< UJobe 31 >

1 “Ngasenza isivumelwano lamehlo ami ukuthi angakhangeli intombi ayihawukele.
I made a covenant with mine eyes; How then could I gaze upon a maid?
2 Siyini isabelo somuntu asabelwe nguNkulunkulu ophezulu na, ilifa lakhe elivela kuSomandla phezulu?
For what is the portion appointed by God from above, And the inheritance allotted by the Almighty from on high?
3 Akusikubhujiswa kwababi lokutshabalaliswa kwalabo abenza okubi na?
Is not destruction for the wicked, And ruin for the workers of iniquity?
4 Kanti kaziboni yini izindlela zami abale zonke izinyathelo zami?
Doth He not see my ways, And number all my steps?
5 Nxa ngike ngahamba ngokwamanga loba unyawo lwami lwakhuthalela inkohliso
If I have walked with falsehood, And if my foot hath hasted to deceit,
6 uNkulunkulu akangikale esikalini sakhe esiqotho ukuze abone ukuthi angilasici,
Let him weigh me in an even balance; Yea, let God know my integrity!
7 nxa izinyathelo zami zike zaphambuka endleleni, nxa inhliziyo yami ikhokhelwe ngamehlo ami, noma kumbe izandla zami zike zangcoliswa,
If my steps have turned aside from the way, And my heart gone after mine eyes, Or if any stain hath cleaved to my hand,
8 lapho-ke abanye kabazidlele lokho engikuhlanyeleyo, njalo amabele ami kawasitshunwe.
Then I may sow, and another eat; And what I plant, may it be rooted up!
9 Nxa inhliziyo yami ike yakhangwa ngowesifazane, kumbe nxa ngike ngacathama ngasemnyango kamakhelwane,
If my heart hath been enticed by a woman, Or if I have watched at my neighbor's door,
10 lapho-ke owami umfazi kacholele enye indoda, njalo amanye amadoda kawalale laye.
Then let my wife grind for another, And let other men lie with her!
11 Ngoba lokho bekuzakuba lihlazo, isono esifanele ukwahlulelwa.
For this were a heinous crime, Even a transgression to be punished by the judges;
12 Kungumlilo otshisayo onguMaqothula; ngabe kwasiphuna isivuno sami.
Yea, it were a fire that would consume to destruction, And root out all my increase.
13 Nxa ngingaphathanga kuhle izisebenzi zami, esesilisa lesesifazane nxa kukhona abakusolayo kimi,
If I have refused justice to my man-servant or maid-servant, When they had a controversy with me,
14 ngizakuthini lapho uNkulunkulu esengibuza ngakho na? Ngizaphendula ngithini nxa sekumele ngichaze na?
Then what shall I do when God riseth up? And when he visiteth, what shall I answer him?
15 Yena lowo owangenzayo esibelethweni kabenzanga labo na? Kasuye yini yena kanye owasenzayo sonke phakathi kwezisu zabomama na?
Did not He that made me in the womb make him? Did not one fashion us in the womb?
16 Nxa ngilahlele eceleni izifiso zabayanga loba ngayekela amehlo omfelokazi edinwa yizinyembezi,
If I have refused the poor their desire, And caused the eyes of the widow to fail;
17 nxa ngizidlele ngedwa isinkwa sami, ngingasabelani lezintandane,
If I have eaten my morsel alone, And the fatherless hath not partaken of it;
18 kodwa ebutsheni bami ngabondla njengaboyise, njalo kusukela ekuzalweni kwami ngamkhokhela umfelokazi,
(Nay, from my youth he grew up with me as with a father, And I have helped the widow from my mother's womb; )
19 nxa ngike ngabona umuntu esifa ngokuswela izigqoko, loba umuntu oswelayo engelasivunulo,
If I have seen any one perishing for want of clothing, Or any poor man without covering;
20 njalo inhliziyo yakhe ayingibusisanga ngokumfudumeza ngoboya bezimvu zami,
If his loins have not blessed me, And he hath not been warmed with the fleece of my sheep;
21 nxa ngike ngaphakamisa isandla sami phezu kwentandane, kodwa mina ngikwazi ukuthi bayangilalela emthethwandaba,
If I have shaken my hand against the fatherless, Because I saw my help in the gate, —
22 nxa kunjalo kayikhumuke ingalo yami kusukela ehlombe, kayephulwe endololwaneni.
