< Amahubo 147 >

1 Dumisani uThixo. Kuhle kangakanani ukuhlabela indumiso kuNkulunkulu wethu, kumnandi njalo kufanele ukumbonga!
Hallelujah. It is good to sing praise to our God, for praise is sweet and seemly.
2 UThixo uyalakha iJerusalema; aqoqe labo abahlakazekileyo baka-Israyeli.
The Lord builds up Jerusalem, the outcasts of Israel he gathers.
3 Uyabathoba abadabukileyo enhliziyweni abophe amanxeba abo.
He heals the broken in heart, and binds up their wounds.
4 Umisile ubunengi bezinkanyezi aziqambe leyo laleyo ngamabizo.
He counts the numberless stars, he gives names to them all.
5 INkosi yethu inkulu, njalo makhulu amandla ayo; ukuzwisisa kwayo kakulamkhawulo.
Great is our Lord, rich in power, and measureless is his wisdom.
6 UThixo uyabasekela abathobekileyo kodwa abaphosele phansi ababi.
The Lord lifts up the down-trodden, the wicked he brings to the ground.
7 Hlabelani kuThixo ngokubonga; litshaye amachacho kuNkulunkulu wethu.
Sing songs of thanks to the Lord, and play on the lyre to our God.
8 Uyembesa umkhathi ngamayezi; awuphe umhlaba izulu njalo akhulise utshani ezintabeni.
For he covers the sky with clouds, he prepares rain for the earth, makes grass to grow on the mountains.
9 Unika inkomo utshani aphe lamatsiyane amawabayi nxa esekhala.
He gives the cattle their food the young ravens when they cry.
10 Ukuthokoza kwakhe kakukho emandleni ebhiza, loba injabulo yakhe ekuqineni kwemilenze yomuntu;
His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, his joy is not in the speed of a runner;
11 UThixo uthokoza ngalabo abamesabayo, ababeka ithemba labo ethandweni lwakhe olungaphuthiyo.
but the Lord has his pleasure in those who fear him, in those who wait for his kindness.
12 Umbabaze uThixo, Oh Jerusalema; dumisa uNkulunkulu wakho, Oh Ziyoni.
Praise the Lord, then, O Jerusalem: sing praise to your God, O Zion.
13 Ngoba uyaqinisa imigoqo yamasango akho, abusise labantu bakho ngaphakathi kwakho.
For he strengthens the bars of your gates, and blesses your children within you.
14 Wenza ukuthula emikhawulweni yelizwe lakho. Njalo ukusuthisa ngamabele amahle kakhulu.
He brings peace to your borders, and choicest of wheat in abundance.
15 Uthumela umlayo wakhe emhlabeni; ilizwi lakhe ligijima masinyane.
He sends his command to the earth: his word runs very swiftly.
16 Wendlala ungqwaqwane njengoboya bezimvu ahaze iliqhwa njengomlotha.
Snow he gives like wool, frost he scatters like ashes.
17 Uphosela phansi isiqhotho sakhe njengamatshe. Ngubani ongamelana lomfutho wakhe olomqando na?
He casts forth his ice like morsels: who can stand before his cold?
18 Uthumela ilizwi lakhe konke kuncibilike; aphephethise umoya wakhe amanzi ageleze.
He sends forth his word, and melts them: his wind blows the waters flow.
19 Ulivezile ilizwi lakhe kuJakhobe, imithetho yakhe lezahlulelo ku-Israyeli.
He declares his word to Jacob, his statutes and judgments to Israel.
20 Lokhu kazange akwenzele esinye isizwe; kaziyazi imithetho yakhe. Dumisani uThixo.
No other nation did he do this for, they know nothing of his judgments. Hallelujah.

< Amahubo 147 >