< U-Eksodusi 40 >

1 UThixo wasesithi kuMosi:
Then the Lord spake vnto Moses, saying,
2 “Misa ithabanikeli, ithente lokuhlangana, ngosuku lokuqala lwenyanga yakuqala.
In the first day of the first moneth in the very first of the same moneth shalt thou set vp the Tabernacle, called ye Tabernacle of the Congregation:
3 Beka umtshokotsho wesivumelwano kulo ube ususitha umtshokotsho wobufakazi ngekhetheni.
And thou shalt put therein the Arke of the Testimonie, and couer the Arke with the vaile.
4 Ngenisa itafula ube usufaka izinto ezibekwa phezu kwayo. Letha-ke uluthi lwesibane ube usuxhuma izibane zalo.
Also thou shalt bring in the Table, and set it in order as it doth require: thou shalt also bring in the Candlesticke, and light his lampes,
5 Beka i-alithari lempepha elenziwe ngegolide phambi komtshokotsho wobufakazi njalo ufake ikhetheni esangweni lethabanikeli.
And thou shalt set ye incense Altar of gold before the Arke of the Testimonie, and put the hanging at the doore of the Tabernacle.
6 Beka i-alithari lomnikelo wokutshiswa phambi kwesango lethabanikeli, ithente lokuhlangana;
Moreouer, thou shalt set the burnt offering Altar before the doore of the Tabernacle, called the Tabernacle of the Congregation.
7 beka umkolo phakathi laphakathi kwethente lokuhlangana le-alithari ube usuthela amanzi kuwo.
And thou shalt set the Lauer betweene the Tabernacle of the Congregation and the Altar, and put water therein.
8 Lungisa iguma eliwugombolozeleyo ubusufaka ikhetheni esangweni leguma.
Then thou shalt appoynt the courte round about, and hang vp the hanging at the courte gate.
9 Thatha amafutha okugcoba abantu abakhethiweyo ezikhundleni, ugcobe ngawo ithabanikeli lakho konke okukulo, ulibusise kanye lempahla zalo, ngalokho lizakuba ngcwele.
After, thou shalt take the anoynting oyle, and anoynt the Tabernacle, and all that is therein, and halowe it with all the instruments thereof, that it may be holy.
10 Gcoba-ke i-alithari lomnikelo wokutshiswa lazozonke izitsha zalo; ubusise i-alithari ukuze libe ngcwelengcwele.
And thou shalt anoynt the Altar of the burnt offring, and all his instruments, and shalt sanctifie the Altar, that it may bee an altar most holie.
11 Gcoba umkolo lenyawo zawo ubusuwubusisa.
Also thou shalt anoynt the Lauer, and his foote, and shalt sanctifie it.
12 Letha u-Aroni lamadodana akhe ethenteni lokuhlangana ubusubagezisa ngamanzi.
Then thou shalt bring Aaron and his sonnes vnto the doore of the Tabernacle of the Congregation, and wash them with water.
13 Ubusugqokisa u-Aroni izembatho ezingcwele umgcobe ngamafutha umbusise ukuze angenzele umsebenzi wobuphristi.
And thou shalt put vpon Aaron the holy garmentes, and shalt anoynt him, and sanctifie him, that he may minister vnto me in the Priestes office.
14 Letha amadodana akhe uwagqokise amabhatshi.
Thou shalt also bring his sonnes, and clothe them with garments,
15 Bagcobe labo njengokugcotshwa kukayise ukuze bangenzele umsebenzi wobuphristi. Ukugcotshwa kwabo kubapha umsebenzi wobuphristi kuzozonke izizukulwane ezizayo.”
And shalt anoynt them as thou diddest anoynt their father, that they may minister vnto mee in the Priestes office: for their anoynting shall be a signe, that the Priesthood shall be euerlasting vnto them throughout their generations.
16 UMosi wenza konke njengokulaywa kwakhe nguThixo.
So Moses did according to all that ye Lord had commanded him: so did he.
17 Lamiswa-ke ithabanikeli ngosuku lwakuqala ngenyanga yakuqala emnyakeni wesibili.
Thus was the Tabernacle reared vp the first day of the first moneth in the seconde yeere.
18 Kwathi uMosi emisa ithabanikeli, wafaka izisekelo endaweni yazo, wamisa amathala, wafaka imithando wasemisa izinsika.
Then Moses reared vp the Tabernacle and fastened his sockets, and set vp the boardes thereof, and put in the barres of it, and reared vp his pillars.
19 Wasesendlala ithente phezu kwethabanikeli wafaka isembeso phezu kwethente njengokulaywa kwakhe nguThixo.
And he spred the couering ouer the Tabernacle, and put the couering of that couering on hie aboue it, as the Lord had commanded Moses.
20 Wathatha izibhebhedu zobufakazi wazibeka emtshokotshweni wesivumelwano, wahloma imijabo kuwo wasefaka isihlalo somusa phezu kwawo.
