< UJobe 37 >
1 “Konke lokhu kwenza inhliziyo yami itshaye ize itshede endaweni yayo.
“At this my heart also pounds and leaps from its place.
2 Lalela! Lalela ukubhonga kwelizwi lakhe, ukuzamazama okuphuma emlonyeni wakhe.
Listen closely to the thunder of His voice and the rumbling that comes from His mouth.
3 Uyawukhulula umbane wakhe ngaphansi kwawo wonke amazulu awuthumele emikhawulweni yomhlaba.
He unleashes His lightning beneath the whole sky and sends it to the ends of the earth.
4 Ngemva kwalokho kuza umdumo wokubhonga kwakhe; uduma ngelizwi lakhe lobukhosi. Nxa ilizwi lakhe seliqaqamba ulikhulula lonke angaligodli.
Then there comes a roaring sound; He thunders with His majestic voice. He does not restrain the lightning when His voice resounds.
5 Ilizwi likaNkulunkulu liduma ngezindlela ezimangalisayo; wenza izinto ezinkulu ngaphezu kokuzwisisa kwethu.
God thunders wondrously with His voice; He does great things we cannot comprehend.
6 Utshela ungqwaqwane athi, ‘Khithika phezu komhlaba,’ lezulu athi kulo, ‘Thululeka ube yisihlambo esikhulu.’
For He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth,’ and to the gentle rain, ‘Pour out a mighty downpour.’
7 Ukuze kuthi bonke abantu abadalayo bakwazi ukusebenza kwakhe, uyamisa umuntu wonke emsebenzini wakhe.
He seals up the hand of every man, so that all men may know His work.
8 Izinyamazana ziyacatsha; zihlale ezikhundleni zazo.
The wild animals enter their lairs; they settle down in their dens.
9 Isiphepho siyaphuma ekamelweni laso, umqando uphume entshongolweni esikayo.
The tempest comes from its chamber, and the cold from the driving north winds.
10 Ukuphefumula kukaNkulunkulu kukhupha iliqhwa, amanzi aluwaca ajiye abe yilitshe.
By the breath of God the ice is formed and the watery expanses are frozen.
11 Ugcwalisa amayezi ngamanzi; ahlakaze umbane wakhe ngawo.
He loads the clouds with moisture; He scatters His lightning through them.
12 Ngokuqondisa kwakhe ayaqhela embese umhlaba wonke ukuze enze loba yini awalaya yona.
They swirl about, whirling at His direction, accomplishing all that He commands over the face of all the earth.
13 Uyawaletha amayezi ajezise ngawo abantu, loba ukuthelezela umhlaba wakhe ukuze atshengise uthando lwakhe.
Whether for punishment or for His land, He accomplishes this in His loving devotion.
14 Lalela lokhu, Jobe; akume ukhumbule izimangaliso zikaNkulunkulu.
Listen to this, O Job; stand still and consider the wonders of God.
15 Uyakwazi na ukuthi uNkulunkulu uwalawula njani amayezi enze umbane wakhe ulavuke?
Do you know how God dispatches the clouds or makes the lightning flash?
16 Uyakwazi na ukuthi amayezi emi njani elengile, leyomimangaliso yakhe yena lowo opheleleyo elwazini?
Do you understand how the clouds float, those wonders of Him who is perfect in knowledge?
17 Wena oginqiswa yikutshisa kwezigqoko zakho nxa umhlaba uthule zwi kubetha umoya waseningizimu,
You whose clothes get hot when the land lies hushed under the south wind,
18 ungamncedisa yini ukwendlala isibhakabhaka, esilukhuni njengesibuko sensimbi yethusi?
can you, like Him, spread out the skies to reflect the heat like a mirror of bronze?
19 Ake usitshele ukuthi pho sithini kuye; ngeke siyimise kuhle indaba yethu ngoba kumnyama nje lapha kithi.
Teach us what we should say to Him; we cannot draw up our case when our faces are in darkness.
20 Atshelwe kambe ukuthi ngifuna ukukhuluma? Ukhona umuntu ongacela ukuthi aginywe?
Should He be told that I want to speak? Would a man ask to be swallowed up?
21 Phela kakho ongalikhangela ilanga, njengoba licazimula kangaka esibhakabhakeni nxa umoya uwaphephule wonke amayezi kwacethula.
Now no one can gaze at the sun when it is bright in the skies after the wind has swept them clean.
22 Esuka enyakatho uqhamuka ngenkazimulo enjengegolide; uNkulunkulu uqhamuka ngobukhosi obesabekayo.
Out of the north He comes in golden splendor; awesome majesty surrounds Him.
23 USomandla asingeke simfinyelele njalo uphakeme ulamandla; ekwahluleleni kwakhe okuhle lokulunga okukhulu kancindezeli.
The Almighty is beyond our reach; He is exalted in power! In His justice and great righteousness He does not oppress.
24 Ngakho-ke abantu bayamhlonipha, ngoba kanti kabanaki yini bonke abahlakaniphileyo enhliziyweni?”
Therefore, men fear Him, for He is not partial to the wise in heart.”