< Amahubo 38 >

1 Ihubo likaDavida. Isikhalazo. Awu Thixo, ungangikhuzi ngolaka loba ungijezise uthukuthele.
“A psalm of David. To bring to remembrance.” O LORD! rebuke me not in thy wrath, Nor chasten me in thy hot displeasure!
2 Ngoba imitshoko yakho ingicibile, njalo wangibhansula kakhulu ngesandla sakho.
For thine arrows have deeply pierced me, And thy hand hath been heavy upon me.
3 Ngenxa yokuthukuthela kwakho kangiselakuphila emzimbeni wami; amathambo ami kawasaqinanga ngenxa yesono sami.
There is no soundness in my flesh, because of thine anger; Nor rest in my bones, because of my sin.
4 Ukona kwami sekungisinda njengomthwalo onzima ongathwalekiyo.
For my iniquities have gone over my head; Like a heavy burden, they are more than I can bear.
5 Izilonda zami sezilobovu sezisenyanyeka ngenxa yobuthutha bami besono.
My wounds putrefy and are loathsome on account of my folly.
6 Ngiyangiswe ngehliswa kakhulu; sengitshona ngilila ilanga lonke.
I am bent; I am bowed down greatly; I go mourning all the day long.
7 Ngiphethwe liqolo ngobuhlungu obuqumayo; umzimba wami kawuselampilo.
For my loins are full of burning heat, And there is no soundness in my flesh.
8 Sengibuthakathaka, sengicikizekile; ngiyabubula ngobuhlungu benhliziyo.
I am weakened and bruised exceedingly; I roar by reason of the disquietude of my heart.
9 Zonke iziloyiso zami zisobala kuwe, Oh Thixo, ukububula kwami kakufihlekanga kuwe.
O Lord! thou knowest all my desire, And my groaning is not hidden from thee!
10 Inhliziyo yami iyagubhazela, amandla ami ayaphela; lokukhanya sekufiphele emehlweni ami.
My heart panteth; my strength faileth me; The very light of my eyes is gone from me.
11 Abangane bami labakhula bami sebengibalekela ngenxa yamanxeba ami; omakhelwane bami sebehlalela khatshana
My friends and acquaintance keep aloof from my woe, And my kinsmen stand afar off:
12 Labo abafuna impilo yami sebethiyile, labo abafuna ukungilimaza bakhuluma ngokungidiliza; ilanga lonke batshonela ukwakha amacebo enkohliso.
While they who seek my life lay snares for me; They who seek my hurt threaten destruction, And meditate deceit all the day long.
13 Sengifana lesacuthe esingezwayo, njengesimungulu esehluleka ukuvula umlomo waso;
But I, like a deaf man, hear not; And, like a dumb man, open not my mouth.
14 senginjengomuntu ongezwayo, olomlomo ongaphenduliyo.
I am like one who heareth nothing, And in whose mouth is no reply.
15 Ngikulindele, Oh Thixo, uzaphendula, Oh Nkosi Nkulunkulu wami.
For in thee, O LORD! do I put my trust; Thou wilt hear, O Lord, my God!
16 Ngoba ngathi, “Ungabayekeli baklolode kumbe bazikhukhumeze phezu kwami nxa unyawo lwami lutshelela.”
For I have prayed, “Let them not rejoice over me; Let them not exult at the slipping of my feet!”
17 Ngoba sengiseduze lokuwa, lobuhlungu bungiphethe njalonjalo.
For I am ready to fall, And my pain doth never leave me;
18 Ngiyabuvuma ububi bami; ngiyakhathazeka ngesono sami.
For I confess my iniquity, And am troubled on account of my sin.
19 Banengi labo abayizitha zami ezitshisekayo, labo abangizonda bengelasizatho banengi.
But my enemies flourish and are strong; They who hate me without cause are multiplied.
20 Labo abangiphindisela okuhle ngokubi bayangigcona lapho ngisenza okulungileyo.
They who repay good with evil are my enemies, Because I follow that which is good.
21 Oh Thixo, ungangideli; ungabi khatshana lami, Oh Nkulunkulu wami.
Forsake me not, O LORD! O my God! be not far from me!
22 Woza masinyane uzongisiza, Nkosi yami loMsindisi wami.
Make hast to mine aid, O Lord, my salvation!

< Amahubo 38 >