< UMathewu 22 >

1 UJesu wakhuluma kubo njalo ngemizekeliso wathi:
And Jesus answering, again spoke to them in allegories, saying,
2 “Umbuso wezulu unjengenkosi eyalungisela indodana yayo idili lomthimba.
“The kingdom of the heavens was likened to a man, a king, who made wedding feasts for his son,
3 Yathuma izinceku zayo kulabo ababenxusiwe edilini ukuba beze kodwa bala ukuza.
and he sent forth his servants to call those having been called to the wedding feasts, and they were not willing to come.
4 Yaphinda yathuma ezinye izinceku yathi, ‘Batsheleni labo abanxusiweyo ukuthi sengililungisile idili. Ngihlabe inkabi lenkomo ezinonisiweyo, konke sekulungile. Wozani edilini lomthimba.’
Again he sent forth other servants, saying, Say to those who have been called: Behold, I prepared my early meal, my oxen and the fatlings have been killed, and all things [are] ready, come to the wedding feasts;
5 Kodwa kabakunanzanga lokho, bazihambela, omunye waya ensimini yakhe, omunye emsebenzini wakhe.
and they, having disregarded [it], went away, one to his own field, and the other to his merchandise;
6 Abanye bazibamba izinceku zayo, bazihlukuluza bazibulala.
and the rest, having laid hold on his servants, mistreated and slew [them].
7 Inkosi yathukuthela. Yathumela impi yayo yababhuqa labobabulali yatshisa idolobho labo.
And the king having heard, was angry, and having sent forth his soldiers, he destroyed those murderers, and their city he set on fire;
8 Yasisithi ezincekwini zayo, ‘Idili lomthimba selilungile kodwa labo engibanxusileyo bebengasafanele ukuza.
then he says to his servants, The wedding feast indeed is ready, and those called were not worthy,
9 Hambani liye emahlanganweni ezindlela linxuse loba ngubani elimbonayo.’
be going, then, on to the cross-ways, and as many as you may find, call to the wedding feasts.
10 Ngakho izinceku zangena ezitaladini zabutha bonke abantu ezababonayo, abalungileyo lababi, indlu yomthimba yagcwala izethekeli.
And those servants, having gone forth to the ways, gathered all, as many as they found, both bad and good, and the wedding was filled with those reclining.
11 Kodwa kwathi inkosi ingena ukuzabona izethekeli, yananzelela khonapho indoda eyeyingavunulanga izigqoko zomthimba.
And the king having come in to view those reclining, saw there a man not clothed with wedding clothes,
12 Yabuza yathi, ‘Mngane, ungene njani lapha ungelazigqoko zomthimba?’ Indoda yatsha amathe.
and he says to him, Friend, how did you come in here, not having wedding clothes? And he was speechless.
13 Inkosi yasitshela izinceku zayo yathi, ‘Mbopheni izandla lezinyawo limphosele ngaphandle ebumnyameni, lapho okuzakuba khona ukukhala lokugedla kwamazinyo.’
Then the king said to the servants, Having bound his feet and hands, take him up and cast forth into the outer darkness, there will be the weeping and the gnashing of the teeth;
14 Ngoba banengi ababiziweyo kodwa balutshwana abakhethiweyo.”
for many are called, and few chosen.”
15 Lapho-ke abaFarisi basuka baphuma bayaceba ukuthi bambambe ngamazwi akhe.
Then the Pharisees having gone, took counsel how they might ensnare Him in words,
16 Bathuma abafundi babo kuye behamba lamaHerodiya. Bathi, “Mfundisi, siyazi ukuthi uyindoda eqotho lokuthi ufundisa indlela kaNkulunkulu ngokweqiniso. Kawusuye uthathekile ngoba kawulani lokuthi bangobani.
and they send to Him their disciples with the Herodians, saying, “Teacher, we have known that You are true, and the way of God in truth You teach, and You are not caring for anyone, for You do not look to the face of men;
17 Sitshele-ke, uthini ngalokhu? Kusemthethweni na ukuthela kuKhesari kumbe hatshi?”
tell us, therefore, what do You think? Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar or not?”
18 UJesu ngokwazi inhloso yabo embi wathi, “Lina bazenzisi, lenzani lizama ukungithiya na?
And Jesus having known their wickedness, said, “Why do you tempt Me, hypocrites?
19 Ake lingitshengise uhlamvu lwemali okuthelwa ngayo.” Bamlethela idenari,
Show Me the tribute-coin.” And they brought to Him a denarius;
20 wasebabuza wathi, “Ngumfanekiso kabani lo? Njalo luphawu lukabani lolu?”
and He says to them, “Whose [is] this image and the inscription?”
21 Baphendula bathi, “NgokukaKhesari.” Wasesithi kubo, “Phanini uKhesari okungokukaKhesari loNkulunkulu okungokukaNkulunkulu.”
