< UMakho 10 >

1 UJesu wasesuka kuleyondawo waya emangweni waseJudiya langaphetsheya kweJodani. Njalo kweza kuye amaxuku abantu, kwathi njengenjayelo yakhe wabafundisa.
Jesus left (that place/Capernaum) [with his disciples], and they went through Judea district and on across [to the east side of] the Jordan [River]. When crowds gathered around him again, he taught them again, as he customarily did.
2 Abanye abaFarisi beza bamlinga ngokumbuza bathi, “Kusemthethweni yini ukuthi indoda imale umfazi wayo na?”
[While he was teaching them, some] Pharisees approached him and asked him, “Does [our Jewish] law permit a man to divorce his wife?” They asked that in order to be able to criticize him [whether he answered “yes” or “no”].
3 Waphendula wathi, “UMosi walilaya wathini?”
He answered them, “What did Moses command your [ancestors about a man divorcing his wife]?”
4 Bathi, “UMosi wayivumela indoda ukuthi ibhale incwadi yokuquma umtshado ibisimxotsha.”
[One of] them replied, “Moses permitted that a man may write on paper [his reason] for divorcing [his wife], [give this paper to her], and then send her away.”
5 UJesu waphendula wathi, “Kwakungenxa yokuthi zazilukhuni inhliziyo zenu okwenza uMosi walibhalela umthetho lo.
Jesus said to them, “It was because your [ancestors] stubbornly wanted just what they desired that Moses wrote that law for [your ancestors], and you [are just like them]!
6 Kodwa ekuqaleni kwendalo uNkulunkulu ‘wabenza baba ngowesilisa lowesifazane.’
[Remember] that he [also wrote that, when God] first created [people], he made [one] man, and [one] woman [to become that man’s wife].
7 ‘Ngalesisizatho indoda izatshiya uyise lonina imanyane lomfazi wayo,
That explains why [God said], ‘When a man [and] woman marry, they should no longer live with their fathers and mothers [after they marry].
8 kuthi labo bobabili babe nyamanye.’Yikho kabasebabili, sebemunye.
Instead, the two of them shall [live together, and they shall] become so [closely united] [MET] [that they are like] one person.’ Therefore, although the people [who marry] were two [separate persons] before, [God regards them] as one person now, [so he wants them to remain married].
9 Ngakho, lokho uNkulunkulu asekuhlanganisile akungehlukaniswa muntu.”
Because that is true, a man must not separate from his [wife] whom God has joined [to him, because God’s plan is for them to remain together]!”
10 Bathi sebengenile endlini njalo, abafundi bambuza uJesu ngalokhu.
When Jesus and his disciples were alone in a house, they asked him again about this.
11 Waphendula wathi, “Loba ngubani olahla umfazi wakhe athathe omunye umfazi uyafeba kuye.
He said to them, “[God considers that a marriage lasts until either the husband or the wife dies, so he considers] that any man who divorces his wife and marries another woman is committing adultery, [even] if he divorces his first wife.
12 Laye nxa elahla indoda yakhe endele kwenye, uyafeba.”
[God also considers] a woman who divorces her first husband to be committing adultery if she marries another man.”
13 Abantu babeletha abantwana abancinyane kuJesu ukuze ababeke izandla, kodwa abafundi babakhuza.
[One day], some people were bringing children to Jesus in order that he would touch [and bless] them. But the disciples scolded those people [because they thought that Jesus] ([did not want to be bothered spending time with/was not concerned about]) [children].
14 UJesu wathi ekubona lokho wacaphuka. Wathi kubo, “Yekelani abantwana abancane beze kimi, lingabavaleli, ngoba umbuso kaNkulunkulu ungowabanjengalaba.
When Jesus saw that, he became angry. He said to the [disciples], “Allow the children to come to me! Do not forbid them [DOU]! It is people who [are humble and trust as they do] who can experience (God’s rule [in their lives]/God taking care of them) [MET].
15 Ngiqinisile ngithi kini, lowo ongayikwemukela umbuso kaNkulunkulu njengomntwana omncane kayikungena kuwo.”
Note this: Those who do not [trustingly] allow God to direct [their lives], as children [do], will not enter the place where God rules.”
16 Wasebathatha abantwana ebaphatha, wababeka izandla wababusisa.
Then he embraced the children. He also put his hands on them [and asked God to] bless them.
