< KumaHebheru 3 >

1 Ngakho-ke, bafowethu abangcwele, abahlanganyela ekubizweni ezulwini, bekani imicabango yenu kuJesu, umpostoli lomphristi omkhulu esimvumayo.
Wherefore, my holy brethren, who are called with a calling that is from heaven, consider this Legate and High Priest of our profession, Jesus the Messiah:
2 Wathembeka kulowo owambekayo, njengoMosi owayethembekile kuyo yonke indlu kaNkulunkulu.
who was faithful to him that made him, as was Moses in all his house.
3 UJesu ufunyenwe efanele udumo olukhulu kuloMosi njengomakhi wendlu elodumo olukhulu kulendlu yona ngokwayo.
For much greater is the glory of this man, than that of Moses; just as the glory of the builder of a house, is greater than that of the edifice.
4 Ngoba yileyo laleyondlu yakhiwa ngumuntu othize kodwa uNkulunkulu ungumakhi wezinto zonke.
For every house is built by some man; but he who buildeth all things is God.
5 “UMosi wayethembekile njengenceku kuyo yonke indlu kaNkulunkulu,” efakaza lokho okwakuzatshiwo ensukwini ezizayo.
And Moses, as a servant, was faithful in all the house, for an attestation to those things that were to be spoken by him:
6 Kodwa uKhristu uthembekile njengendodana endlini kaNkulunkulu. Njalo thina siyindlu yakhe nxa sibambelela ngesibindi langethemba lethu esizincoma ngakho.
but the Messiah as the SON, is over his own house; and we are his house, if we retain unto the end assurance, and the triumph of hope in him.
7 Ngakho, njengoba uMoya oNgcwele esithi: “Lamuhla nxa lisizwa ilizwi lakhe,
Because the Holy Spirit hath said: To-day, if ye will hear his voice,
8 lingazenzi zibe lukhuni inhliziyo zenu, njengelakwenza ekuhlamukeni, ngesikhathi sokulingwa enkangala,
harden not your hearts to anger him, like the provocators, and as in the day of temptation in the wilderness,
9 lapho okhokho benu abangihlola khona bangilinga, babona engakwenzayo okweminyaka engamatshumi amane.
when your fathers tempted me, and proved, and saw my works forty years.
10 Yikho-nje ngasithukuthelela isizukulwane leso, njalo ngathi, ‘Inhliziyo zabo zihlezi ziduka, njalo kabazazanga izindlela zami.’
Therefore I was disgusted with that generation, and said: This is a people, whose heart wandereth, and they have not known my ways:
11 Ngakho ngamemezela ngesifungo ekuthukutheleni kwami ngathi, ‘Kabayikungena ekuphumuleni kwami.’”
so that I swore in my wrath, that they should not enter into my rest.
12 Bonani bazalwane ukuthi kakho omunye wenu olenhliziyo yokona lokungakholwa, ephambukayo kuNkulunkulu ophilayo.
Beware, therefore, my brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart that believeth not, and ye depart from the living God.
13 Kodwa khuthazanani insuku zonke kusabizwa ngokuthi lamuhla, ukuze angabikhona owenu oba lukhuni ngenxa yokukhohliswa yisono.
But examine yourselves all the days, during the day which is called to-day; and let none of you be hardened, through the deceitfulness of sin.
14 Ngoba sesingabahlanganyelayo kuKhristu nxa sibambelele ngokuqina kuze kuphele ithemba esasilalo kuqala.
For we have part with the Messiah, if we persevere in this firm confidence, from the beginning to the end:
15 Njengoba kutshiwo ukuthi: “Lamuhla nxa lisizwa ilizwi lakhe, lingazenzi zibe lukhuni inhliziyo zenu njengelakwenzayo ekuhlamukeni.”
as it is said, To-day, if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, to anger him.
16 Babengobani labo abezwayo basebehlamuka na? Akusibo yini bonke labo uMosi abakhupha eGibhithe na?
But who were they that heard, and angered him? It was not all they, who came out of Egypt under Moses.
17 Njalo ngobani ayebathukuthelele okweminyaka engamatshumi amane na? Akusibo yini labo abonayo, abazidumbu zabo zawela enkangala na?
And with whom was he disgusted forty years, but with those who sinned, and whose carcasses fell in the wilderness?
18 Ngobani uNkulunkulu abafungela ukuthi kabayikungena ekuphumuleni kwakhe nxa kungayisibo labo abangalalelanga na?
and of whom swore he, that they should not enter into his rest, but of those who believed not?
19 Ngakho siyabona ukuthi babengeke bangene ngenxa yokungakholwa kwabo.
So we see that they could not enter, because they believed not.

< KumaHebheru 3 >