And he tooke and put the Testimonie in the Arke, and put the barres in the ringes of the Arke, and set the Merciseate on hie vpon the Arke.
21 Wasengenisa umtshokotsho wobufakazi ethabanikeleni, waphanyeka ikhetheni lokusitha wawugubuzela, njengalokho okwakulaywe nguThixo.
He brought also the Arke into the Tabernacle, and hanged vp the couering vaile, and couered the Arke of the Testimonie, as the Lord had commanded Moses.
22 UMosi wasebeka itafula ethenteni lokuhlangana eceleni langenyakatho lethabanikeli ngaphandle kwekhetheni,
Furthermore he put the Table in the Tabernacle of the Congregation in the Northside of the Tabernacle, without the vaile,
23 wasebeka isinkwa phezu kwalo phambi kukaThixo njengokulaywa kwakhe nguThixo.
And set the bread in order before the Lord, as the Lord had commanded Moses.
24 Wabeka uluthi lwesibane ethenteni lokuhlangana lukhangele itafula eningizimu kwethabanikeli,
Also he put the Candlesticke in the Tabernacle of the Congregation, ouer against the Table toward ye Southside of the Tabernacle.
25 wasemisa izibane phambi kukaThixo, njengokulaywa kwakhe nguThixo.
And he lighted the lampes before the Lord, as the Lord had commanded Moses.
26 UMosi wabeka i-alithari legolide ethenteni lokuhlangana phambi kwekhetheni,
Moreouer he set the golden Altar in the Tabernacle of the Congregation before the vayle,
27 wasetshisela impepha phezu kwalo njengokulaywa kwakhe nguThixo.
And burnt sweete incense thereon, as the Lord had commanded Moses.
28 Waselengisa ikhetheni esangweni lethabanikeli.
Also he hanged vp the vayle at the doore of the Tabernacle.
29 Wamisa i-alithari lomnikelo wokutshiswa phansi kwesango lethabanikeli lethente lokuhlangana, wanikela phezu kwalo iminikelo yokutshiswa leminikelo yezilimo njengokulaywa kwakhe nguThixo.
After, he set the burnt offring Altar without the doore of the Tabernacle, called the Tabernacle of the Congregation, and offered the burnt offering and the sacrifice thereon, as the Lord had commanded Moses.
30 Wasebeka umkolo phakathi laphakathi kwethente lokuhlangana le-alithari wasethela amanzi okugeza phakathi kwawo,
Likewise he set the Lauer betweene the Tabernacle of the Congregation and the Altar, and powred water therein to wash with.
31 ngakho uMosi lo-Aroni kanye lamadodana akhe bawusebenzisa ukugeza izandla zabo kanye lezinyawo.
So Moses and Aaron, and his sonnes washed their handes and their feete thereat.
32 Babegeza ngasosonke isikhathi nxa bengena ethenteni lokuhlangana loba nxa besiya e-alithareni njengokulaywa kukaMosi nguThixo.
When they went into the Tabernacle of the Congregation, and when they approched to the Altar, they washed, as the Lord had commanded Moses.
33 Ngakho uMosi walungisa iguma elihonqolozele ithabanikeli le-alithari waselengisa ikhetheni esangweni leguma kwaba yikho ukuqeda kukaMosi umsebenzi.
Finally, he reared vp the court rounde about the Tabernacle and the Altar, and hanged vp the vaile at the court gate: so Moses finished the worke.
34 Emva kwalokho iyezi lasibekela ithente lokuhlangana, kwathi inkazimulo kaThixo yagcwala ithabanikeli.
Then the cloud couered the Tabernacle of the Congregation, and the glorie of the Lord filled the Tabernacle.
35 UMosi kenelisanga ukungena ethenteni lokuhlangana ngenxa yeyezi elalimi phezu kwalo, inkazimulo kaThixo yagcwala ethabanikeleni.
So Moses could not enter into the Tabernacle of the Congregation, because the cloude abode thereon, and the glorie of the Lord filled the Tabernacle.
36 Kulolonke uhambo lwabako-Israyeli, kwakusithi iyezi lingaphakama lisuka phezu kwethabanikeli, labo baqhubeke;
Nowe when the cloude ascended vp from the Tabernacle, the children of Israel went forward in all their iourneyes.
37 kodwa kuthi nxa iyezi lingaphakamanga, labo babengaqhubekeli phambili, kuze kube mhla liphakama.
But if the cloude ascended not, then they iourneyed not till the day that it ascended.
38 Ngokunjalo iyezi likaThixo lalisiba phezu kwethabanikeli emini, kuthi ebusuku kube lomlilo eyezini, bekubona bonke abako-Israyeli ekuhambeni kwabo konke.
For the cloude of the Lord was vpon the Tabernacle by day, and fire was in it by night in the sight of all the house of Israel, throughout all their iourneyes.

< U-Eksodusi 40 >