< UJobe 27 >

1 UJobe waqhubeka ngenkulumo yakhe wathi:
Moreover Job continued his discourse, and said:
2 “Ngifunga ngoNkulunkulu ophilayo, ngubani ongithathele ilungelo lami lokwahlulelwa ngokulunga, uSomandla, ongizwise ubuhlungu bomphefumulo,
As God liveth, who hath rejected my cause, And the Almighty, who hath afflicted my soul;
3 nxa ngilokhu ngiselempilo ngaphakathi kwami, umphefumulo kaNkulunkulu usemakhaleni ami,
As long as my breath is in me, And the spirit of God is in my nostrils,
4 izindebe zami kazisoze zikhulume ububi, lolimi lwami kaluyikukhuluma inkohliso.
Never shall my lips speak falsehood, Nor my tongue utter deceit.
5 Kangisoze ngivume ukuthi lina lilungile ngelikutshoyo; ngizaze ngiyekufa ngingabulandulanga ubuqotho bami.
God forbid that I should acknowledge you to be just: To my last breath will I assert my integrity.
6 Ngizakugcina ukulunga kwami ngingakuyekeli; umzwangedwa wami kawuyikungihlupha empilweni yami.
I will hold fast my innocence, and not let it go; My heart reproacheth me for no part of my life.
7 Sengathi izitha zami zingaba njengababi, abaxabana lami babe njengabangaqondanga!
May mine enemy be as the wicked, And he that riseth up against me as the unrighteous!
8 Ngoba ulethemba bani ongakholwayo nxa esefile, uNkulunkulu angathatha impilo yakhe na?
For what is the hope of the wicked, when God cutteth off his web, And taketh away his life?
9 UNkulunkulu uyakulalela yini ukukhala kwakhe nxa usizi lumehlela na?
Will he listen to his cry, When trouble cometh upon him?
10 Uzakuthola yini ukuthokoza kuSomandla? Uzacela kuNkulunkulu sonke isikhathi na?
Can he delight himself in the Almighty, And call at all times upon God?
11 Ngizalifundisa mayelana lamandla kaNkulunkulu; izindlela zikaSomandla kangiyikuzifihla.
I will teach you concerning the hand of God; That which is with the Almighty I will not conceal.
12 Lonke lizibonele lokhu ngokwenu. Pho, ngeyani inkulumo yonke le eyize na?
Behold, ye yourselves have all seen it; Why then do ye cherish such vain thoughts?
13 Nansi isabelo uNkulunkulu asiqumela ababi, ilifa elemukelwa ngumuntu olesihluku sivela kuSomandla:
This is the portion of the wicked man from God, —The inheritance which oppressors receive from the Almighty.
14 Loba bebanengi njani abantwabakhe, isabelo sabo yinkemba; lenzalo yakhe kayisoze lanini izuze ukudla okwaneleyo.
If his children be multiplied, it is for the sword; And his offspring shall not be satisfied with bread.
15 Isifo esibi sizabangcwaba labo abatshiywa nguye besaphila, labafelokazi babo kabayikubalilela.
Those of them that escape shall be buried by Death, And their widows shall not bewail them.
16 Lokuba angaze abuthelele isiliva njengothuli lezigqoko zibe yinqwaba njengodaka,
Though he heap up silver as dust, And procure raiment as clay, —
17 lokho akubuthelelayo abalungileyo bazakugqokela, labangelacala bazakwaba isiliva sakhe.
He may procure, but the righteous shall wear it, And the innocent shall share the silver.
18 Indlu ayakhayo injengesidleke sobulembu, njengedumba elenziwe ngumlindi.
He buildeth his house like the moth, Or like the shed which the watchman maketh.
19 Uthi esiyalala enothile, kodwa kasayikuphinda njalo; uthi esevula amehlo, konke sekuphelile.
The rich man lieth down, and is not buried; In the twinkling of an eye he is no more.
20 Utshaywa luvalo kungathi ufuqwa yisikhukhula; isiphepho siyamhwitha ebusuku.
Terrors pursue him like a flood; A tempest stealeth him away in the night.
21 Umoya wempumalanga udlula laye, anyamalale; uyamkhukhula endaweni yakhe.
The east wind carrieth him away, and he perisheth; Yea, it sweepeth him away from his place.
22 Utshaya phezu kwakhe ngesihluku esithi uyabaleka ecambalele evika amandla awo.
God sendeth his arrows at him, and doth not spare; He would fain escape from His hand.
23 Utshaya izandla umhleka ulunya uvunguza laye umsusa endaweni yakhe.”
Men clap their hands at him, And hiss him away from his place.

< UJobe 27 >