< U-Eksodusi 39 >

1 Benza izembatho zokwenza umsebenzi endaweni engcwele ngokuzeluka ngentambo eluhlaza, eyibubende lebomvu. Basebesenza isembatho sika-Aroni esingcwele, njengalokhu uThixo wayelaye uMosi.
Bezalel, Oholiab, and the other skilled workmen made the beautiful clothes for Aaron to wear while he did his work as a priest in the Holy Place. They made them from blue, purple, and red cloth, just as Yahweh had commanded Moses/me.
2 Benza isembatho semahlombe ngegolide, kanye lentambo eluhlaza, eyibubende lebomvu langelembu elicolekileyo.
They made the sacred apron from fine white linen and from blue, purple, and red cloth.
3 Bakhanda izicecedu zegolide bazisika zaba zincingo bazeluka ngentambo eluhlaza, eyibubende lebomvu, kanye lelembu elicolekileyo, kwaba ngumsebenzi womuntu oleminwe.
They hammered some thin sheets of gold and cut them into thin strips which they embroidered into the fine linen and into the blue, purple, and red cloth.
4 Benza iziqa zemahlombe esambathweni leso, ezathungelwa emaceleni womabili ukuze sibotshwe.
The apron had two shoulder straps, to join the front part to the back part at the shoulders.
5 Ukhalo lwaso olwelukwa ngobuciko lwalufanana laso, luyinto yinye lesembatho semahlombe, lwenziwe ngentambo eligolide, eluhlaza, eyibubende lebomvu, kanye lelembu eliphothwe kuhle, njengalokhu uThixo walaya uMosi.
A carefully-woven sash, which was made from the same materials as the sacred apron, was [sewn] onto the sacred apron. This was made exactly as Yahweh had commanded Moses/me.
6 Bathungela amatshe aligugu ohlobo lwe-onikisi ezicecisweni zegolide bawadwebela njengophawu elamabizo amadodana ka-Israyeli.
They cut two valuable onyx stones and enclosed them in a tiny gold frame, and a skilled gem-cutter engraved on the stones the names of the twelve sons of Jacob.
7 Basebewathungela eziqeni zemahlombe esembatho semahlombe njengamatshe esikhumbuzo samadodana ka-Israyeli, njengalokhu uThixo walaya uMosi.
They fastened the stones to the shoulder straps of the sacred apron, to represent the twelve Israeli tribes, exactly as Yahweh had commanded Moses/me.
8 Benza isembatho sesifubeni, kwaba ngumsebenzi wezingcwethi. Basenza njengesembatho semahlombe: ngegolide, ngentambo eluhlaza, eyibubende lebomvu, kanye lelembu eliphothwe kuhle.
They made the sacred chest pouch. They made it of the same materials as the sacred apron and embroidered it in the same way.
9 Sasilingana inxa zonke, singumunwe ubude lomunwe ububanzi, sigoqwe saphindwa kabili.
It was square, and the material was folded double, so that it was (9 in./22 cm.) long and (9 in./22 cm.) wide.
10 Basebethungela imizila emine yamatshe aligugu. Emzileni wakuqala kwakulerubhi, ithophazi kanye lebheriyeli;
They fastened four rows of valuable stones onto the pouch. In the first row, they put a [red] ruby, a [yellow] topaz, and a [red] garnet.
11 emzileni wesibili kwakule-emeralidi, isafaya kanye ledayimana;
In the second row, they put a [green] emerald, a [blue] sapphire, and a [clear/white] diamond.
12 emzileni wesithathu kwakulejasinti, i-agathi kanye le-amethisi;
In the third row they put a [red] jacinth, a [white] agate, and a [purple] amethyst.
13 emzileni wesine kwakulekhrisolathi, i-onikisi kanye lejaspa. Athungelwa esezicecisweni zegolide.
In the fourth row, they put a [yellow] beryl, a [red] carnelian, and a [green] jasper. They set each of the stones in tiny gold frames.
14 Kwakulamatshe alitshumi lambili, lilinye limele ibizo ngalinye lamadodana ka-Israyeli, linye ngalinye lilotshwe njengokudweba kombazi wamatshe, kungani luphawu, ngalinye lilotshwe ibizo lezizwana zako-Israyeli ezilitshumi lambili.
On each of the twelve stones they engraved the name of one of the sons of Jacob, to represent one of the twelve Israeli tribes.
