< Izaga 12 >
1 Othanda ukuqondiswa uthanda ulwazi, kodwa ozonda ukukhuzwa uyisithutha.
A lover of training is a lover of knowledge; but a hater of teaching is like a beast.
2 Umuntu olungileyo uthola umusa kuThixo, kodwa uThixo uyamlahla owakha amacebo amabi.
A good man has grace in the eyes of the Lord; but the man of evil designs gets punishment from him.
3 Umuntu angazake amiswe yibubi, kodwa olungileyo angeke aquphuke.
No man will make himself safe through evil-doing; but the root of upright men will never be moved.
4 Umfazi olesimilo ungumqhele womkakhe, kodwa umfazi oyangisayo unjengokubola kwamathambo akhe.
A woman of virtue is a crown to her husband; but she whose behaviour is a cause of shame is like a wasting disease in his bones.
5 Izimiso zabalungileyo ziqondile, kodwa izeluleko zababi ziyinkohliso.
The purposes of upright men are right, but the designs of evil-doers are deceit.
6 Amazwi ababi alindele ukuchitha igazi, kodwa inkulumo yabalungileyo iyabakhulula.
The words of sinners are destruction for the upright; but the mouth of upright men is their salvation.
7 Abantu ababi bayachithwa bangabe besaba khona, kodwa indlu yolungileyo imi izinzile.
Evil-doers are overturned and never seen again, but the house of upright men will keep its place.
8 Umuntu udunyiswa ngokuhlakanipha kwakhe, kodwa abantu abalengqondo ezimbi bayeyiswa.
A man will be praised in the measure of his wisdom, but a wrong-minded man will be looked down on.
9 Kungcono ukungabi ngubani kodwa ulesisebenzi, kulokuzitshaya ulutho kodwa uswela lokudla.
He who is of low position and has a servant, is better than one who has a high opinion of himself and is in need of bread.
10 Umuntu olungileyo uyayinanzelela imfuyo yakhe kodwa okuhle komuntu omubi yilunya.
An upright man has thought for the life of his beast, but the hearts of evil-doers are cruel.
11 Lowo osebenza nzima emasimini akhe uzathola ukudla okunengi, kodwa lowo ophika ngezifiso eziyize akalangqondo.
He who does work on his land will not be short of bread; but he who goes after foolish men is without sense.
12 Ababi bahawukela impango yezigangi, kodwa impande yabalungileyo imi iqinile.
The resting-place of the sinner will come to destruction, but the root of upright men is for ever.
13 Umuntu omubi uthiyeka ngenkulumo yakhe yesono, kodwa umuntu olungileyo uyaphepha enkathazweni.
In the sin of the lips is a net which takes the sinner, but the upright man will come out of trouble.
14 Umuntu uzuza okuhle ngamazwi omlomo wakhe, umsebenzi wezandla zakhe umnika inzuzo.
From the fruit of his mouth will a man have good food in full measure, and the work of a man's hands will be rewarded.
15 Indlela yesiwula ikhanya iqondile kuso, kodwa umuntu ohlakaniphileyo uyalalela izeluleko.
The way of the foolish man seems right to him? but the wise man gives ear to suggestions.
16 Isiwula siyaphangisa ukuthukuthela, kodwa umuntu olengqondo kananzi loba ethukwa.
A foolish man lets his trouble be openly seen, but a sharp man keeps shame secret.
17 Umfakazi oleqiniso upha ubufakazi obuqondileyo, kodwa umfakazi ongathembekanga ukhuluma amanga.
The breathing out of true words gives knowledge of righteousness; but a false witness gives out deceit.
18 Amazwi okubhuda agwaza njengenkemba, kodwa ulimi lohlakaniphileyo luyelapha.
There are some whose uncontrolled talk is like the wounds of a sword, but the tongue of the wise makes one well again.
19 Izindebe zeqiniso zimi lanini, kodwa ulimi olulamanga luma umzuzwana nje.
True lips are certain for ever, but a false tongue is only for a minute.
20 Inhliziyo zabaceba ububi zigcwele inkohliso, kodwa kulokuthokoza kwabaletha ukuthula.
Deceit is in the heart of those whose designs are evil, but for those purposing peace there is joy.
21 Akukho ngozi ewela abalungileyo, kodwa izigangi zikhulelwa zinhlupho.
No trouble will come to upright men, but sinners will be full of evil.
22 UThixo uyazenyanya izindlela ezilamanga, kodwa uyathokoza ngabantu abaleqiniso.
False lips are hated by the Lord, but those whose acts are true are his delight.
23 Umuntu olengqondo kazitshengiseli ulwazi lwakhe, kodwa iziwula ziyabutshengisela ubuthutha bazo.
A sharp man keeps back his knowledge; but the heart of foolish men makes clear their foolish thoughts.
24 Izandla ezikhutheleyo zizaletha inhlalakahle, kodwa ubuvila budonsela ekugqilazweni.
The hand of the ready worker will have authority, but he who is slow in his work will be put to forced work.
25 Inhliziyo ekhathazekileyo iyamcakisa umuntu, kodwa ilizwi elilomusa liyamthokozisa.
Care in the heart of a man makes it weighted down, but a good word makes it glad.
26 Umuntu olungileyo ukhetha abangane ngonanzelelo, kodwa indlela yababi iyabaphumputhekisa.
The upright man is a guide to his neighbour, but the way of evil-doers is a cause of error to them.
27 Umzingeli olivila kazuzi nyama yokosa, kodwa umuntu okhutheleyo uyazibula ngenotho yakhe.
He who is slow in his work does not go in search of food; but the ready worker gets much wealth.
28 Endleleni yokulunga kulokuphila, kuleyondlela kulokuphila okungapheliyo.
In the road of righteousness is life, but the way of the evil-doer goes to death.