< UJoshuwa 13 >

1 UJoshuwa esemdala njalo eseluphele kakhulu, uThixo wathi kuye, “Usuluphele kakhulu, njalo lokhu usasalelwe yilizwe elikhulu kakhulu okumele ulithumbe.
Now Joshua was old and stricken in years; and the LORD said to him, You are old and stricken in years, and there remains yet very much land to be possessed.
2 Nanti ilizwe elisaseleyo: zonke izabelo zamaFilistiya lamaGeshuri:
This is the land that yet remains: all the borders of the Philistines, and all Geshuri,
3 kusukela emfuleni uShihori empumalanga yeGibhithe kusiya esabelweni se-Ekroni enyakatho, lonke libaliswa njengelamaKhenani lanxa libanjwe ngababusi beFilistiya abahlanu eGaza, e-Ashidodi, e-Ashikheloni, eGathi le-Ekroni ilizwe lama-Avi;
From Sihor, which is before Egypt, even to the borders of Ekron northward, which is counted to the Canaanite: five lords of the Philistines; the Gazathites, and the Ashdothites, the Eshkalonites, the Gittites, and the Ekronites; also the Avites:
4 kusukela eningizimu, lonke ilizwe lamaKhenani, kusukela eMeyara yamaSidoni kusiyafika e-Afekhi, isabelo sama-Amori,
From the south, all the land of the Canaanites, and Mearah that is beside the Sidonians to Aphek, to the borders of the Amorites:
5 indawo yamaGebhali; layo yonke iLebhanoni ngempumalanga, kusukela eBhali-Gadi ngaphansi kweNtaba yeHemoni kusiya eLebho Hamathi.
And the land of the Giblites, and all Lebanon, toward the sun rise, from Baalgad under mount Hermon to the entering into Hamath.
6 Bonke abakhele ezabelweni ezisezintabeni kusukela eLebhanoni kusiya eMisirefothi-Mayimi, okutsho wonke amaSidoni, mina ngokwami ngizabaxotsha phambi kwabako-Israyeli. Wobani leqiniso lokuthi lelilizwe labelwe abako-Israyeli ukuze libe yilifa labo njengokulilaya kwami,
All the inhabitants of the hill country from Lebanon to Misrephothmaim, and all the Sidonians, them will I drive out from before the children of Israel: only divide you it by lot to the Israelites for an inheritance, as I have commanded you.
7 njalo lilabe njengelifa phakathi kwezizwana eziyisificamunwemunye lengxenye yesizwana sakoManase.”
Now therefore divide this land for an inheritance to the nine tribes, and the half tribe of Manasseh,
8 Eyinye ingxenye yakoManase, eyakoRubheni leyakoGadi yayizuze ilifa eyalinikwa nguMosi empumalanga yeJodani njengalokho inceku kaThixo eyayibaphe lona.
With whom the Reubenites and the Gadites have received their inheritance, which Moses gave them, beyond Jordan eastward, even as Moses the servant of the LORD gave them;
9 Lasuka e-Aroweri emaphethelweni oDonga lwe-Arinoni lasedolobheni eliphakathi kodonga, njalo ligoqela amagceke eMedebha kusiyafika eDibhoni,
From Aroer, that is on the bank of the river Arnon, and the city that is in the middle of the river, and all the plain of Medeba to Dibon;
10 lamadolobho wonke kaSihoni inkosi yama-Amori, owabusa eHeshibhoni, kusiyafika emngceleni wama-Amoni.
And all the cities of Sihon king of the Amorites, which reigned in Heshbon, to the border of the children of Ammon;
11 Laligoqela iGiliyadi, isabelo sabantu baseGeshuri leMahakhathi, leNtaba yonke yeHemoni leBhashani yonke kusiyafika eSalekha,
And Gilead, and the border of the Geshurites and Maachathites, and all mount Hermon, and all Bashan to Salcah;
12 okutsho ukuthi, umbuso wonke ka-Ogi eBhashani, yena owabusa e-Ashitharothi le-Edreyi njalo wayengomunye wamaRefayi ayelokhu esaphila. UMosi wayebanqobile wathatha ilizwe labo.
All the kingdom of Og in Bashan, which reigned in Ashtaroth and in Edrei, who remained of the remnant of the giants: for these did Moses smite, and cast them out.
13 Kodwa abako-Israyeli kabazange babaxotshe abantu beGeshuri leMahakhathi, yikho lokhu behlala phakathi kwabako-Israyeli kuze kube lamhlanje.
Nevertheless the children of Israel expelled not the Geshurites, nor the Maachathites: but the Geshurites and the Maachathites dwell among the Israelites until this day.
14 Kodwa abesizwana sabaLevi kazange abanike ilifa, njengoba iminikelo eyayisenziwa ngomlilo kuThixo, uNkulunkulu wako-Israyeli iyilifa labo njengokubathembisa kwakhe.
Only to the tribes of Levi he gave none inheritance; the sacrifices of the LORD God of Israel made by fire are their inheritance, as he said to them.
15 Lokhu yikho uMosi akunika isizwana sakoRubheni, usendo lunye ngalunye:
And Moses gave to the tribe of the children of Reuben inheritance according to their families.