15 Isembatho sesifubeni selukelwa amaketane ngegolide elicolekileyo kungani ligoda.
They made two [chains] from pure gold and braided them like cords, to [attach] the sacred pouch [to the sacred apron].
16 Benza iziceciso zegolide ezimbili, kanye lamasongo amabili egolide, basebebophela amasongo amabili emagumbini esembatho sesifubeni.
They made two gold rings, and they attached them to the upper corners of the sacred pouch.
17 Babophela amaketane amabili egolide emasongweni amabili asemagumbini esembatho sesifubeni,
They fastened one end of each cord to one of the rings.
18 kwathi ngapha acina khona bawabophela ezicecisweni ezimbili, bawahlanganisa eziqeni zemahlombe phambi kwesembatho semahlombe.
They fastened the other end of each cord to the two (settings/tiny frames) [that enclosed the stones]. Then they attached the sacred pouch to the shoulder straps of the sacred apron.
19 Benza amasongo amabili egolide bawabophela kwamanye amagumbi amabili esembatho sesifubeni ngaphakathi komphetho phansi kwesembatho semahlombe.
Then they made two more gold rings and attached them to the lower corners of the sacred pouch, on the inside edges, next to the sacred apron.
20 Baphinda benza njalo amanye amasongo egolide amabili bawabophela ngaphansi kweziqa zemahlombe, eduze komphetho ngaphezudlwana kwebhanti lasokhalweni lwesembatho semahlombe
They made two more gold rings and attached them to the lower part of the front of the shoulder straps, near to where [the shoulder straps] were joined [to the sacred apron], just above the carefully-woven sash/waistband.
21 Babophela amasongo esembatho sesifubeni emasongweni esembatho semahlombe ngentambo eziluhlaza, kuhlanganiselwa okhalweni ukuze isembatho sesifubeni singazunguzeki sehlukane lesembatho semahlombe njengalokhu uThixo walaya uMosi.
They tied the rings on the sacred pouch to the rings on the sacred apron with a blue cord, so that the sacred pouch was above the sash/waistband and would not come loose from the sacred apron.
22 Benza isigqoko sesembatho semahlombe ngelembu eliluhlaza kuphela kungumsebenzi womeluki,
They made the robe that is to be worn underneath the priest’s sacred apron, using only blue [cloth].
23 kulesikhala phakathi laphakathi kwesigqoko njengokuvuleka kwamabheqe; kulomphetho olandeliselwe isikhala lesi ukuze isembatho singadabuki.
It had an opening through which [the priest] would put his head. They sewed a border around this opening, to prevent the material from tearing.
24 Benza emphethweni wesigqoko amaphomegranathi ngentambo eluhlaza, eyibubende lebomvu, kanye lelembu eliphothwe kuhle.
At the lower edge on the robe, they fastened [decorations that resembled] pomegranate fruit. The decorations were [woven from] blue, purple, and red yarn/thread.
25 Benza amabhera ngegolide elicolekileyo bawathungela emphethweni wesigqoko phakathi laphakathi kwamaphomegranathi.
Between each of these decorations, they fastened a tiny bell made from pure gold, so there was a bell and a pomegranate, a bell and a pomegranate, alternating all around the hem of the robe
26 Amabhera kanye lamaphomegranathi athungelwa agatshaniswa emphethweni wesembatho esasizagqokwa ekwenzeni umsebenzi wenkonzo, njengalokhu uThixo walaya uMosi.
for [Aaron to wear while] he did his work as a priest. They made all these things exactly as Yahweh had commanded Moses/me.
27 U-Aroni kanye lamadodana akhe bathungelwa amabhatshi ngelembu elicolekileyo, kungumsebenzi womeluki uqobo lwakhe,
They wove long-sleeved tunics/gowns from fine white linen, for Aaron and his sons.
28 kanye lamaqhiye elembu elicolekileyo, kanye lezembatho zangaphakathi zelembu elicolekileyo.
They also made a turban of fine linen [for Aaron to wear around his head]. They made the caps and the undershorts [for Aaron’s sons] from fine linen.
29 Ibhanti lekhalweni lathungwa ngelembu elicolekileyo kanye lentambo eluhlaza, eyibubende lebomvu, kwaba ngumsebenzi wombalazi ngokuthunga, njengalokhu uThixo walaya uMosi.
