< Amahubo 49 >

1 Kumqondisi wokuhlabela. ElamaDodana kaKhora. Ihubo. Zwanini lokhu lina bantu lonke; lalelani, lonke elihlala kulo umhlaba,
To the Chief Musician. For the Sons of Korah. A Melody. Hear ye, this all ye peoples, Give ear, all ye inhabitants of this passing world;
2 abantukazana lezikhulu, abanothileyo labayanga ngokufanayo:
Both sons of the low, And sons of the high, —Together both rich and needy: —
3 Umlomo wami uzakhuluma amazwi okuhlakanipha; amazwi aphuma enhliziyweni yami azanika ukuzwisisa.
My mouth, shall speak forth Wisdom, And the soft utterance of my heart be Understanding:
4 Ngizabeka indlebe yami kuso isaga; ngechacho ngizaliqhaqha ilibho:
I will bend, to a by-word, mine ear, I will open, on the lyre, mine enigma.
5 Ngingesabelani na nxa kufika insuku ezimbi, lapho abakhohlisi ababi bengihanqa,
Wherefore should I fear in the days of calamity, Though the iniquity of them who lie in wait for me should enclose me?
6 labo abathembe inotho yabo abazitshaya isifuba ngenotho yabo enengi?
As for them who are trusting in their wealth, —And, in the abundance of their riches, do boast themselves,
7 Kakho umuntu ongahlenga impilo yomunye kumbe amkhuphele inhlawulo kuNkulunkulu,
A brother, can none of them, redeem, he cannot give unto God a ransom for himself:
8 ngoba ukuhlenga impilo yomuntu kuyadula, akulambhadalo engakwenelisa,
So costly, is the redemption of their soul, That it faileth unto times age-abiding;
9 ukuze aphile kokuphela angaboni ukubola.
That he should, yet, live on, continually, Should not see corruption.
10 Phela bonke bayabona ukuthi izihlakaniphi ziyafa; ngokunjalo iziwula labasangeneyo bayabhubha batshiye inotho yabo kwabanye.
For it is seen that, the wise, die, Together with the dullard, and the brutish, do they perish, And leave, to others, their wealth:
11 Amangcwaba abo ayizindlu zabo zanininini, yimizi yabo okwezizukulwane ezingapheliyo, lokuba nje basebeqambe iziqinti ngamabizo abo.
Their, inward thought, is that their houses are for times age-abiding, Their habitations, for generation after generation, —They give their own names unto lands!
12 Kodwa umuntu, lokuba elenotho, kaphili kokuphela; unjengezinyamazana ezibhubhayo.
But, a son of earth, though wealthy, cannot tarry, He hath made himself a by-word—Beasts, they resemble:
13 Lesi yisiphetho salabo abazithembayo bona, labalandeli babo, abavumelana labakutshoyo.
This, their way, is a folly to them, And yet, their followers, with their mouth, approve. (Selah)
14 Njengezimvu bamiselwe ingcwaba, ukufa kuzazitika kubo. Abaqotho bazabusa phezu kwabo ekuseni; izidumbu zabo zizabola engcwabeni, kude lemizi yabo efana leyamakhosi. (Sheol h7585)
Like sheep—into hades, are they driven, Death shall shepherd them, —And the upright shall have dominion over them in the morning, Even their form, is to decay, Hades, is all that remaineth of a habitation for him. (Sheol h7585)
15 Kodwa uNkulunkulu uzayihlenga eyami impilo engcwabeni; ngempela uzangithatha angise kuye. (Sheol h7585)
But, God, will redeem my soul, out of the hand of hades, For he will take me. (Selah) (Sheol h7585)
16 Ungasuki udangale kakhulu ngokubona omunye enotha; nxa indlu yakhe igcwala ngobunkentshenkentshe;
Do not fear, When a man becometh rich, When the glory of his house increaseth;
17 phela kazukuhamba lalutho mhla esifa, ubukhazikhazi lobo kayikwehla labo.
For, when he dieth, he shall take, nothing, his glory shall not descend after him;
18 Loba wayesithi esaphila azibone engobusisiweyo abantu bayakukhonza nxa uphumelela,
For, though, his own self—while he lived, he used to bless, And they will praise thee, when thou doest well to thyself,
19 uzakuyahlangana lesizukulwane sabokhokho bakhe, abangasayikuphinde bakubone ukukhanya kwempilo.
He shall enter as far as the circle of his fathers, Nevermore, shall they see the light.
20 Umuntu olenotho kodwa engaqedisisi unjengezinyamazana ezibhubhayo.
A son of earth though wealthy, who discerneth not, Hath made himself a by-word, Beasts, they resemble.

< Amahubo 49 >