17 UJesu wathi esesuka ehamba, indoda yagijimela kuye yafika yazilahla ngamadolo phambi kwakhe. Yabuza yathi, “Mfundisi olungileyo, ngingenzani ukuze ngizuze ilifa lokuphila kwaphakade na?” (aiōnios g166)
As Jesus was starting to travel [again with his disciples], a [young] man ran up to him. He knelt before Jesus and then he asked him, “Good teacher, what must I do to have eternal life/in order to live [with God] eternally?” (aiōnios g166)
18 UJesu waphendula wathi, “Ungibizelani ngokuthi ngilungile na? Kakho olungileyo ngaphandle kukaNkulunkulu kuphela.
Jesus said to him, “(You should consider carefully [what you are implying] (OR, [that you are implying that I am God]) [by] calling me good, because only God is good!/Do you realize [what you are implying] (OR, [that you are implying that I am God]) [by] calling me good, because only God is good?) [RHQ] No other person is good
19 Uyayazi imilayo: ‘Ungabulali, ungafebi, ungebi, ungaphi ubufakazi bamanga, ungadlelezeli, hlonipha uyihlo lonyoko.’”
[But to answer your question], you know the commandments [of Moses, which will cause you to live eternally if you obey them perfectly]. He commanded [things such as] ‘do not murder anyone, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not (testify falsely/lie), do not cheat anyone, and honor your father and mother’.”
20 Wachaza wathi, “Mfundisi zonke lezi izinto ngiyazigcina kusukela ngisesengumfana.”
The man said to him, “Teacher, I have obeyed all those commandments ever since I was young. [So is] ([that enough/there something else that I have not done])?”
21 UJesu wamkhangela wamthanda. Wathi, “Usilela ngento eyodwa. Hamba uyethengisa konke olakho uphe abampofu, lapho-ke inotho yakho izakuba sezulwini. Ubusubuya ungilandele.”
Jesus looked at him and loved him. He said to him, “There is one thing that you have not [yet done]. You must go [home], sell all that you possess, and then give [the money] to poor people. [As a result], you will be spiritually rich in heaven. After [you have done what I have told you], come with me [and be my disciple]!”
22 Isizwa lokhu indoda yathelwa ngamanzi. Yasukuma yahamba isidanile ngoba yayinothile kakhulu.
The man became disappointed when he heard that. He went away sad, because he was very rich [and he did not want to give away everything].
23 UJesu wathalaza wasesithi kubafundi bakhe, “Koba nzima kakhulu ukuthi isinothi singene embusweni kaNkulunkulu!”
Jesus looked around [at the people]. Then he exclaimed to his disciples, “It is very difficult for people who are wealthy to [decide to] let God rule their lives!”
24 Abafundi bamangaliswa ngamazwi akhe lawo. Kodwa uJesu waphinda wathi, “Bantwana, kunzima kanganani ukungena embusweni kaNkulunkulu!
The disciples were surprised at what he said. [They thought that God favored the rich people, so if God did not save them, he would not save anyone]. So Jesus replied again to them, “My dear friends, it is very difficult for anyone [to decide] to let God rule his life.
25 Kulula ukuba ikamela lingene embotsheni yenalithi kulokuba umuntu onothileyo angene embusweni kaNkulunkulu.”
It is impossible for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. It is almost as difficult [HYP] for rich people [to decide] to let God rule their [lives].”
26 Abafundi bamangala okwedlulayo, bathi omunye komunye, “Pho ngubani ongasindiswa na?”
The disciples were very astonished. So they said to each other, “If that is so, (it will be unlikely that anyone will be saved {that God will save anyone}!/will [God] save anyone?) [RHQ]”
27 UJesu wabakhangela wathi, “Ngokwabantu kakwenzeki, kodwa hatshi ngoNkulunkulu; zonke izinto ziyenzakala ngoNkulunkulu.”
Jesus looked at them and then he said, “[Yes], it is impossible for people [to save themselves]! But God certainly can [save them], because God can do anything!”
28 UPhethro wathi kuye, “Sesitshiye konke ukuba sikulandele!”
Peter exclaimed, “[You know that] we have left behind everything and we have become your disciples. [So], ([what about us/will God (accept us/reward us)])?”