They made the embroidered sash/waistband [for Aaron] from fine linen and from blue, purple, and red cloth, and they embroidered designs on it using blue, purple, and red yarn/thread, exactly as Yahweh had commanded Moses/me.
30 Benza icence lomqhele ongcwele ngegolide elicolekileyo bawudwebela khona njengombhalo wophawu othi: Ubungcwele kabube kuThixo.
They also made the tiny ornament of pure gold and had a skilled workman engrave on it the words, ‘Dedicated to Yahweh’.
31 Basebebophela intambo eluhlaza ukuze bakuhlanganise leqhiye, njengalokhu uThixo walaya uMosi.
They fastened this to the front of the turban by a blue cord, just as Yahweh had commanded Moses/me.
32 Ngakho-ke wonke umsebenzi wethabanikeli lethente lokuhlangana wapheleliswa. Abako-Israyeli benza konke njengalokhu uThixo walaya uMosi.
Finally they finished all the work to make the Sacred Tent. They brought to Moses/me all the things that they had made. They had made them exactly as Yahweh had commanded me.
33 Basebeletha ithabanikeli kuMosi: ithente kanye lazozonke impahla zalo, ingwegwe, amathala, imithando, izinsika lezisekelo;
They brought to him/me the Sacred Tent and all the things that were used with it: the hooks, the frames, the crossbars, the posts and their bases,
34 isembeso esenziwe ngezikhumba zenqama eziphendulwe ngomphendulo obomvu, isembeso sezikhumba eziqinileyo kanye lekhetheni eliphothiweyo;
the coverings for the Sacred Tent that were made of tanned/dyed rams’ skins and goatskins, the curtains,
35 umtshokotsho wobufakazi lemijabo yawo eyizibambo zawo kanye lesihlalo somusa;
the sacred chest that contained the stone slabs [on which the commandments were written], the poles, the lid for the chest,
36 itafula lezitsha zalo zonke kanye lesinkwa esiNgcwele;
the table with all the things that were used with it, the sacred bread [that was offered] to God,
37 uluthi lwesibane lwegolide elicolekileyo lodwendwe lwezibane lazozonke izinto ezisetshenziswa kulo, kanye lamafutha e-oliva okukhanyisa;
the lampstand made of pure gold and all its lamps and all the things that were to be used to take care of it, the oil for the lamps,
38 i-alithari legolide, amafutha okugcoba abakhethiweyo, impepha elephunga elimnandi, kanye lekhetheni lesango lethente;
the golden altar [for burning incense], the oil for anointing, the sweet-smelling incense, the curtain for the entrance to the Sacred Tent,
39 i-alithari lethusi leminxibo yalo yethusi, izigodo zalo eziyizibambo lezitsha zalo zonke; umkolo lezinyawo zawo; amakhetheni eguma lezinsika zawo kanye lezisekelo,
the bronze altar [for burning sacrifices] and its bronze grating, the poles [for carrying] it, and all the other things that were used with it, the washbasin and its base,
40 lekhetheni lesango leguma; amagoda lezikhonkwane zethente leguma; zonke impahla zethabanikeli, ithente lokuhlangana;
the curtains [that surrounded] the courtyard, the posts and bases that supported them, the curtain for the entrance to the courtyard and its ropes, the tent pegs, and all the other things that would be used in the Sacred Tent,
41 izembatho ezelukiweyo zokusetshenziswa emsebenzini wokukhonza endaweni engcwele, kuhlanganisa izembatho ezingcwele zika-Aroni lezamadodana akhe ababezazigqoka nxa besenza umsebenzi wobuphristi.
the beautiful sacred clothes for Aaron to wear when he did his work in the Holy Place, and the special clothes for his sons to wear as they did their work as priests.
42 Abako-Israyeli basebenza wonke umsebenzi njengokulaywa kukaMosi nguThixo.
The Israeli people had done all this work exactly as Yahweh had commanded Moses/me.
43 UMosi wawuhlola umsebenzi wabona ukuthi wawenziwe njengokulaya kukaThixo. Ngakho uMosi wababusisa.
Then Moses/I saw all the work that they had done. Truly, they had done everything exactly as Yahweh had commanded [that it should be done]. Then Moses/I [asked God to] bless them.

< U-Eksodusi 39 >