< Amahubo 19 >
1 Kumqondisi wokuhlabela. Ihubo likaDavida. Amazulu afakaza inkazimulo kaNkulunkulu; lomkhathi utshumayela umsebenzi wezandla zakhe.
For the end, a Psalm of David. The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims the work of his hands.
2 Usuku ngosuku lezizinto ziyakhuluma; ubusuku lobusuku zibonisa ulwazi.
Day to day utters speech, and night to night proclaims knowledge.
3 Akula nkulumo, akula mazwi ilizwi lazo alizwakali.
There are no speeches or words, in which their voices are not heard.
4 Kodwa Ilizwi lazo lizwakala emhlabeni wonke, amazwi azo afika emikhawulweni yomhlaba. Emazulwini uNkulunkulu uselakhele ithente ilanga.
Their voice is gone out into all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world.
5 Lona linjengomyeni ephuma exhibeni lakhe, njengentshantshu ethakazelela ukugijima ibanga layo.
In the sun he has set his tabernacle; and he comes forth as a bridegroom out of his chamber: he will exult as a giant to run his course.
6 Liphuma emkhawulweni wamazulu lihambe indlela yalo liyotshona ngakuloyana; kakukho okusithekileyo ekutshiseni kwalo.
His going forth is from the extremity of heaven, and his circuit to the [other] end of heaven: and no one shall be hidden from his heat.
7 Umthetho kaThixo uphelele uvuselela umphefumulo. Izimiso zikaThixo zithembekile, zihlakaniphisa izithutha.
The law of the Lord is perfect, converting souls: the testimony of the Lord is faithful, instructing babes.
8 Iziqondiso zikaThixo zilungile, ziletha ukuthokoza enhliziyweni. Imilayo kaThixo isobala, iletha ukukhanya emehlweni.
The ordinances of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is bright, enlightening the eyes.
9 Ukumesaba uThixo kuhlanzekile, kumi kuze kube phakade. Izahlulelo zikaThixo ziqinisekile njalo zilungile ngokupheleleyo.
The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring for ever and ever: the judgements of the Lord are true, [and] justified altogether.
10 Ziligugu okudlula igolide, okudlula igolide elinengi elicengekileyo; zimnandi kuloluju, uluju olujuluka ohlangeni.
To be desired more than gold, and much precious stone: sweeter also than honey and the honey-comb.
11 Ngazo inceku yakho iyacetshiswa; ukuzilandela kulomvuzo omkhulu.
For your servant keeps to them: in the keeping of them [there is] great reward.
12 Ngubani ongazizwisisa iziphambeko zakhe? Thethelela iziphambeko zami ezisithekileyo.
Who will understand [his] transgressions? purge you me from my secret [sins].
13 Phephisa inceku yakho ezonweni zamabomo; sengathi zingeze zabusa phezu kwami. Lapho ngizakuba msulwa ngingabi lacala lokona okukhulu.
And spare your servant [the attack] of strangers: if they do not gain the dominion over me, then shall I be blameless, and I shall be clear from great sin.
14 Sengathi amazwi omlomo wami leminakano yenhliziyo yami kungathokozisa emehlweni akho, Oh Thixo, Dwala lami loMhlengi wami.
So shall the sayings of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be pleasing continually before you, O Lord my helper, and my redeemer.