They say to Him, “Caesar’s”; then He says to them, “Render therefore the things of Caesar to Caesar, and the things of God to God”;
22 Bathi besizwa lokhu bamangala. Ngakho basuka kuye bahamba.
and having heard they wondered, and having left Him they went away.
23 Ngalelolanga abaSadusi, abathi kakukho ukuvuka kwabafileyo, beza kuye belombuzo.
In that day there came near to Him Sadducees who are saying there is not a resurrection, and they questioned Him, saying,
24 Bathi, “Mfundisi, uMosi wasitshela wathi, nxa indoda ingafa ingazalanga mntwana, umfowabo kamthathe umfelokazi amzalele abantwana.
“Teacher, Moses said if anyone may die having no children, his brother will marry his wife, and will raise up seed to his brother.
25 Kwakulabafowabo abayisikhombisa phakathi kwethu. Wathatha owakuqala wasesifa, kwathi ngoba engazuzanga mntwana watshiyela umkakhe umfowabo.
And there were with us seven brothers, and the first having married died, and having no seed, he left his wife to his brother;
26 Kwaphinda lokho kowesibili lowesithathu njalo kwaze kwaba ngowesikhombisa.
in like manner also the second, and the third, to the seventh,
27 Ekucineni wafa lowomfazi.
and last of all the woman also died;
28 Pho-ke, ekuvukeni kwabafileyo uzakuba ngumkabani phakathi kwabayisikhombisa njengoba bonke babemthethe?”
therefore in the resurrection, of which of the seven will she be wife—for all had her?”
29 UJesu waphendula wathi, “Liyalahleka ngoba kaliyazi imibhalo lamandla kaNkulunkulu.
And Jesus answering said to them, “You go astray, not knowing the Writings, nor the power of God;
30 Ekuvukeni kwabafileyo abantu kabayikuthatha loba bendiswe; bazakuba njengezingilosi ezulwini.
for in the resurrection they do not marry, nor are they given in marriage, but are as messengers of God in Heaven.
31 Kodwa mayelana lokuvuka kwabafileyo, kalibalanga yini lokho uNkulunkulu akutsho kini ukuthi,
And concerning the resurrection of the dead, did you not read that which was spoken to you by God, saying,
32 ‘NginguNkulunkulu ka-Abhrahama, uNkulunkulu ka-Isaka loNkulunkulu kaJakhobe’? KasuNkulunkulu wabafileyo kodwa owabaphilayo.”
I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not a God of dead men, but of living.”
33 Kwathi amaxuku abantu esizwa lokhu amangaliswa yikufundisa kwakhe.
And having heard, the multitudes were astonished at His teaching;
34 AbaFarisi sebezwile ukuthi uJesu wayesebathulisile abaSadusi, bahlangana ndawonye.
and the Pharisees, having heard that He silenced the Sadducees, were gathered together to Him;
35 Omunye wabo owayeyisazi somthetho wamlinga ngombuzo wathi,
and one of them, a lawyer, questioned, tempting Him, and saying,
36 “Mfundisi, yiwuphi umlayo omkhulu kulayo yonke eMthethweni?”
“Teacher, which [is] the great command in the Law?”
37 UJesu waphendula wathi, “‘Thanda iNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho ngenhliziyo yakho yonke langomphefumulo wakho wonke langengqondo yakho yonke.’
And Jesus said to him, “You will love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your understanding—
38 Yiwo owokuqala njalo odlula yonke imilayo.
this is a first and great command;
39 Owesibili unjengawo: ‘Thanda umakhelwane wakho njengoba uzithanda wena.’
and the second [is] like to it: You will love your neighbor as yourself;
40 Wonke uMthetho labaPhrofethi kweyeme kuyonale imilayo emibili.”
on these—the two commands—all the Law and the Prophets hang.”
41 Kwathi abaFarisi behlangene ndawonye uJesu wababuza wathi,
And the Pharisees having been gathered together, Jesus questioned them,
42 “Licabangani ngoKhristu? Uyindodana kabani?” Baphendula bathi, “Yindodana kaDavida.”
saying, “What do you think concerning the Christ? Of whom is He Son?” They say to Him, “Of David.”
43 Wathi kubo, “Kungani pho uDavida wathi ekhuluma ngoMoya umbiza athi ‘Nkosi’? Ngoba uthi,
He says to them, “How then does David in the Spirit call Him Lord, saying,
44 ‘INkosi yathi eNkosini yami: “Hlala ngakwesokunene sami ngize ngibeke izitha zakho ngaphansi kwenyawo zakho.”’
The LORD said to my Lord, Sit at My right hand, Until I may make Your enemies Your footstool?
45 Pho, nxa uDavida esithi kuye, ‘Nkosi,’ angaba yindodana yakhe njani?”
If then David calls Him Lord, how is He his son?”
46 Kakho loyedwa owaba lelizwi lokumphendula. Kwathi-ke kusukela ngalolosuku kakho owaqunga isibindi sokumbuza eminye imibuzo.
And no one was able to answer Him a word, nor did any dare question Him from that day [on].

< UMathewu 22 >