< Amahubo 21 >
1 Kumqondisi wokuhlabela. Ihubo likaDavida. Yebo Thixo umbusi uyathokoza ngamandla akho. Kukhulu ukuthokoza kwakhe ngokunqoba akuphiwa nguwe!
“For the leader of the music. A psalm of David.” The king rejoiceth in thy strength, O LORD! Yea, he doth greatly exult in thy protection.
2 Usumphile isiloyiso senhliziyo yakhe njalo kawumncitshanga isicelo sezindebe zakhe.
Thou hast given him his heart's desire, And hast not denied him the request of his lips. (Pause)
3 Wamemukela ngezibusiso ezinhle wamethesa umqhele wegolide elicengekileyo ekhanda lakhe.
Yea, thou hast met him with rich blessings, Thou hast placed a crown of pure gold upon his head.
4 Wacela kuwe ukusila, wamupha ubude bezinsuku kuze kube nini lanini.
He asked life of thee; thou gavest it him; Even long life, enduring for ever.
5 Ngokunqoba akuphiwe nguwe lukhulu udumo lwakhe; usumgqizise inkazimulo lobukhosi.
Great is his glory through thine aid; Honor and majesty hast thou laid upon him.
6 Ngempela usumuphe izibusiso ezingapheliyo wamenza wajabula ngentokozo yobukhona Bakho.
Thou hast made him blessed for evermore; Thou hast made him glad with the joy of thy countenance.
7 Ngoba umbusi uyamthemba uThixo; ngothando loPhezukonke olungaphuthiyo akayikuzanyazanyiswa.
For the king trusteth in the LORD; And through the goodness of the Most High he shall never fall.
8 Isandla Sakho sizazibamba zonke izitha Zakho; isandla Sakho sokunene sizabaxhakalaza abakuzondayo.
Thy hand shall overtake all thine enemies; Thy right hand shall overtake them that hate thee.
9 Kuzakuthi lapho uqhamuka wena uzabenza babe njengomlilo wemvutho enkulu. Ngenxa yentukuthelo yakhe uThixo uzabaginya, umlilo wakhe uzabaqothula.
Thou wilt make them like a burning oven in the time of thine anger; Jehovah shall swallow them up in his wrath, And the fire shall devour them.
10 Wena uzabhubhisa izizukulwane zabo emhlabeni, inzalo yabo ebantwini.
Their offspring shalt thou destroy from the earth, And their posterity from the sons of men.
11 Loba beceba okubi Ngawe besakha amaqhinga amabi, abangeke baphumelele;
For they spread a net of mischief against thee; They devised plots against thee, but they did not prevail.
12 ngoba uzabenza bafulathele babaleke nxa usubakhombela usulinwebile idandili.
Therefore thou wilt cause them to turn their backs; Thou wilt make ready thine arrows upon the strings against them.
13 Phakanyiswa, Oh Thixo ngamandla Akho; sizahlabela sibabaze amandla Akho.
Exalt thyself, O LORD! by thy strength! So will we sing, and praise thy mighty deeds.