29 UJesu waphendula wathi, “Ngilitshela iqiniso ngithi kakho osetshiye ikhaya kumbe abafowabo, loba odadewabo, kumbe unina loba uyise, loba umntwana kumbe amasimu ngenxa yami levangeli
Jesus replied, “I want you to know this: Those who have left [their] houses, [their] brothers, [their] sisters, [their] father, [their] mother, [their] children, or [their] plots of ground, to [be] my [disciples] and to [proclaim] the good news,
30 ozakwehluleka ukwamukeliswa okuphindwe ngekhulu kuso lesi isikhathi samanje: amakhaya, abafowabo, odadewabo, onina, abantwana lamasimu, kwengezwe ukuhlukunyezwa, lasesikhathini esizayo, ukuphila kwaphakade. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
will receive in this life 100 times as much [as they left behind. That will include houses and people as dear as] brothers and sisters and mothers and children, and plots of ground. Furthermore, although people will persecute them [here on earth because they believe in me], in the future age [they] will ([have] eternal life/live [with God] eternally). (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
31 Kodwa abanengi abangabokuqala bazakuba ngabokucina, abokucina babe ngabokuqala.”
But I [warn you all]: Many of you who [now consider yourselves] to be very important will be unimportant [at that future time], and many of you who [now consider yourselves] to be unimportant will be very important [at that future time]!”
32 Babesendleleni besiya eJerusalema, uJesu ekhokhele, abafundi bedidekile, kwathi labo ababelandela babesesaba. Waphinda njalo wathatha abalitshumi lambili wabadonsela eceleni wabatshela lokho okwakuzakwenzakala kuye.
[Some days later as they continued to travel], Jesus and his disciples were walking on the road that leads up to Jerusalem [city]. Jesus was walking ahead of them. [The disciples/apostles] were astonished [that he was going to where there were many people who opposed him], and the other people who were with them were afraid [about what would happen to him in Jerusalem. Along the way he took the twelve disciples to a place by themselves]. Then he began to tell them again about what was going to happen to him, saying,
33 Wathi, “Sesisiya eJerusalema, iNdodana yoMuntu izanikelwa kubaphristi abakhulu labafundisi bomthetho. Bazayigwebela ukufa bayinikele kwabeZizwe,
“Listen carefully! We are going up to Jerusalem. There the chief priests and the men who teach the Jewish laws will be enabled {someone will help the chief priests and those who teach our [Jewish] laws} to seize me. Then they will declare that I must die, [even though] I am the one who came from heaven. Then they will take me to the Roman [authorities].
34 abazayiyangisa, bayikhafulele, bayitshaye njalo bayibulale. Ngemva kwensuku ezintathu izavuka.”
Those men will ridicule me. They will spit on me. They will (scourge me/whip me with a leaded whip.) Then they will kill me. But on the third day after that, I will become alive again!”
35 Kwathi uJakhobe loJohane, amadodana kaZebhediya, beza kuye. Bathi, “Mfundisi, sifuna ukuthi usenzele loba yini esiyicelayo.”
[Along the way], James and John, [who were] the two sons of Zebedee, approached Jesus and they said to him, “Teacher, please do for us what we will ask you to do!”
36 Wababuza wathi, “Lifuna ukuthi ngilenzeleni?”
He said to them, “What do you want me to do for you?”
37 Baphendula bathi, “Wothi omunye wethu ahlale ngakwesokunene kwakho, kuthi omunye kwesokhohlo ebukhosini bakho.”
They said to him, “When you [rule] gloriously, [let us rule with you]. Let one of us [sit] at your right side and one sit at your left side.”
38 UJesu wathi, “Kalikwazi elikucelayo. Lingayinatha na inkezo engiyinathayo kumbe libhaphathizwe ngobhaphathizo engibhaphathizwa ngalo, na?”
But Jesus said to them, “You do not understand what you are asking for.” Then he asked them, “Can you endure suffering [MTY] like I am about to suffer? Can you endure being killed [MTY] as I will be killed {people killing you as they will kill me}?”