16 Isigaba esisuka e-Aroweri emaphethelweni oDonga lwe-Arinoni, lokusuka edolobheni eliphakathi koDonga lawo wonke amagceke adabula eMedebha
And their coast was from Aroer, that is on the bank of the river Arnon, and the city that is in the middle of the river, and all the plain by Medeba;
17 kusiya eHeshibhoni lawo wonke amadolobho asemagcekeni agoqela iDibhoni, iBhamothi-Bhali, iBhethi-Bhali-Meyoni,
Heshbon, and all her cities that are in the plain; Dibon, and Bamothbaal, and Bethbaalmeon,
18 iJahazi, iKhedemothi, iMefahathi,
And Jahaza, and Kedemoth, and Mephaath,
19 iKhiriyathayimi, iSibhima, iZerethi-Shahari eqaqeni olusesigodini,
And Kirjathaim, and Sibmah, and Zarethshahar in the mount of the valley,
20 iBhethi-Pheyori, lemithezuko yasePhisiga, leBhethi-Jeshimothi,
And Bethpeor, and Ashdothpisgah, and Bethjeshimoth,
21 wonke amadolobho asemagcekeni lombuso wonke kaSihoni inkosi yama-Amori, owayebusa eHeshibhoni. UMosi wayemehlule yena lezinduna zamaMidiyani, u-Evi, uRekhemu, uZuri, uHuri, loRebha, wonke engamakhosana amanyane loSihoni owayehlala kulelolizwe.
And all the cities of the plain, and all the kingdom of Sihon king of the Amorites, which reigned in Heshbon, whom Moses smote with the princes of Midian, Evi, and Rekem, and Zur, and Hur, and Reba, which were dukes of Sihon, dwelling in the country.
22 Phezu kwalabo ababulawa empini abako-Israyeli babebulele ngenkemba uBhalamu indodana kaBheyori, owayeyisanuse.
Balaam also the son of Beor, the soothsayer, did the children of Israel slay with the sword among them that were slain by them.
23 Umngcele wamaRubheni wawusokhunjini lweJodani. Amadolobho la lemizana yawo ayeyilifa labakoRubheni, usendo lunye ngalunye:
And the border of the children of Reuben was Jordan, and the border thereof. This was the inheritance of the children of Reuben after their families, the cities and the villages thereof.
24 Lokhu yikho uMosi akupha isizwana sakoGadi usendo lunye ngalunye:
And Moses gave inheritance to the tribe of Gad, even to the children of Gad according to their families.
25 Isabelo seJazeri, amadolobho wonke eGiliyadi lengxenye yelizwe lama-Amoni kusiyafika e-Aroweri, eduzane leRabha;
And their coast was Jazer, and all the cities of Gilead, and half the land of the children of Ammon, to Aroer that is before Rabbah;
26 lokusuka eHeshibhoni kusiya eRamathi Mizipha leBhethonimi, lokusuka eMahanayimi kusiya esigabeni seDebhiri;
And from Heshbon to Ramathmizpeh, and Betonim; and from Mahanaim to the border of Debir;
27 esigodini iBhethi-Haramu, iBhethi-Nimra, iSukhothi leZafoni lawo wonke umbuso kaSihoni inkosi yeHeshibhoni (icele elisempumalanga yeJodani, isabelo esisekucineni kolwandle lweKhinerethi).
And in the valley, Betharam, and Bethnimrah, and Succoth, and Zaphon, the rest of the kingdom of Sihon king of Heshbon, Jordan and his border, even to the edge of the sea of Chinnereth on the other side Jordan eastward.
28 Amadolobho la ndawonye lemizana yawo ayeyilifa labakoGadi; usendo lunye ngalunye.
This is the inheritance of the children of Gad after their families, the cities, and their villages.
29 Lokhu yikho uMosi ayekunike ingxenye yesizwana sakoManase, okutsho ingxenye yemuli eyayiyinzalo kaManase, usendo lunye ngalunye:
And Moses gave inheritance to the half tribe of Manasseh: and this was the possession of the half tribe of the children of Manasseh by their families.
30 Umango owawusuka eMahanayimi ugoqela iBhashani, wonke umbuso ka-Ogi inkosi yaseBhashani, yonke imizana yeJayiri eBhashani, amadolobho angamatshumi ayisithupha,
And their coast was from Mahanaim, all Bashan, all the kingdom of Og king of Bashan, and all the towns of Jair, which are in Bashan, three score cities:
31 ingxenye yeGiliyadi, le-Ashitharothi le-Edreyi (amadolobho obukhosi ka-Ogi eBhashani). Lokhu kwakungokwezizukulwane zikaMakhiri indodana kaManase, kungokwengxenye yamadodana kaMakhiri usendo lunye ngalunye.
And half Gilead, and Ashtaroth, and Edrei, cities of the kingdom of Og in Bashan, were pertaining to the children of Machir the son of Manasseh, even to the one half of the children of Machir by their families.
32 Leli yilo ilifa uMosi ayelabile lapho esasemagcekeni eMowabi ngaphetsheya kweJodani empumalanga yeJerikho.
These are the countries which Moses did distribute for inheritance in the plains of Moab, on the other side Jordan, by Jericho, eastward.
33 Kodwa esizwaneni sabaLevi, uMosi kazange asabele ilifa; uThixo, uNkulunkulu wako-Israyeli, nguye ilifa labo njengokubathembisa kwakhe.
But to the tribe of Levi Moses gave not any inheritance: the LORD God of Israel was their inheritance, as he said to them.

< UJoshuwa 13 >