< Izaga 7 >
1 Ndodana yami, agcine amazwi ami ulondoloze imilayo yami ngaphakathi kwakho.
My son, keep my sayings, and, my commandments, treasure by thee;
2 Gcina imilayo yami ukuze uphile; ulinde imfundiso yami njengegugu lakho elikhulu.
Keep my commandments and live, and mine instruction, as the pupil of thine eye;
3 Ibophele eminweni yakho; uyilobe enhliziyweni yakho.
Bind them upon thy fingers, write them, on the tablet of thy heart;
4 Tshela ukuhlakanipha uthi, “Ungudadewethu wena,” uthi ukuqedisisa kuyisihlobo sakho;
Say unto wisdom, My sister, thou! and, an acquaintance, call thou, understanding:
5 lezizinto zizakuvikela emfazini oyisifebe, lakumkakho ongelambeko ngamazwi akhe adukisayo.
That thou mayest be kept, from the woman that is a stranger, from the female unknown, who, with her speeches, doth flatter.
6 Ngema ewindini lendlu yami ngalunguza ngesikhala.
For, in the window of my house, through my lattice, I looked out;
7 Ngabona phakathi kwabayizithutha, ngananzelela phakathi kwamajaha ngabona ijaha elingelangqondo.
And saw among the simple ones, discerned among the youths, A young man lacking sense;
8 Lalisehla ngomgwaqo liseduze lejiko, liqonda endlini yowesifazane
Passing through the street, near her corner, and, on the way to her house, he sauntered along;
9 ntambama sekunqunda amehlo, umnyama wobusuku usujiya.
In the twilight, in the evening of the day, in the midst of the night, and the gloom;
10 Khonokho nje kwaqhamuka owesifazane elihlangabeza egqoke okwesifebe ngoba eqophile.
And lo! a woman, came to meet him, attired as one unchaste, of a wily heart.
11 (Umfazi lowo, ngumuntu womsindo uyisiqholo, inyawo zakhe kazihlali phansi;
Boisterous, is she, and rebellious, In her house, abide not her feet;
12 khathesi nangu emgwaqweni, njalo nangu enkundleni, utshobatshoba izindawana zonke.)
Now outside, now in the broadways, and, near every corner, she lieth in wait:
13 Wafika waligona lelijaha walanga wakhuluma engelanhloni wathi:
So she caught him, and kissed him, and, embolding her face, she said to him:
14 “Ngenzile umnikelo wobudlelwano ngekhaya; lamuhla ngizigcwalisile izifungo zami.
Peace-offerings, are by me, to-day, have I paid my vows;
15 Yikho ngilapha ukukuhlangabeza; sengikudinge ngaze ngakuthola!
For this cause, came I forth to meet thee, to seek diligently thy face, and I have found thee:
16 Sengiwendlele umbheda wami ngamalineni eGibhithe awemibalabala.
Coverlets, have I spread on my couch of pleasure, dark-hued stuffs, of the yarn of Egypt;
17 Sengiwuqholile umbheda wami ngemure, ngenhlaba langesinamoni.
I have sprinkled my bed, with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon:
18 Woza sizitike ngothando kuze kuse; kasizijabulise ngothando!
Come! let us take our fill of endearments, until morning, let us delight ourselves with caresses;
19 Indoda yami kayikho ekhaya; ihambile iye khatshana.
For the husband is not in his house, he hath gone on a journey afar;
20 Ithwele isikhwama sayo sigcwele imali, ngakho kayibuyi kuze kube phakathi kwenyanga.”
A bag of silver, hath he taken in his hand, On the day of the full moon, will he enter his house.
21 Ngamazwi akhe amnandi waledukisa ijaha lelo; walihuga ijaha lelo ngolimi olumnandi.
She turneth him aside, with her great persuasiveness, —with the flattery of her lips, she compelleth him:
22 Khonokho nje lahle lamlandela njengenkabi idonselwa ukuyabulawa, njengomziki uzingenisa emjibileni,
Going after her instantly, as an ox, to the slaughter, he entereth, and, as in fetters, unto the correction of a fool.
23 umtshoko uze uyehlaba isibindi, njengenyoni ithothela ngaphansi kwesifu, ingaboni ukuthi isizingenise ekufeni.
Until an arrow cleaveth his liver, as a bird hasteth into a snare, and knoweth not, that, for his life, it is!
24 Ngakho-ke madodana ami, ngilalelani; zwanini lokhu engikutshoyo.
Now, therefore, ye sons, hearken unto me, and attend, to the sayings of my mouth;
25 Lingayivumeli inhliziyo ikhangwe yizindlela zakhe, langabe iphumputhekele emikhubeni yakhe.
Let not thy heart, turn aside to her ways, Do not go astray, in her paths.
26 Banengi labo asebadilizile; izinkubela zakhe zilucaca olwesabekayo.
For, many, wounded, hath she caused to fall, —yea strong men, slain wholly by her:
27 Indlu yakhe ingumgudu oya engcwabeni, iholela phansi ezindongeni zokufa. (Sheol )
Ways to hades, are in her house, descending into the chambers of death. (Sheol )