< Amahubo 55 >

1 Kumqondisi wokuhlabela. Kutshaywa iziginci. Ihubo likaDavida. Lalela umkhuleko wami, Oh Nkulunkulu, ungafulatheli isikhalazo sami;
For the Chief Musician. On stringed instruments. A contemplation by David. Listen to my prayer, God. Don’t hide yourself from my supplication.
2 ngizwa ungiphendule. Imicabango yami iyangikhathaza, ngididekile
Attend to me, and answer me. I am restless in my complaint, and moan
3 ngelizwi lesitha sami, lokunyonkolozwa ngababi; ngoba bangibangela inhlupho bangithuka bethukuthele.
because of the voice of the enemy, because of the oppression of the wicked. For they bring suffering on me. In anger they hold a grudge against me.
4 Inhliziyo yami iyatshiseka ngaphakathi kwami; ukwesaba ukufa kuyangiqinela.
My heart is severely pained within me. The terrors of death have fallen on me.
5 Ukwesaba lokuthuthumela sekungihlasele; isithuli sesingigabhela.
Fearfulness and trembling have come on me. Horror has overwhelmed me.
6 Ngathi, “He, aluba ngangilamaphiko njengejuba! Ngangizaphapha ngizoziphumulela kude.
I said, “Oh that I had wings like a dove! Then I would fly away, and be at rest.
7 Ngangizabaleka ngiye kude ngiyehlala enkangala;
Behold, then I would wander far off. I would lodge in the wilderness.” (Selah)
8 ngangizaphanga ngiye enqabeni yami, kude kwesikhukhula lesiphepho.”
“I would hurry to a shelter from the stormy wind and storm.”
9 Sanganisa ababi, Oh Thixo, sanganisa ukukhuluma kwabo, ngoba ngibona udlakela lengxabano edolobheni.
Confuse them, Lord, and confound their language, for I have seen violence and strife in the city.
10 Emini lebusuku bayacathama emidulini yalo; umona lenzondo kugcwele lapho.
Day and night they prowl around on its walls. Malice and abuse are also within her.
11 Imimoya yokubhidliza yiyo esibusa; izisongo lamanga akusasuki emigwaqweni.
Destructive forces are within her. Threats and lies don’t depart from her streets.
12 Aluba ngithukwa yisitha ngingakubhensela lokho; aluba ongizondayo engivukela ngingamcatshela.
For it was not an enemy who insulted me, then I could have endured it. Neither was it he who hated me who raised himself up against me, then I would have hidden myself from him.
13 Kodwa nguwe, umuntu njengami, umkhula wami, umngane wami oseduze,
But it was you, a man like me, my companion, and my familiar friend.
14 engake ngaba lobudlelwano obukhulu laye lapho sasihamba ndawonye labanengi endlini kaNkulunkulu.
We took sweet fellowship together. We walked in God’s house with company.
15 Yekela ukufa kuzijume izitha zami; yekela bagqitshelwe bephila engcwabeni, ngoba ububi buthe khoxo phakathi kwabo. (Sheol h7585)
Let death come suddenly on them. Let them go down alive into Sheol. For wickedness is amongst them, in their dwelling. (Sheol h7585)
16 Kodwa ngiyambiza uNkulunkulu, uThixo angisindise.
As for me, I will call on God. The LORD will save me.
17 Kusihlwa, ekuseni lemini ngiyakhala ngisosizini, yena uyalizwa ilizwi lami.
Evening, morning, and at noon, I will cry out in distress. He will hear my voice.
18 Uyangihlenga ngingakalimali kuleyompi engihlaselayo, loba bebanengi abaxabana lami.
He has redeemed my soul in peace from the battle that was against me, although there are many who oppose me.
19 UNkulunkulu osesihlalweni sobukhosi lanininini, uzabezwa abachithachithe abantu abangaguqukiyo ezindleleni zabo njalo abangamesabiyo uNkulunkulu.
God, who is enthroned forever, will hear and answer them. (Selah) They never change and don’t fear God.
20 Umkhula wami uyabahlasela abangane bakhe; wephula isivumelwano asenzayo.
He raises his hands against his friends. He has violated his covenant.
21 Inkulumo yakhe ibutshelezi njengolaza, kodwa kulempi enhliziyweni yakhe amazwi akhe alolozela ukwedlula amafutha kodwa abukhali kulensingo.
His mouth was smooth as butter, but his heart was war. His words were softer than oil, yet they were drawn swords.
22 Yethula inswelo zakho kuThixo yena uzakusekela; akazukuyekela abalungileyo bawe.
Cast your burden on the LORD and he will sustain you. He will never allow the righteous to be moved.
23 Kodwa wena, Nkulunkulu ababi uzabawisela egodini lokungcola; abantu abomele igazi njalo abakhohlisayo kabasoze bayiphile ingxenye yezinsuku zabo. Kodwa mina, ngithemba kuwe.
But you, God, will bring them down into the pit of destruction. Bloodthirsty and deceitful men shall not live out half their days, but I will trust in you.

< Amahubo 55 >