< UJohane 21 >

1 Ngemva kwesikhathi uJesu waphinda waziveza kubafundi bakhe oLwandle lwaseThibheriyasi. Kwenzakala kanje:
After this, Jesus manifested himself again to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias. And he manifested himself in this way.
2 USimoni Phethro, loThomasi (othiwa nguDidimasi) loNathaneli waseKhana eseGalile, lamadodana kaZebhediya labanye abafundi ababili babendawonye.
These were together: Simon Peter and Thomas, who is called the Twin, and Nathanael, who was from Cana of Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, and two others of his disciples.
3 USimoni Phethro wabatshela wathi, “Ngisayagola inhlanzi” bona bathi, “Sizahamba lawe.” Ngakho baphuma bayangena esikepeni kodwa kababambanga lutho ngalobobusuku.
Simon Peter said to them, “I am going fishing.” They said to him, “And we are going with you.” And they went and climbed into the ship. And in that night, they caught nothing.
4 Ekuseni kakhulu uJesu wema ekhunjini kodwa abafundi kabananzelelanga ukuthi kwakunguJesu.
But when morning arrived, Jesus stood on the shore. Yet the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus.
5 Wabamemeza wathi, “Bangane, lilokhu lingabambanga nhlanzi yini?” Baphendula bathi, “Hatshi.”
Then Jesus said to them, “Children, do you have any food?” They answered him, “No.”
6 Wathi, “Phoselani umambule wenu ngakwesokunene kwesikepe lizagola khona.” Bathe sebenze njalo behluleka ukudonsa umambule ngenxa yobunengi benhlanzi.
He said to them, “Cast the net to the right side of the ship, and you will find some.” Therefore, they cast it out, and then they were not able to draw it in, because of the multitude of fish.
7 Lowomfundi owayethandwa nguJesu wathi kuPhethro, “YiNkosi!” USimoni Phethro wonela ukuzwa esithi, “YiNkosi,” wazembathisa ngesigqoko sakhe sejazi (ngoba wayesikhulule) weqela emanzini.
Therefore, the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, “It is the Lord.” Simon Peter, when he had heard that it was the Lord, wrapped his tunic around himself, (for he was naked) and he cast himself into the sea.
8 Abanye abafundi balandela ngesikepe bedonsa umambule ugcwele inhlanzi ngoba babengakhatshana lasokhunjini, kwakungaba yizinyathelo ezilikhulu.
Then the other disciples arrived in a boat, (for they were not far from the land, only about two hundred cubits) dragging the net with the fish.
9 Ekufikeni kwabo okhunjini babona umlilo wamalahle uvutha kulenhlanzi phezulu kanye lesinkwa.
Then, when they climbed down to the land they saw burning coals prepared, and fish already placed above them, and bread.
10 UJesu wathi kubo, “Lethani ezinye inhlanzi elizibambileyo.”
Jesus said to them, “Bring some of the fish that you have just now caught.”
11 USimoni Phethro wagada esikepeni, wadonsela umambule okhunjini. Wawugcwele inhlanzi ezinkulu, zilikhulu lamatshumi amahlanu lantathu, kodwa loba zinengi kangaka umambule kawudabukanga.
Simon Peter climbed up and drew in the net to land: full of large fish, one hundred and fifty-three of them. And although there were so many, the net was not torn.
12 UJesu wathi kubo, “Wozani lizokudla.” Kakho kubafundi owaqunga isibindi sokumbuza ukuthi, “Ungubani wena?” Bakwazi ukuthi yiNkosi.
Jesus said to them, “Approach and dine.” And not one of them sitting down to eat dared to ask him, “Who are you?” For they knew that it was the Lord.
13 UJesu weza, wathatha isinkwa wabanika, wenza njalo langenhlanzi.
And Jesus approached, and he took bread, and he gave it to them, and similarly with the fish.
14 Lesi kwasekuyisikhathi sesithathu uJesu ezibonakalisa kubafundi bakhe ngemva kokuvuswa kwabafileyo.
This was now the third time that Jesus was manifested to his disciples, after he had resurrected from the dead.
