< Amahubo 52 >

1 Kumqondisi wokuhlabela. Ihubo likaDavida. Lapho uDoyegi umʼEdomi wayeye kuSawuli wamtshela wathi, “UDavida uye wayangena endlini ka-Ahimeleki.” Kungani uncoma ngobubi, wena somandlase? Kungani utshona untela ilanga lonke, wena olihlazo emehlweni kaNkulunkulu?
For the leader. A maskil of David, when Doeg the Edomite came and told Saul that David had gone to Abimelech’s house. Why glory in mischief, you hero? God’s kindness is all the day.
2 Ulimi lwakho luceba incithakalo; lunjengensingo eloliweyo, wena owenza inkohliso.
Engulfing ruin you plot, your tongue like a razor sharpened, you practiser of deceit.
3 Uthanda ububi kulobuhle, amanga kulokukhuluma iqiniso.
Evil, not good, you love, and falsehood, not words of truth. (Selah)
4 Uyawathanda wonke amanga alimazayo, wena limi olukhohlisayo!
But you love all words that devour, and a tongue that is given to deceit.
5 Ngeqiniso uNkulunkulu uzakwehlisela ukubhubha okungapheliyo: Uzakuhlwitha akukhuphe ethenteni lakho; uzakuquphula akususe elizweni labaphilayo.
But God, on his part, shall destroy you forever, grasp you and pluck you out of your tent, and root you out of the land of the living. (Selah)
6 Abalungileyo bazabona besabe; bazamhleka bathi,
Smitten with awe at the sight, the righteous shall laugh at you.
7 “Nangu-ke manje umuntu lo ongenzanga uNkulunkulu inqaba yakhe kodwa wathemba inotho yakhe enkulu wakhula waba lamandla ngokuwisa abanye!”
“Look” (they will say) “at the hero who did not make God his stronghold, but trusted in his great wealth and in the strength of his riches.”
8 Kodwa mina nginjengesihlahla se-oliva esikhula endlini kaNkulunkulu; ngithembe uthando lukaNkulunkulu olungaphuthiyo nini lanini.
But I am like a fresh olive-tree in the house of God. I trust in the kindness of God for ever and evermore.
9 Ngizakudumisa lanini ngalokho okwenzileyo; ngizathemba ebizweni lakho, ngoba lihle ibizo lakho. Ngizakudumisa phambi kwabangcwele bakho.
I will render you thanks for ever for what you have done. I will tell how good you are in the presence of those who love you.

< Amahubo 52 >