe wona
Yet I have written rather boldly to you, my Brethren, that I might put you in remembrance; because of the grace which is given to me by God,
16 ukuba yisikhonzi sikaKhristu uJesu kwabeZizwe ngilomlandu wobuphristi wokutshumayela ivangeli likaNkulunkulu ukuze abeZizwe babe ngumnikelo owamukelekayo kuNkulunkulu, ongcweliswe nguMoya oNgcwele.
that I should be a minister of Jesus Messiah among the Gentiles, and should subserve the gospel of God, that the oblation of the Gentiles might be acceptable, and be sanctified by the Holy Spirit.
17 Ngakho ngiyaziqhenya kuKhristu uJesu emsebenzini wami kuNkulunkulu.
I have therefore a glorying in Jesus Messiah, before God.
18 Kangiyikuba lesibindi sokukhuluma ngolunye ulutho ngaphandle kwalokho uKhristu asekufeze ngami ekukhokheleni abeZizwe ukuba balalele uNkulunkulu ngalokhu engakutshoyo lengakwenzayo,
Yet I presume not to speak of any thing done for the obedience of the Gentiles, which Messiah hath not wrought by me, in word and in deeds,
19 ngamandla ezibonakaliso lezimangaliso, langamandla kaMoya kaNkulunkulu. Ngakho indlela yonke kusukela eJerusalema kusiya e-Ilirikhumu, sengilitshumayele ngokugcweleyo ivangeli likaKhristu.
by the power of signs and wonders, and by the power of the Holy Spirit; so that from Jerusalem I have made a circuit quite to Illyricum, and have fulfilled the announcement of the Messiah;
20 Bekuhlezi kuyisifiso sami ukutshumayela ivangeli lapho uKhristu ayengaziwa khona, ukuze ngingakhi phezu kwesisekelo somunye.
while I was careful not to preach where the name of Messiah had been invoked, lest I should build upon another man's foundation;
21 Ikanti kulotshiwe ukuthi: “Labo abangatshelwanga ngaye bazabona, lalabo abangakezwa bazaqedisisa.”
but, it is written: They, to whom mention of him had not been made, will see him; and they, who had not heard, will be obedient.
22 Yikho-nje kade ngixakeka ekubeni ngize kini.
And on this account, I have been many times prevented from coming to you.
23 Kodwa khathesi njengoba kungaselandawo engingasebenza kuyo kulezizigaba, njalo njengoba bengifisa okweminyaka eminengi ukulibona,
But now, since I have no place in these regions, and as I have been desirous for many years past to come to you,
24 ngiceba ukwenzanjalo lapho sengisiya eSpeyini. Ngithemba ngizalibona ngisedlula lokuba lingisize ngohambo lwami lokuya khonale, emva kokuba sengithokoze ukuba lani okwesikhatshana.
when I go to Spain, I hope to come and see you; and that ye will accompany me thither, when I shall have been satisfied, in some measure, with visiting you.
25 Kodwa khathesi ngisendleleni yokuya eJerusalema emsebenzini wabantu beNkosi khonale.
But I am now going to Jerusalem, to minister to the saints.
26 Ngoba abeMasedoniya labe-Akhayiya kwabathokozisa ukusiza abayanga phakathi kwabantu beNkosi eJerusalema.
For they of Macedonia and Achaia, have been willing to make up a contribution for the needy saints who are at Jerusalem.
27 Kwabathokozisa ukwenza lokho, njalo impela balomlandu walokho kubo. Ngoba nxa abeZizwe bahlanganyela ezibusisweni zakomoya zamaJuda, balomlandu kumaJuda wokuhlanganyela lawo ezibusisweni zokwenyama.
They were willing, because they were also debtors to them: for if the Gentiles have been participators with them in the Spirit, they are debtors to serve them also in things of the flesh.
28 Ngakho emva kokuqeda umsebenzi lo, njalo sengibe leqiniso ukuthi sebesamukele isithelo lesi, ngizakuya eSpeyini njalo ngilethekelele ohanjweni lwami.
When therefore, I shall have accomplished this, and shall have sealed to them this fruit, I will pass by you into Spain.
29 Ngiyakwazi ukuthi lapho ngisiza kini, ngizakuza ngilesibusiso esigcweleyo sikaKhristu.
And I know that when I come to you, I shall come in the fullness of the blessing of the gospel of Messiah.
30 Ngiyalincenga bazalwane, ngeNkosi yethu uJesu Khristu langothando lukaMoya, ukuba lihlanganyele lami ekutshikatshikeni kwami ngokungikhulekela kuNkulunkulu.
And I beseech you, my Brethren, by our Lord Jesus Messiah, and by the love of the Spirit, that ye labor with me in prayer to God for me;
31 Khulekelani ukuba ngihlengwe kwabangakholwayo eJudiya lokuthi umsebenzi wami eJerusalema wamukeleke ebantwini beNkosi khonale,
that I may be delivered from them in Judaea, who believe not and that the ministration, which I carry to the saints in Jerusalem, may be well received;
32 ukuze ngize kini ngentokozo kuthi ngentando kaNkulunkulu ngivuselelwe kanye lani.
and that, by the good pleasure of God, I may come to you with joy, and may take comfort with you.
33 UNkulunkulu wokuthula kabe lani lonke. Ameni.
And may the God of peace be with you all: Amen.

< KwabaseRoma 15 >