15 Sebeqedile ukudla, uJesu wathi kuSimoni Phethro, “Simoni, ndodana kaJohane, ungithanda ngeqiniso na okudlula laba abanye?” Wathi, “Yebo, Nkosi, uyakwazi ukuthi ngiyakuthanda.” UJesu wathi, “Phana amawundlu ami ukudla.”
Then, when they had dined, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” He said to him, “Feed my lambs.”
16 UJesu waphinda wathi, “Simoni, ndodana kaJohane, uyangithanda ngeqiniso na?” Waphendula wathi, “Yebo, Nkosi, uyakwazi ukuthi ngiyakuthanda.” UJesu wathi, “Gcina izimvu zami.”
He said to him again: “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” He said to him, “Feed my lambs.”
17 Wasesithi kuye okwesithathu, “Simoni, ndodana kaJohane, uyangithanda na?” UPhethro wadabuka ngoba uJesu wambuza okwesithathu wathi, “Uyangithanda na?” Wathi, “Nkosi, uyazazi izinto zonke; uyakwazi ukuthi ngiyakuthanda.” UJesu wathi, “Phana izimvu zami ukudla.
He said to him a third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Peter was very grieved that he had asked him a third time, “Do you love me?” And so he said to him: “Lord, you know all things. You know that I love you.” He said to him, “Feed my sheep.
18 Ngikutshela iqiniso ngithi, usesemutsha wawuzigqokisa, uziyele lapho othanda khona; kodwa nxa usuluphele, uzakwelula izandla zakho, ugqokiswe ngomunye, akuhole akuse lapho ongafuni ukuya khona.”
Amen, amen, I say to you, when you were younger, you girded yourself and walked wherever you wanted. But when you are older, you will extend your hands, and another shall gird you and lead you where you do not want to go.”
19 UJesu wakutsho lokhu ebonisa indlela yokufa uPhethro ayezadumisa uNkulunkulu ngayo. Wasesithi kuye, “Ngilandela!”
Now he said this to signify by what kind of death he would glorify God. And when he had said this, he said to him, “Follow me.”
20 UPhethro wanyemukula wabona umfundi uJesu ayemthanda ebalandela. (Nguye lowo oweyama kuJesu esidlweni, owabuzayo wathi, “Nkosi, ngubani ozakuthengisa?”)
Peter, turning around, saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following, the one who also had leaned on his chest at supper and said, “Lord, who is it who shall betray you?”
21 UPhethro wathi embona wathi, “Nkosi, kanti lo-ke?”
Therefore, when Peter had seen him, he said to Jesus, “Lord, but what about this one?”
22 UJesu waphendula wathi, “Nxa ngifuna ukuthi asale ephila ngize ngibuye kulani lawe lokho? Wena kumele ungilandele.”
Jesus said to him: “If I want him to remain until I return, what is that to you? You follow me.”
23 Ngenxa yalokhu, kwaba lehungahunga phakathi kwabazalwane lokuthi umfundi lo wayengezukufa. Kodwa uJesu katshongo ukuthi wayengezukufa; wathi nje kuphela, “Nxa ngifuna ukuthi asale ephila ngize ngibuye, kulani lawe lokho?”
Therefore, the saying went out among the brothers that this disciple would not die. But Jesus did not say to him that he would not die, but only, “If I want him to remain until I return, what is that to you?”
24 Lo nguye umfundi ozifakazayo lezizinto, onguye owazibhala phansi. Siyazi ukuthi ubufakazi bakhe buqotho.
This is the same disciple who offers testimony about these things, and who has written these things. And we know that his testimony is true.
25 UJesu wenza ezinye izinto ezinengi njalo. Aluba zonke zazingabhalwa phansi, ngibona ingathi lomhlaba wonke wawuzaswela indawo yezincwadi ezazingabhalwa.
Now there are also many other things that Jesus did, which, if each of these were written down, the world itself, I suppose, would not be able to contain the books that would be written.

< UJohane 21 >