39 Baphendula bathi, “Singakwenza.” UJesu wathi kubo, “Lizayinatha inkezo engiyinathayo njalo libhaphathizwe ngobhaphathizo engibhaphathizwa ngalo,
They said to him, “[Yes], we are able [to do that]!” Then Jesus said to them, “[It is true that] you will endure suffering [MTY] like I will suffer, and you will endure being killed as I will be killed {people killing you as they will kill me}.
40 kodwa ukuhlala kwesokunene kumbe kwesokhohlo kwami kakusikho kwami ukukuvumela. Izindawo lezi ngezalabo abazilungiselweyo.”
But I am not the one who chooses the ones who will sit next to me [and rule with me. God will give] those places to the ones he appoints.”
41 Kwathi abalitshumi bekuzwa lokhu bazondela uJakhobe loJohane.
The [other] ten [disciples later] heard about what James and John [had requested]. As a result, they were angry with them [because they also wanted to rule with Jesus in the highest positions].
42 UJesu wababizela ndawonye wathi, “Liyakwazi ukuthi labo abangababusi kwabeZizwe bababusa kalukhuni, lezinduna zabo ezinkulu zitshengisa amandla phezu kwabo.
Then, after Jesus called them all together, he said to them, “You know that those who rule the non-Jews [enjoy] showing that they are powerful. You also know that officials enjoy commanding others.
43 Akunjalo kini. Kodwa lowo othanda ukuba mkhulu phakathi kwenu kumele abe yinceku yenu,
But do not be like them! On the contrary, all those among you who want [God to consider them] great must become [like] servants to [the rest of] you.
44 lalowo ofuna ukuba ngowokuqala kabe yisigqili senu lonke.
Furthermore, if anyone among you wants [God to consider him] to be the most important, he must [act like] a servant for the rest of you.
45 Ngoba leNdodana yoMuntu kayibuyelanga ukuzokhonzwa, kodwa ukuzokhonza lokunikela impilo yayo njengenhlawulo yabanengi.”
[You should imitate me]. Even though I am the one who has come from heaven, I did not come to be served {for others to serve me}. On the contrary, I came in order to serve others and to allow others to kill me, in order that my dying for people would be like a payment to rescue [many people from being punished] {[God punishing them]} [for their sins].”
46 Basebefika eJerikho. Kwathi uJesu labafundi bakhe kanye lexuku elikhulu sebesuka edolobheni, indoda eyisiphofu, uBhathimewu (kutsho indodana kaThimewu) yayihlezi eceleni kwendlela icela.
[On the way to Jerusalem, Jesus and the disciples came to Jericho town]. Afterwards, while they were leaving Jericho along with a great crowd, a blind man who habitually begged [for money] was sitting beside the road. His name was Bartimaeus and his father’s name was Timaeus.
47 Yathi isizwa ukuthi kwakunguJesu waseNazaretha yamemeza yathi, “Jesu, Ndodana kaDavida, ake ungihawukele!”
When he heard people say that Jesus from Nazareth [was passing by], he shouted, “Jesus! [You who are the Messiah] descended from [King] David, (be merciful to/help) me!”
48 Abanengi bayikhuza bathi kayithule, kodwa yaqhubeka yamemeza ngamandla isithi, “Ndodana kaDavida, ake ungihawukele!”
Many people rebuked him and told him that he should be quiet. But he shouted even more, “[You who are the Messiah] descended from [King David], (be merciful to/help) me!”
49 UJesu wema wathi, “Mbizeni.” Basebeyibiza indoda eyisiphofu bathi, “Thokoza ndoda! Phakama! Uyakubiza.”
Jesus stopped and said, “Call him [to come over here]!” They summoned the blind man, saying, “Jesus is calling you! So cheer up and get up [and come]!”
50 Walahla ijazi lakhe phansi wasukuma weza kuJesu.
He threw aside his cloak as he jumped up, and he came to Jesus.
51 UJesu wambuza wathi, “Ufuna ngikwenzeleni na?” Indoda eyisiphofu yathi, “Rabi, ngifuna ukuthi ngibone.”
Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” The blind man said to him, “Sir, I [want to be able] to see again!”
52 UJesu wathi, “Hamba-ke, ukukholwa kwakho sekukusilisile.” Masinyane yahle yabona yasilandela uJesu endleleni.
Jesus said to him, “[I am] healing you [because] you believed [in me]. So you may go [home]!” He could see immediately. And he went with Jesus along the road.

< UMakho 10 >