Then may my shoulder fill from its blade, And my fore-arm be broken from its bone!
23 Ngoba ngesaba ukubhubhisa kukaNkulunkulu, kwathi ngokwesaba inkazimulo yakhe, ngayekela ukwenza izinto ezinjalo.
For destruction from God was a terror to me, And before his majesty I could do nothing.
24 Nxa ngifake ithemba lami phezu kwegolide, loba ngathi kulo igolide elicolekileyo, ‘Ulithemba lami,’
If I have made gold my trust, Or said to the fine gold, Thou art my confidence;
25 nxa bengithokoziswa yinotho yami enengi, lenzuzo evele ngezandla zami,
If I have rejoiced, because my wealth was great, And my hand had found abundance;
26 nxa ngilikhangele ilanga libenyezela loba inyanga ihamba ngenkazimulo,
If I have beheld the sun in his splendor, Or the moon advancing in brightness,
27 yaze yayengeka inhliziyo yami ngaphakathi nganga isandla sami ukuzikhonza,
And my heart hath been secretly enticed, And my mouth hath kissed my hand,
28 lezi lazo yizono ebezifanele ukwahlulelwa, ngoba bengizabe ngingathembekanga kuNkulunkulu ophezulu.
This also were a crime to be punished by the judge; For I should have denied the God who is above.
29 Nxa ngike ngathokoza ngomnyama owehlele isitha sami kumbe ngagqabhaza ngohlupho olumehleleyo,
If I have rejoiced at the destruction of him that hated me, And exulted when evil came upon him;
30 kangivumelanga umlomo wami ukuba wenze isono ngokuqalekisa ukuphila kwakhe,
(Nay, I have not suffered my mouth to sin, By asking with curses his life; )
31 nxa abantu bendlu yami bengakaze bathi, ‘Ngubani ongazange azitike ngenyama kaJobe na?’
If the men of my tent have not exclaimed, “Who is there that hath not been satisfied with his meat?”
32 kodwa kakulasihambi esake salala emgwaqweni, ngoba umnyango wami wawuhlala uvulelwe izihambi
The stranger did not lodge in the street; I opened my doors to the traveller.
33 nxa ngisithukuzile isono sami njengokwenziwa ngabantu, ngokufihla umlandu wami enhliziyweni yami
Have I, after the manner of men, hidden my transgression, Concealing my iniquity in my bosom,
34 ngoba ngisesaba abantu ngithuthunyeliswa yikweyiswa ngabosendo ngazithulela ngaze ngala lokuphumela phandle.
Then let me be confounded before the great multitude! Let the contempt of families cover me with shame! Yea, let me keep silence! let me never appear abroad!
35 (Oh, kube ukhona ongizwayo! Sengisayina incwadi yokuzivikela kwami, uSomandla kangiphendule; ongimangalelayo kabhale phansi icala angethesa lona.
O that there were one who would hear me! Behold my signature! let the Almighty answer me. And let mine adversary write down his charge!
36 Leyoncwadi ngingayithwala ehlombe lami, ngingayithwala ekhanda njengomqhele.
Truly I would wear it upon my shoulder; I would bind it upon me as a crown.
37 Bengingamchazela ngokugcweleyo ngazozonke izinyathelo zami; ngisondele kuye njengenkosana.)
I would disclose to him all my steps; I would approach him like a prince.
38 Nxa ilizwe lakithi lingiphika lemifolo yalo imanzi ngezinyembezi,
If my land cry out against me, And its furrows bewail together;
39 nxa ngike ngadla izithelo zalo angaze ngabhadala loba ngephula imimoya yabanikazi,
If I have eaten of its fruits without payment, And wrung out the life of its owners,
40 nxa kunjalo kakumile ameva esikhundleni sengqoloyi, lokhula esikhundleni sebhali.” Aphela lapha amazwi kaJobe.
Let thorns grow up instead of wheat, And noxious weeds instead of barley. The words of Job are ended.

< UJobe 31 >